My next question is this: Will we assign blame to those responsible for the mess? It is logical, but, first their must be an admission of guilt and mistakes before the problem-solving can begin.
Now, because of the outcome of this voting, we can safely reach some conclusions here. And IMO, that conclusion is:
1. That a massive disconnect exists between the TWU Leadership and the membership.
Now there is anger and resentment, proven by the vote results. They never should have brought it back, trying to jam that crap down our throats. The next meeting at the Hall will be interesting.
2. That there really was no effective negotiation in the whole process, which was supervised and witnessed by the NMB. Too much ram-rodding by one individual. Remember that framous quote by Satchel Paige, "None of us is smarter than all of us". If there is a dictator, will he be cast aside?
3. The authors of the failed TA underestimated the contractual needs of the membership. If the company wrote it, then the company should make it a joint effort. If there is no negotiation, they why have a negotiation committee.
4. In light of the current AMP card drive, the TWU must turn this negative outcome into a positive one. To do nothing different would be insane. Dont ignore the competition, just compete and out-do them or be out-done by them.
5. Will the membership now press for changes, and will the leaders realize the need for change? Now is the time for more effective leadership.
A result of this magnitude demands planning sessions.
You can be the company will be having some brainstorming meetings to decide on a new course of action, and , ditto for the union.
Then the NMB will set a new date for more talks, in order to hammer out a new agreement. Much pressure on the Co. now.