What's With AWA F/A's writting people up?

[quote name='PO'ed PHX Ramper' post='535315' date='Oct 16 2007, 11:04 PM']WTF is this dialogue? Liberachi?[/quote]
It's Cher you tick turd!!!

Yours Truly,
GWM East F/A

BTW before you disrespect another 31 year employee by saying that it was "never" a career maybe you should take your 21 year old short sighted butt over to the library and do some research on the likes of Pan Am, Eastern, TWA, Braniff, United, Continental, American, and most importantly USAir/AL/PI. At 18 I started working on the ramp for TWA then on to the gate and eventually became a Flight Attendant when I was old enough. This was 14 years ago when YOU were still yelling for your parents to wipe your butt. Up until a few years ago this was an industry where you had to prove yourself to be able to even get noticed for an interview and we enjoyed a decent quality of life, good pay, pensions and were known for a reputation of taking care of each other. As evidenced by your childish run at the mouth you lack every quality that it takes to be a part of this industry and could "allegedly" be a reason that you were sent outside to interact with the luggage.
Taxi Taxi give me a ride I'm gonna take you to the other side ----- Taxi Taxi turn off your lights, Im gonna RIDE with you all night.----HHHOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!
I love that song too. :up: Thanks for making my nite! ;)
While I like the west flight attendants as a whole (coming from the position of a gate agent), many of them do have a "better than you im going to stall and ####" attitude... Having worked after migration in CLT for three months, Id have to say the east crews as a whole are much more friendly and easy to get along with... not sure why this is...

I like lots of the west crews though so don't get me wrong! Just speaking in generalizations.
Having been both gate agent/supv and currently a flight attendant, I do understand the pressure the gate agents are under to get the flights out on time. But, I have to say I have never, ever seen a west flight attendant say no to early boarding if the flight is full, nearly full or if there are several special pax to be boarded. We do have a bit of a problem with boarding 35-40 mins before departure time when we are only 75% full. We do have a problem boarding early when there is no apu running, no ground air and it's 100 degrees on the a/c and no pilots in sight. Why would anyone want to board a hot airplane if the pilots are late arriving and we are going to leave 30 mins late? If for no other reason that it is unhealthy to sit on a hot a/c...we routinely ask the gate agents if they know where the pilots are and when they are arriving. And we routinely get our heads bit off for asking. I have actually been told it's none of my business, that I don't need to know when the pilots are arriving. And, last but not least, we very often have 10-12 hour duty days with no time to sit down and eat between flights. Five legs with 30-45 ground time happens all too often. The West f/a group had an arrangement with the company that if we agreed to boarding 5 mins early on a full flight we would no longer have a 5 leg days. Guess what....the 5 leg days are still here. So while you are complaining about us sitting on our butts instead of wanting to board 5-10 minutes early, please realize when you are doing 5 legs, PHX-LAS or PHX-LAX or any short hauls....this may be the only time we may have to sit and breath and scarf down our pb&j sandwich.
For the most part, I really like the gate agents in PHX. Most of them are very nice, polite and I would do anything to help them out. But there are a few who are pushy and rude and seem to think they run the show. I think that might be the case with the PHX Ramper guy who started this whole argument. A few f/a's have been rude and now we are all categorized this way.
We are a team...gate agents/rampers/f/a's/pilots/mx/everyone.....east/west....no one is any better than anyone else.
That is usually the only issue (on the east) with agents. The agents want to board early if the flights are full or have a lot of customers with wheelchairs that will need extra time. Well, I did 38 flights last month. Boarding is 30/35/45 minutes prior to departure depending on the type of aircraft. That's a lot of work to do and remember, we are not getting paid to board. So, boarding early all month long is just more free labor for us. We want to help out the agents, but have to draw the line somewhere.
As for writing up people..
Joesph McCarthy is dead and so is the 50's style of communistic "your neighbor is a spy" bullsh!t. On the east, the most junior person on the property is from mid 2000. There are no new hires here. And for the most junior, they had to put up with how many furlough notices, getting furloughed, flying MidTitantic, back on furlough, now back at mainline. Then their pay is based on active time spent so, screwed agian. Reserve is going to 1996 in PHL for November.
My point is, don't sweat the small stuff. There are bigger concerns than to worry if Peggy used blue shoe polish on her black shoes or Floyd gave out a whole mini.
As a mobster who was on my flight said (as he was being escorted to prison) " You only live once and this ain't no rehearsal!" :up: :up:
We do have a bit of a problem with boarding 35-40 mins before departure time when we are only 75% full. We do have a problem boarding early when there is no apu running, no ground air and it's 100 degrees on the a/c and no pilots in sight.

sky high states: Simply state, that's a CONTRACT VIOLATION!!!!!!

ONLY Stating opinions
sky high states: Simply state, that's a CONTRACT VIOLATION!!!!!!

