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Article 12 of TWU local 567 bylaws has the provision for removal (recall) of local officers by direct membership vote. This bylaw was approved by the membership 2-28-2004 and approved by the TWU International 3-8-2004.
At the 2001 TWU convention, resolution 2 removal of officers:
Delegate Downs (local 100) asked for clarificiation from the chairman Bland
"is it the position that any local that wishes to place a right to recall in its bylaws is free to do so?
Chair Bland: "that is correct"
Delegate Robert Gless (Local 562) "we speak again about placing this back in, not only recalling our local officers but placing recall an accountability of our international staff. We are asking the body to put back the democratic process to allow the members to step up, all of us, and to hold us accountable, including ourselves.
President Sonny Hall: " the only change which the constitution did not allow was locals to be able to develop their own recall procedure. At that time, we did not find it wrong and we do not find it wrong now. That should be up to the locals"
Roger Tauss (International Vice President) "I sat in the Executive Board meetings when we discussed this particular resolution. We rejected the first part of the locals because we said. That is a local matter. They can put that in their bylaws"
I wonder if International Representative Robert Gless still feels the same way?
Indeed that covers "recall" of Officers.
I am sure that the reference I commented about Local 514 calling motion out-of-order was to run-off elections of local officers and electing by majority. I know we have also discussed recall, but reading the thread, I was sure the comment Bob made was about elections not recall. If I am wrong about this, please forgive me.
The Consitution clearly states plurity voting of Local Elections.
Do have any information that shows a Local has majority voting of Local Officers or a run-off procedure for Local Officer elections?