ah lilly , sweet innocent lilly ....
todays economy is nothing like the economy of the 1930's ....hope and good wishes will not change the facts and just because the economy has always bounced back doesn't mean it always will ... (some say the sun always rises , but if the sun goes super nova it won't rise anymore )
there was a very good article in yesterdays WSJ on the depression , if you get a chance ,see if you can get mondays copy and read it ..
Did i ever share my titantic example with any of you ?
let's say i travled back in time and i was on the titantic in the bar , and i knew that in one hour the ship would get hit by an ice berg and then sink ...
let's say that at that time they had paper checks , and my account had ZERO funds in it ... knowing that the ship was going to sink , would i really be all that wrong to write a check and buy everyone at the bar a round of drinks? i mean , really what does it matter ,the ship is going down anyways ..
on the subject of credit card defaults , you should know that i watch the issue very closely , charge off's are going to be a very strong indicator as to the TRUE state of the U.S economy ... as more and more people go " $%^# IT" when it comes time to pay their credit card bills we will get a feel for what's going on ... right now the major corporations expect a charge off rate of 10% , but i recently talked to someone who deals with the charge off situation and he told me that 10% is WAY to low , and he personally expects a rate of 25% ...i beleive him ..
Right now in india they are having a HUGE problem with the charge off rate , we're talking 50% here .....
So when i tell you that you should max out and then default on your credit cards , i'm not telling you that as someone who lacks knlowlege but rather as someone who posses it ... you can chose the honorable path , but if your lower class , all you are doing is depriving yourself of necessary funds etc ...