management writting people up in phx

Wow...some things have not changed since I worked for American back in the Eighties! You're right about that one...attendance was monitored with an iron fist...even back then! The only exceptions I could find were the fact that we didn't have the luxury of FMLA back in the day. Online training prior to EPTs (do they still call recurrent EPTs?) was a workbook if I recall correctly.

Yes, it is still called EPTs (Emergency Procedures Training, for the uninitiated). I count myself lucky that at least they don't write you up anymore for talking on the phone (or eating) while standing. If that is puzzling to some of you younger folk...Back in the 50's a young lady of good breeding would never stand or walk while smoking (which was acceptable then), holding a cocktail, eating, or talking on the phone. Technically, it is still the rule at AA.
You guys at LCC have it easy! (To paraphrase President Clinton, Define easy. :lol: ) For AA f/as, 2 absences of any kind (sick, PO--personal other (like when my house burned down)) in a rolling 12 month period progresses you to "Coaching and Counseling", a 3rd absence gets you First Written Warning, the next absence gets Second Written Warning, next absence (5th in 12 months) puts you in Pre-Termination status!

If a single sick call occurrence is more than 3 days, you can convert it to FMLA and it is not a chargeable occurrence (i.e., will not progress you to the next level), but the time is still deducted from your sick bank. This is the company's way to burn your sick leave and your FMLA time at the same time.

We also are not paid for recurrent or the on-line "training" we have to do prior to attending recurrent. I think they get away with that because it is "FAA-required." It's not the company making you attend, it's the government. :lol:
SO does ONE absense mean a WHOLE trip/pairing? Our sick days are one day of a trip, not the whole pairing. What if you have a doctor's note to cover the absense, can they still write you up?? :huh:

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