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What the deal AMP

Is there a steering cmte. that's trying to narrow the choices to one?
If yes, could they do polls on internet, (with sign ins) facebook, or even emails to get what the majority wants as their representational union?
I honestly do think you would get a lot more donations if it were narrowed down to one union to put on the ballot, including myself.
Is there a steering cmte. that's trying to narrow the choices to one?
If yes, could they do polls on internet, (with sign ins) facebook, or even emails to get what the majority wants as their representational union?
I honestly do think you would get a lot more donations if it were narrowed down to one union to put on the ballot, including myself.
You will never get a clear majority. We are too big. Line vs overhaul. AA vs usair.
A decision needs to be made based on who will accept us (AMFA & ALTA) or inhouse AMP. We can't have people take a poll. It may end up 40, 35 and 25 in favor of each union. Then the 40 won't support the 25 and the 35 won't support the 40. It will be worse than the last drive AMFA vs Teamsters. You also won't get a majority to poll. We are to spread out and diverse.
If AMFA National shows no enthusiasm then we can't consider them. If ALTA is not onboard with AA's structure then we would not fit in with the UAL guys. AMP needs to be resurrected and information needs to be available to all. I won't support ALTA. If AMFA doesn't want us then I won't push for it either. We need to see how AMP will position itself for a representational drive. With AMP it's up to AA guys to decide. No outside influence needed.
You will never get a clear majority. We are too big. Line vs overhaul. AA vs usair.
A decision needs to be made based on who will accept us (AMFA & ALTA) or inhouse AMP. We can't have people take a poll. It may end up 40, 35 and 25 in favor of each union. Then the 40 won't support the 25 and the 35 won't support the 40. It will be worse than the last drive AMFA vs Teamsters. You also won't get a majority to poll. We are to spread out and diverse.
If AMFA National shows no enthusiasm then we can't consider them. If ALTA is not onboard with AA's structure then we would not fit in with the UAL guys. AMP needs to be resurrected and information needs to be available to all. I won't support ALTA. If AMFA doesn't want us then I won't push for it either. We need to see how AMP will position itself for a representational drive. With AMP it's up to AA guys to decide. No outside influence needed.

Now you’re talking about the very same nightmare going on over with the Delta Airlines Flight Attendants. They’ve been going for years with a drive by the IAM and they still haven’t filed yet. Well about 2 years ago now some of them got fed up with the drive and started looking at the AFA. Supposedly Sarah Nelson the President of the AFA was encouraging that drive against the AFL/CIO Constitution and was scolded for it. But again supposedly it’s still continuing.

Seriously 1AA good luck to you guys. But if you can’t all get on the same page you really seriously have your work cut out for you.

BTW can you tell me why the AMP sputtered out in 2014? I hope someone archived all that information that was on the Webpage before it was abandoned?
I attached the AMP constitution this is not the final position for Eliminate Association group. There is a meeting this Tuesday in Tulsa at 6:30 pm, actual location soon.
Now we are getting somewhere.
Thanks for posting.
I attached the AMP constitution this is not the final position for Eliminate Association group. There is a meeting this Tuesday in Tulsa at 6:30 pm, actual location soon.
Where are the 100's and 100's of pages (even thousands) of legalese confusion?

Take a page from Obamacare. You must make it as convoluted and complex as possible so it's easier to maneuver and scam the membership.


Pictured: Obamacare, the American government's best scam in decades.

You guys are never going to be able to "selectively" apply the Constitution and bylaws with simplified language like that.

I attached the AMP constitution this is not the final position for Eliminate Association group. There is a meeting this Tuesday in Tulsa at 6:30 pm, actual location soon.
Looks like normal structure, set up like AMFA, get your cards, and get the right people to run it. You will be fine. Good luck.
You will never get a clear majority. We are too big. Line vs overhaul. AA vs usair.
A decision needs to be made based on who will accept us (AMFA & ALTA) or inhouse AMP. We can't have people take a poll. It may end up 40, 35 and 25 in favor of each union. Then the 40 won't support the 25 and the 35 won't support the 40. It will be worse than the last drive AMFA vs Teamsters. You also won't get a majority to poll. We are to spread out and diverse.
If AMFA National shows no enthusiasm then we can't consider them. If ALTA is not onboard with AA's structure then we would not fit in with the UAL guys. AMP needs to be resurrected and information needs to be available to all. I won't support ALTA. If AMFA doesn't want us then I won't push for it either. We need to see how AMP will position itself for a representational drive. With AMP it's up to AA guys to decide. No outside influence needed.
1AA, I know some of you guys that were wanting change last time with AMFA has Brett's number. Has anyone discussed the AMFA option with him yet? I mean if he says AMFA not interested then go the AMP route which would still be great for you guys. The only reasons I would like to see you guys go AMFA is because they are already up and running and I would like to see AMFA grow throughout the airlines like Delle wanted it to. Me personally do not care if AA comes into AMFA, I think it would make us all stronger and better. Our upper leaders at the AMFA National could make a motion to add the National position of an officer for each and every airline to be represented at all times that speaks for each of the different airlines within AMFA. No matter who you guys chose, I wish you guys the best of luck on getting rid of the asso.
There is only one part of the AMP constitution I do not agree with. Will not go into here but it has to do with the pay structure, and besides that it does not affect me.
Looks like normal structure, set up like AMFA, get your cards, and get the right people to run it. You will be fine. Good luck.
The Pre-Meeting Poll indicates that AMFA is very unlikely.
1AA, I know some of you guys that were wanting change last time with AMFA has Brett's number. Has anyone discussed the AMFA option with him yet? I mean if he says AMFA not interested then go the AMP route which would still be great for you guys. The only reasons I would like to see you guys go AMFA is because they are already up and running and I would like to see AMFA grow throughout the airlines like Delle wanted it to. Me personally do not care if AA comes into AMFA, I think it would make us all stronger and better. Our upper leaders at the AMFA National could make a motion to add the National position of an officer for each and every airline to be represented at all times that speaks for each of the different airlines within AMFA. No matter who you guys chose, I wish you guys the best of luck on getting rid of the asso.
There is only one part of the AMP constitution I do not agree with. Will not go into here but it has to do with the pay structure, and besides that, it does not affect me.
Please do not get ahead of the game. Goal #1 is to get a group together to decide the most viable course of action.
The turnout and its enthusiasm will be a good indicator. #2 would discussion and suggestions.
Please do not get ahead of the game. Goal #1 is to get a group together to decide the most viable course of action.
The turnout and its enthusiasm will be a good indicator. #2 would discussion and suggestions.
Let us know how the meeting went, when you get further along. Our new T/A is 132 pages.

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