Well if your over the 50% requirement then filing should be soon because AMP has less than 13 days before the "will of the membership" gets presented to the company. The "No voters", which I assume includes all AMP organizers, are soon to have their say on the contract they rejected with their "No Vote" by authorizing their TWU Negotiating Team to use appropriate action to gain them a better deal. I would expect on the 14th all members will be fully behind their TWU Negotiating Team's and the AMP will fall to the wayside with its short lived dismal support and become a casualty, just as the last AMFA drive suffered here at AA some time back. Below were the options included on ballot for those who may have gone astray over the past few months from the membership.....
Ballots will be mailed to TWU members July 26; results will be tabulated and announced by the American Arbitration Association on the afternoon of Aug. 24.
Ballot language to be considered by members of the three bargaining units reads simply:
So Speedy, "the will of the people" or the "the radical NO voters" as the TWu Goo Gobblers call them, will actually be heard as a first in twu negotiations this time around??? Well now, that will be some kind of big change for the wealthy and flaccid dictatorship of TWu unelected international sellouts. Listening to the will of the membership instead of the what the company demands from it's TWu company union friends??? We'd all like it so.... the TWu International finally gets out of AA's bed, but we all know that will never happen any time soon. Don't we?
Have the TWu International actually prepared a coherent (compiled while not intoxicated off free AA booze) non-concessional proposal this time around? You know, instead of letting the company dictate what is proposed as acceptable (concessions ala carte). With the last TWu sellout that was shot down in flames this summer.....the one the TWu International touted in their "Flier of Lies" with the contract ballot. The TWu International has had the negotiations/contract road plowed for them again with the CAL AMT's (like in 2001 with AMFA at NWA) recently accepting a somewhat decent contract. Shouldn't be so hard for Phat Don....right?
With the TWu "Americans Real Strength" heading back to the table with a stern and serious look on their face for AA management to snicker at, we should now be simply in AWE this time at the TWu prowess at the bargaining table after almost 3 years of negotiations??? I'm mean really, AA recently GAVE the agents fairly close to what the TWu has wrought in the failed T/A after that "long and frustrating" 3 years of TWu negotiations. Industrial/company unionism at it's best I say. The agents didn't even get a lower classification to further degrade them, but we did with the TWu. Damn good.
You want the AMP drive to "fall by the wayside"? You mean without lying to the NMB about craft and class to deny the vote??? I guess then we can all expect the TWu to negotiate that Industry Leading Contract or "IRC" as they have in 2001? 2003? No? Oh wait... 1995? No? Was it in 1989? Hell, I can't remember when the TWu didn't sellout their membership to concessions at AA. Maybe you can enlighten us all on that with some TWu spin. That really sucks fer ya Speedy, I feel your pain. Literally.
Here's my Official Vote of No Confidence in the TWu International; bringing back nothing but more concessions....again.
1. The TWu International will not bring back anything close to CAL, let alone the leaders of the industry. That is: SWA and AMFA and $45+hr (that's gotta burn ya).
2. The AMP drive will continue as planned because of the TWu sellouts/unaccountable International/failed negotiations will not change. The cards will get filed at the NMB. The worthless TWu will finally be out the door.
3. Many in the current TWu International will then be at the Centerpork location for their new "careers" after the TWu decertification, to join their friends in AA management (including many former TWu officers).
4. Michael J. Quill will roll over in his grave thinking his union has finally hit the bottom. The TWu will amend Mikes' quote used in the 2010 T/A Ballot Liar Flier to; "We have learned that a labor union is not a gambling table, it is not a bingo game where you hit the jackpot once in a life time. With TWu representation, you never have to worry about hitting that jackpot...except for us in the unelected TWu International."
5. Speedy will give up all his TWu t-shirts to the bums over in the North Side of Tulsa.... and the bums won't accept them.