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What is next after failed ratification vote?

I believe we can take this as fact as none of the TWU die-hards have disputed it. Perhaps a similar cap should be added to our top 10 wish list. You can be sure negotiations will go well past our flex enrollment period. I wonder if the compAAny will hold those cost increases down this year?
That "Top Ten" list is a joke - it's rather difficult to believe the stupid SOBs are asking what's wrong with the football bat of a TA at this point when they've been told repeatedly for seven years.

I'd guess we rabble would have been much more amenable to a lesser settlement had the union and company (one in the same) not spent such a great amount of time and resources lying to us since the onset of the 2003 giveaway.

For me at this juncture, nothing short of Arpey and minions plus Little Jimmy and all International Vice Presidents commiting Hari Kari on the steps of Centrepork will suffice.

"I wonder if the compAAny will hold those cost increases down this year?", you ask.

Only if it's negotiated. Remember, those "negotiating for us" are obviously not working for us even though they're collecting dues money from us. I believe that's finally been proven beyond any reasonable doubt, that is, except to the most diehard sorts.
That "Top Ten" list is a joke - it's rather difficult to believe the stupid SOBs are asking what's wrong with the football bat of a TA at this point when they've been told repeatedly for seven years.

They and the compAAny will simply add enough sweetener's to get the 51% required. The resolve of the 65% that voted no should be well defined. How do you suggest we get this message to the table?
Midnight C/C at a class 2 line station has the most workload. He is the crew chief, manager, and data entry clerk. Oh, and I forgot, babysitter... :lol: :lol:
And therefore should be paid more than a CC at the base where most/all decisions are made in by the supervisor. All the OH CC has to do is order parts, pass out job assignments and babysit.