ONLY Stating opinions
Our wonderful Union on the West agreed to this rule of 35 minutes and 40 on the 57 with the company, as long as we wouldn't be subject to 5 leg days. We still have 5 leg days and are required to still board early on full flights. I believe this is in another tidious grievance, what is not??!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Having been both gate agent/supv and currently a flight attendant, I do understand the pressure the gate agents are under to get the flights out on time. But, I have to say I have never, ever seen a west flight attendant say no to early boarding if the flight is full, nearly full or if there are several special pax to be boarded. We do have a bit of a problem with boarding 35-40 mins before departure time when we are only 75% full. We do have a problem boarding early when there is no apu running, no ground air and it's 100 degrees on the a/c and no pilots in sight. Why would anyone want to board a hot airplane if the pilots are late arriving and we are going to leave 30 mins late? If for no other reason that it is unhealthy to sit on a hot a/c...we routinely ask the gate agents if they know where the pilots are and when they are arriving. And we routinely get our heads bit off for asking. I have actually been told it's none of my business, that I don't need to know when the pilots are arriving. And, last but not least, we very often have 10-12 hour duty days with no time to sit down and eat between flights. Five legs with 30-45 ground time happens all too often. The West f/a group had an arrangement with the company that if we agreed to boarding 5 mins early on a full flight we would no longer have a 5 leg days. Guess what....the 5 leg days are still here. So while you are complaining about us sitting on our butts instead of wanting to board 5-10 minutes early, please realize when you are doing 5 legs, PHX-LAS or PHX-LAX or any short hauls....this may be the only time we may have to sit and breath and scarf down our pb&j sandwich.
For the most part, I really like the gate agents in PHX. Most of them are very nice, polite and I would do anything to help them out. But there are a few who are pushy and rude and seem to think they run the show. I think that might be the case with the PHX Ramper guy who started this whole argument. A few f/a's have been rude and now we are all categorized this way.
We are a team...gate agents/rampers/f/a's/pilots/mx/everyone.....east/west....no one is any better than anyone else.
Can someone explain this to me please...I'm a paper pusher, button puncher, desk jockey(whatever you want to call me)and I've never worked as an FA or gate agent. Why wouldn't the FA's know when the pilots are arriving, my logic seems you're part of the flight crew so you have just as much right to know when the pilot is showing up as the gate agent does.
Also, could you please explain the comment flygirl74 made "Well, I did 38 flights last month. Boarding is 30/35/45 minutes prior to departure depending on the type of aircraft. That's a lot of work to do and remember, we are not getting paid to board." You're there and you're working, so why wouldn't you be getting paid? I don't understatnd?
And you know what I've experienced rude people everywhere, East and West on NW AA and UA, and not even on airlines. So, why does everybody keep trying to label it an EAST V.S. WEST thing, rude people are everywhere.
Can someone explain this to me please...I'm a paper pusher, button puncher, desk jockey(whatever you want to call me)and I've never worked as an FA or gate agent. Why wouldn't the FA's know when the pilots are arriving, my logic seems you're part of the flight crew so you have just as much right to know when the pilot is showing up as the gate agent does.
Also, could you please explain the comment flygirl74 made "Well, I did 38 flights last month. Boarding is 30/35/45 minutes prior to departure depending on the type of aircraft. That's a lot of work to do and remember, we are not getting paid to board." You're there and you're working, so why wouldn't you be getting paid? I don't understatnd?
And you know what I've experienced rude people everywhere, East and West on NW AA and UA, and not even on airlines. So, why does everybody keep trying to label it an EAST V.S. WEST thing, rude people are everywhere.

We do not get paid, because in the airline industry "block to block pay" Meaning, between closing and opening the aircraft door. Hence, boarding is free even though it is pretty important aspect of our work.
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Can someone explain this to me please...I'm a paper pusher, button puncher, desk jockey(whatever you want to call me)and I've never worked as an FA or gate agent. Why wouldn't the FA's know when the pilots are arriving, my logic seems you're part of the flight crew so you have just as much right to know when the pilot is showing up as the gate agent does.
Also, could you please explain the comment flygirl74 made "Well, I did 38 flights last month. Boarding is 30/35/45 minutes prior to departure depending on the type of aircraft. That's a lot of work to do and remember, we are not getting paid to board." You're there and you're working, so why wouldn't you be getting paid? I don't understatnd?
And you know what I've experienced rude people everywhere, East and West on NW AA and UA, and not even on airlines. So, why does everybody keep trying to label it an EAST V.S. WEST thing, rude people are everywhere.

There is a lot we are not getting paid for. And like you, the general public, doesn't know or understand this. That's okay. Our flight pay doesn't start until the door is closed on the aircraft. So all the time we spend briefing, checking emergency equipment, boarding passengers, checking bags etc., we're not getting paid. The same can be said in reverse. We don't get paid for deplaning, cleaning the aircraft, assisting with wheelchair pax. the list goes on and on. The company is getting more than thier money's worth out of the f/a's.

And yes, rude people are everywhere. It seems to be a national pasttime.
The airlines also use this information to fool the public, especially during contract negotiations.

Let's take FA's. Let's say, for argument purposes, that the average FA line is built to 80 hours a month. Those 80 hours are block-to-block hours, not from the time a FA goes on duty until they go off duty. The actual on duty time, on average, is twice that amount. Now, let's say it's contract time and the FA's are making noise about a strike. The company shills, I mean PR department, will inevitably make sure it get's into print that those FA's only work 80 hours a month. The average America equates that with their definition of what a working "hour" is comprised of and decides that the FA's are basically overpaid part-time workers and the shills then win points with the public because they work 160+ hours a month.

Get the idea?

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