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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

He speaks out vehemently against earmarks wit one hand and tries to get them with the other. Whether he gets $1 or $1 trillion matters not (I believe you used such a comparison regarding nations/leaders who killed).

When you support a racist comment you need to deal with it one way or the other. If he chooses not to deal with it it will follow him for quite some time (at least till he drops out of the race for POTUS).
Thomas Jefferson was right, Trade with all, alliances with no one.

Ironically it was an alliance with France that made our independence possible. It was Jefferson who deployed US military forces to protect, get this, American trade interests.

Alliances have directly benefited trade for the United States. Western Europe, Japan and South Korea are examples of this. If at the end of WWII we had packed up and left without forming NATO do think Joseph Stalin would have been able to restrain himself from using the worlds largest army? Instead we stayed, helped rebuild Western Europe and the end result being haivng stable, prosperous democracies with which to trade. Same goes for Japan and South Korea.
I've heard less than zero regarding Earmarks from Dr Paul in speeches or policy statements. The only exception being when asked a question in one interview with him coming out of an event. He laughed and said (paraphrase) "Well I've got to get back some of the money my district paid in". I'm not certain if it was from the 2008 Election Cycle of this cycle so it could be dated.

The press is asking him the wrong question when it comes to earmarks. What they should ask him is why he voted against Katrina and Ike relief yet somehow managed to earmark money in the Ike bill that he voted against. While at the same time ranting about how it's not the responsibility of the taxpayers to repair hurricane damage.
He speaks out vehemently against earmarks wit one hand and tries to get them with the other. Whether he gets $1 or $1 trillion matters not (I believe you used such a comparison regarding nations/leaders who killed).

When you support a racist comment you need to deal with it one way or the other. If he chooses not to deal with it it will follow him for quite some time (at least till he drops out of the race for POTUS).

He's dealt with it through actions (See video), Note him standing alone in support of Israel's right as a sovereign nation to defend itself. I've also yet to hear his support regarding article in the newsletter beyond his statement that he regretted not "paying more attention to what was being written". Apparently he was back to being a practicing physician during that time. Like I said before, if after thirty years in public life the best you can come up with is ONE comment (Not written or attributed to him) and a few earmarks then you need to either try harder or admit that the guy is about as squeaky clean as you can be in politics. The transgressions in the Obama Administration are greater in three years then the 30 years of service from Ron Paul. Face it, my guy can at least spell Morals, Values & Ethics and they don't change from election cycle to election cycle. The Crony Capitalist residing at 1600 Penna Ave. clearly can not. Solyndra or words in a newsletter? Take your pick? It should also be noted that the money lost with Soylyndra exceeds Dr Paul's earmarks.

Personally, just because they are earmarks doesn't mean they're bad projects. If you look at what's being spent on improvements to the Galveston Bay Harbors and knowing Dr Paul, that money spent will likely result in a net revenue gain for the government agencies involved through increased business activity including jobs and the taxes they provide. We're not talking the "Bud Shuster Highway" here.

Further, If Paul does get to be POTUS and Netenyahu is still running Israel and I was an Arab and/or Muslim I'd be VERY worried, VERY WORRIED, If left to their own devises as a sovereign nation with no intervention from the Paul Administration other than so diplomacy to avert conflict, the Israeli's IMO will act and act swiftly to eliminate any perceived threat to their safety. Under Paul, he would likely let them do their thing and defend their actions diplomatically. I could see Paul stating, "A declaration of war on Israel is a declaration of War against the United States" I could also see him got to Congress and ask for a declaration of War against whomever attacks Israel.

Keep trying! Ron Paul politically is looking more like Ali in his prime. He's floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee. Hey if you can't dig up any dirt, make it up. the Earmark thing is just more Progressive straw grasping as they realize that much of what Ron Paul says appeals to them. The only open question is how many people who LOVE certain aspects of Ron Paul's positions will hold their nose and vote for him knowing that other parts of his positions they hate.
If Ali in his prime were an 80-year old ugly white man.

No need to dig up dirt on Paull. His Republican friends will take care of that.

LOL, he's only 76 and he seems to be in pretty good shape physically.

The last sentence says a lot. Do you honestly think that the Obama, Gingrich, Perry, Romney etc etc investigators haven't been looking since 2008? They brought up the Newsletter then and got no traction. They bring it up now ad nausea and again no traction.

