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Obama on Leno

While I agree that AIG is a train wreck, did you happen to hear what he said at a town hall the other night? I'm (poorly) paraphrasing, but he basically said that both sides needed to stop finger pointing in order to move forward, and that if they needed someone to blame to do so, then they could blame him.

I know your response will be "he *is* to blame," so save the bandwidth. What I think is interesting is his response; when did you ever hear Bush say something like that?
If your talking about finger pointing, Obama is the clear winner. It funny he takes that stance when the whole AIG scheme was exposed as the administrations fault. Thats great that he takes that stance, let see how long it lasts. So far whenever they been backed into a corner their standard response has been "well we inherited this problem" blah blah blah. :down:

Obama's New Tack: Blaming Bush
Obama on Leno:

And that, I think, speaks to a broader culture that existed on Wall Street, where I think people just had this general attitude of entitlement, where, we must be the best and the brightest, we deserve $10 million or $50 million or $100 million dollar payouts --

Entitlement? Thats rich, after Obama passed (and continues to pass) some of the biggest entitlement programs since the dawn of time.
More horse dung from the big O on Leno

"And what we need is steady growth; we need young people, instead of -- a smart kid coming out of school, instead of wanting to be an investment banker, we need them to decide they want to be an engineer, they want to be a scientist, they want to be a doctor or a teacher."

Since when is it govt role to tell you what career you should choose? A lot of the banking community contributed tons of cash to Obama election, including AIG! Without the banking community those other industries wouldn't be where they are today. What an idiot! :down:
I think Heir Obama watched "The City of Embers" too many times.
Once of age , you are "ASSIGNED" a job !

Since when is it govt role to tell you what career you should choose? A lot of the banking community contributed tons of cash to Obama election, including AIG! Without the banking community those other industries wouldn't be where they are today. What an idiot! :down:

While I agree with you (!) that it's not the government's place to tell people what career path to take, I do think he has a valid point (albeit phrased way wrong). The truth of the matter is we as a society NEED people to think about career tracks in fields like civil engineering/skilled trades/etc. and these fields need to pay enough to make them attractive options.
While I agree with you (!) that it's not the government's place to tell people what career path to take, I do think he has a valid point (albeit phrased way wrong). The truth of the matter is we as a society NEED people to think about career tracks in fields like civil engineering/skilled trades/etc. and these fields need to pay enough to make them attractive options.
Thats a good point, but how would that affect the cost of services the consumer has to pay? Its always great when people are paid more, but it also has the affect of higher costs passed onto the shoulders of the consumer. We are a society of "I want to be paid the most" at the same time "I want the cheapest of everything". Make sense? How should that be reconciled? Maybe the good thing about this whole economic downturn is the return to common sense savings and frugality.
Thats a good point, but how would that affect the cost of services the consumer has to pay? Its always great when people are paid more, but it also has the affect of higher costs passed onto the shoulders of the consumer.

I happen to believe that wages drive an economy.

We are a society of "I want to be paid the most" at the same time "I want the cheapest of everything". Make sense?

Yes it does. It's a systemic problem, that I don't have an easy answer for. I for one, am willing to pay more for high quality goods/services-especially if it means supporting a local business- but realize that I'm the exception, and not the rule...

How should that be reconciled? Maybe the good thing about this whole economic downturn is the return to common sense savings and frugality.

You mean not buying things 'til they can pay cash? Living within their means? The horror! :lol:
I do not like the idea of any head of state, or potential head of state going on a talk show. I did not like it when Clinton was on playing the sax. I did not like McCain on the Letterman show ...etc. It is unprofessional, and IMO unseemly. They are heads of state and civil servants not celebrities and it's about time we start treating them as such.

Exactly... these world leaders dont need to show everyone they are funny.. had he never went on that show in the first place.. he wouldn't have made that comment that offended all those people..

that is tragic!

that is exactly why he shouldnt (or any world leader attempt to show how funny they are on a talk show)..not only would this thread possibly not exist that photo including Hillary(not flattering..) absolutely wouldnt either...(well at least not in the immediate future, the way things are shaping up it appears this will be ongoing)..

no more talk shows please!