I believe that only one person ran against you, so what?
Actually it was two, Herby Kreuz and Pete Trapani.
Yeah, I could vote at the joint meeting. But you also had "officers" meetings from time to time. Point is, you NEVER spoke up about any of the changes that you hold so dearly now.
Like I said it wasnt an issue because information was put out.
I tried to be positive when I started writting this post, and I have always given you credit for what you have done, but your negative comments against my accomplishments speak volumes of your insecurity.
Really. I seem to recall you recently saying I didnt do anything.
Why dont you want others to know about what this local has done? Are you afraid that it will somhow diminish your position?
Please tell us. Tell us how JLT and PLI have given us such leverage at the bargaining table that the company offered us two bonuses in exchange for more concessions.
I have no problem with you telling everyone what the local has done. I didnt say you did a bad job at getting people their jobs back, I just said they werent victories because the members werent made whole. The process is flawed. Back in 1998 the company was threatening to discipline several workers who were filmed sleeping, the arbitration process did not prevent it, the guys did. When the company does something unfair dont go around telling the guys to lay low in the hopes that management will be mercifull, let them do what they want. If the company wants to work to rule let the guys do it.
Sure handling grievances is important but its not enough the Local needs to reach out to the members, not just sit back and see who comes to them.
Being administrators is not enough, we need leadership. Leadership is not defined as following the directives of the Internatioanl without question. The last union meeting I went to, months past the amendable date, there was 4 people there. Doesnt that say anything to you? This local isnt reaching the membership. This local wont try new things. It keeps information under wraps. No, the members dont care to know when Iuliano wipes his butt but they do want to know if the company wants to close 20 stations and put mechanic helpers on the line. If the company drags out Bulletin Boards for three weeks they should hear about it. How does keeping the members out of the process and in the dark help us get better contracts? Its unreasonable to expect them to trust the Local and react when told to when the Local doesnt give them information. Placing an X next to an article indicating that there is a TA on that article tells us nothing.
When is the last time this local put out a newsletter? They have everyones E-mail address, how hard would it be for the Local to send out at least one message a month? I get scores of E-mails from Local 567.
Ive spoken to John many times. He isnt a good listener. I tried to bring up the online local, he wanted no part of it. I brought it up to him with the best of intentions, shortly after he got into office. I didnt want credit for it, I wanted a better more accessable Local. The idea came to me when Nick was in office but I knew that he wouldnt want any part of it. When John got in I was more optimistic. I figured he may want to try something new since we all know that what we have isnt working. Four members at a meeting is proof of that. Instead John reacted like a typical International official-blame the membership. Pete, we all have to put in more than 40 to get by. Whats wrong with bringing the local right into the homes of the members? You accuse me of trying to take control with a minority when in fact I want to give more control to the entire membership. I want to let them make motions, discuss motions and even vote on motions from home, at their convienence. I believe that we would have much more participation. Instead of twenty votes determining a motion that affects 800 people you may see 500 or more vote.
I'm dissapointed with John and this E-board, not for personal reasons but because they wasted two years in pointless prorgams that did nothing for us when that two years of relative quiet could have been used to do so much more.
Look Pete, you say that you take action to provide solutions. What do you plan to do about the fact that participation is at an all time low? Blaming the members for not coming to union meetings will not fix the problem or increase participation. This problem has only gotten worse. I say do it online. Bring the meetings to the members. John says "Why didnt you do this when you were in office?' Well computers were still new to me then. The Union computer at the hall was the first compter I ever really spent much time on. Before that I only ever had WEB-TV. I've learned a lot since then and most people use computers nowadays, why shouldnt the local?
What are some of the challenges facing airline Locals?
Days off
The membership is split up by shift, days off and location. Computers can bring the entire membership to a single palce and allow them to take part in a single process. Its time for unionism to take advantage of new technology to overcome what have been eternal obsticles to building unity and distributing information.
If John had been open to this two years ago it would be in place today.
I bet you made more! P.S. include you "other" income.
Total household income? How much you want to bet?