The ONLY misgiving I have with Dr Paul is the fact he is 76.
Doesn't look a day over 80 to me.

If Paul were a legitimate threat it would have been open season long ago.
Doesn't look a day over 80 to me.

If Paul were a legitimate threat it would have been open season long ago.

Well judging from these articles he is a threat or at least relevant. Submitted for your consideration:

Six Reasons Ron Paul Has Appeal Beyond the GOP

A Hands-Off Approach to Personal Matters
The Golden Rule
Drug Legalization
He Doesn’t Blame Obama
Notes of Occupy Wall Street

These are the bullet point of Katy Steinmetz's article. It's a good read and it's not from some right wing rag either Katy's Entire Article

Foreign Policy Experts Agree With Ron Paul’s Controversial Foreign Policy
Jason M. Volack

Nov 6, 2011 7:00pm

Ron Paul is often chided by his Republican opponents for his extreme views on American foreign policy. His calls for ending all foreign wars and shutting hundreds of military bases across the globe have drawn howls from his GOP rivals, who have labeled the moves irresponsible and naïve.

His campaign pledge of cutting all foreign aid and withdrawing U.S. participation in the World Trade Organization and the United Nations has been at odds with even the most conservative members of his own party.

Yet as voting day in Iowa and New Hampshire draws near, Paul, the Congressman from Texas, is finding support for his non-interventionist positions from a growing number of foreign policy experts.

“He’s attacking our rich lazy friends, why is that not more popular,” said Harvey Sapolsky, emeritus professor of public policy and organization at MIT. He backs Paul’s calls for reducing America’s military budget, arguing that much of it is used to defend wealthy nations’ security.

You'll note the first Foreign Policy expert is from MIT, which is not exactly the Pleasant Manor Home for Retarded Children, Neither is it renown as a bastion of Conservative dogma or Republican Hitler Youth group speak/thought. Read the rest HERE I was shocked to see a favorable analysis from MIT. Looks like even some East Coast Egg Heads have joined in questioning the path we are on.
The articles/quotes in question had to do with blacks not Israel so I do not see the relevance of the items you posted. So again, he can deal with it or not. Not does not seem to be working for him.

I can probably find a few scientists from 'reputable' schools who believe in creationism. Not sure what that proves.
The articles/quotes in question had to do with blacks not Israel so I do not see the relevance of the items you posted. So again, he can deal with it or not. Not does not seem to be working for him.

Ron Paul once hired someone who was racist, therefore I must live the rest of my life as a tax slave in a police state?

When they run Jesse Jackson out of public life for his racist remarks (think Hymie Town) I'll be for more concerned about a 20 year old newsletter. For over 40 years the IRS has confiscated my wages to prop up a corrupt war machine and bail out crony Capitalists and you want to talk newsletters? You wonder why the whole house of cards is about to fall over? Keep ranting on about a dumb assed newsletter from 20 years ago. This is so typical, rearrange the deck chair on the Titanic instead of trying to save the ship. People amaze me. Truth is if Obama said something anti white it wouldn't change my opinion by much. People write in ways that pander to their audience just as Rev Jackson did, SO WHAT?

I can probably find a few scientists from 'reputable' schools who believe in creationism. Not sure what that proves.

You can and there are, however we keep hearing how out of the mainstream Ron Paul is and judging from some articles written in the more mainstream publications he's becoming something more than "Crazy Uncle Ron"
Personally I don't care about was in Pauls news letter or anything else about him because I really do not think he will win the WH, much less the nomination. How ever there do seem to be people who do care so therefore he will have to deal with it or have deal with the questions being asked every time he steps near a mic.
Oh please. Tax slave in a Police state?

Save the drama. Geez. 🙁


Patriot Act = Drama
N.D.A.A = Drama
R.I.C.O = Drama
F.I.S.A Courts = Drama
No Knock Warrants = Drama
Gitmo = Drama

IRS v Lojeski = Drama
IRS v hundreds of law abiding citizens = Drama
Drug Laws that allow the Government to confiscate your property without guilt being established = Drama

Yepper sure sounds like a bunch of Drama to me and of course the poor bear the brunt of all this Drama. Witness this intrusion by the Federal Government into to the lives of immigrants who come here seeking the American Dream. