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Where have all the leaders gone

IMO, the only way anyone from the Cheney admin has a chance of winning the election is if they resign in protest of his policies in the ME. Rice is happily on the Cheney band wagon and will not be able to shed that history. She is a supporter of failed ME policy. That and she is a black woman so she has not got a prayer.
IMO, the only way anyone from the Cheney admin has a chance of winning the election is if they resign in protest of his policies in the ME. Rice is happily on the Cheney band wagon and will not be able to shed that history. She is a supporter of failed ME policy. That and she is a black woman so she has not got a prayer.
Anybody related to the (hairy)Bush administration doesn't have a chance. I dread the Hilliary factor, but at least in Clinton we know what we can expect. The 1st US President giving a BlowJob instead of receiving. :up: :lol:
IMO, the only way anyone from the Cheney admin has a chance of winning the election is if they resign in protest of his policies in the ME. Rice is happily on the Cheney band wagon and will not be able to shed that history. She is a supporter of failed ME policy. That and she is a black woman so she has not got a prayer.

Considering the alternatives, If Dr. Rice would show some "individual" tenacity, she would be our next Prez. She is articulate, and her resolve is defined.
The rest of the 'tough talking tommies' do not register or vote.

Considering the alternatives, If Dr. Rice would show some "individual" tenacity, she would be our next Prez. She is articulate, and her resolve is defined.
The rest of the 'tough talking tommies' do not register or vote.


I gotta agree on this one, although I've heard her referred to as an 'aunt jemima'.

singer and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte said that the price of admittance for blacks to the Bush White House was subservience.
I won't vote for Hillary because quite honestly, I don't want to see her assasinated. And the vitriol from the right concerning her from 1992 until 2000 will make some unbalanced wingnut feel he is doing the country a favor by taking her out.

That's not a very good reason not to vote for someone. I think the reasons I listed are good enough.
I base that on an American Spectator ad I heard on Rush Limbaugh during the Clinton years. In it, the announcer sounded as if he was SPITTING her name thru clenched teeth...it had the sound of pure hatred behind it. And some folks who listen to Rush and read the American Spectator don't have the brains to say much more than "megadittos" and consider liberals as agents of the devil himself. And that is NOT a blanket condemnation of conservatives...just that those that are so far out on one wing of beliefs that a less educated person who cannot really think for themself might get the impression that taking out this evil woman would be a good thing. Molly Ivans didn't like Bush, but she never spewed hatred of him as many right leaning publications and mouthpieces have spewed about Hillary.

Just read message boards....how many times have you seen her referred to as "Hitlery"? What race has she wanted to wipe from the face of the earth? What has she done that is anything CLOSE to what Hitler did? But she has a group of uneducated whackos calling her "Hitlery". Don't you think if someone felt they were taking out "Hitlery, they would be doing the world a favor???
I never cared for the Biitch...after Bill became Prez...she started of with all this bullsheeyut ideas and closed door health meetings until she alienated most Americans and then she silently slid into the backround.She thought 'they' were elected.....
Not only will Hillary win the Primary(AND a DEM primary win = a Presidential win..thanks to the damage that "you know who" + Big DICK are doing, AND have 20 MORE months of "DOING" to the GOP),....But she'll(Hillary) win BIG, and SOON !!

The fact that the other states are moving their primarys "up" to our(my) lil' ol' New Hampshire primary, means by 2/05/08, we will all know the "combatants"
(And as I mentioned before, that will give the lil' TURD/smirking CHIMP 11 MORE months to "DIG" an even DEEPER hole, for the G.rand O.ld P.arty to have to DIG them selves out of.

Ever wonder why "NEWT", who's got "good shelf life left", has'nt jumped in ?
It's simple.

"HE" realizes how much damage "W" has/is still doing to the party, and realizes that minus the "second coming of Reagan", that the Republicans are DOA in nov/08.

So, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTOM OF MY HEART...."CHIMPO + Big DICK"........Thank you Rush LIMBO......Thank you SEAN Hannity.

Just promise me , that ALL of you will...."keep on DIGGIN'


(First phone call made from oval office, on 1/20/09)

(President Clinton);

"Thanks for returning my call Mr. (Exxon/Mobil) chairman. I noticed you made the LARGEST profit EVER, in the companys HISTORY.
Well I've got an offer(you can't refuse), for you. I need gas back down to $2 a gallon. What's that you say ? You won't do it ? :angry:
Well I'm sorry to hear that !
Yes, Yes you heard me correctly, that the TAX BREAKS are HISTORY !!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock:

What's that you say ? You can bring it down to $2.05 ?
OK, that will do FOR NOW" !!!!!!!!! 😉

Hillary/Barack.....08 :up: :up: :up:
Ever wonder why "NEWT", who's got "good shelf life left", has'nt jumped in ?
It's simple.

"HE" realizes how much damage "W" has/is still doing to the party, and realizes that minus the "second coming of Reagan", that the Republicans are DOA in nov/08.


But Gingrich took time to assess the field of declared candidates and said he wasn't happy with the current contenders, comparing them to contestants on "American Idol."

Don't count Fred out

But Gingrich took time to assess the field of declared candidates and said he wasn't happy with the current contenders, comparing them to contestants on "American Idol."

Don't count Fred out

I've got to agree with you on Fred Thompson !!
I think he's a GOOD and HONEST/UNPRETENTIOUS Man !!
While I disagree with a lot of his politics, I think he could work(as a centrist) on a number of things with a democratic controlled congress.

For what it's worth, I.. could sleep fairly well at night, should FRED become prez., and not VOMIT, every time he comes onto a TV screen.

As for (the) NEWT......"Bring the #### ON" !!!

Back to Fred for a moment.
One thing that "could" hurt him is christian conservatism OVERKILL !!!!!!!!

If he's wise, he'll be mindfull of that.

(First phone call made from oval office, on 1/20/09)

(President Clinton);

"Thanks for returning my call Mr. (Exxon/Mobil) chairman. I noticed you made the LARGEST profit EVER, in the companys HISTORY.
Well I've got an offer(you can't refuse), for you. I need gas back down to $2 a gallon. What's that you say ? You won't do it ? :angry:
Well I'm sorry to hear that !
Yes, Yes you heard me correctly, that the TAX BREAKS are HISTORY !!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock:

What's that you say ? You can bring it down to $2.05 ?
OK, that will do FOR NOW" !!!!!!!!! 😉
Hillary/Barack.....08 :up: :up: :up:

I hope you are just saying that to get a reaction out of people. Becasue quite frankly it would be simplistic and naive to beleive that something like this would actually happen.
I hope you are just saying that to get a reaction out of people. Becasue quite frankly it would be simplistic and naive to beleive that something like this would actually happen.

NO...they really believe the dems. care about the little man. :lol:

Go google the 'Clintons' financial dealings, you will find where their true interest reside. 😉
I hope you are just saying that to get a reaction out of people. Becasue quite frankly it would be simplistic and naive to beleive that something like this would actually happen.
If you check,Lyndon Johnson actually did this with milk price fixing for support 'back in the day'.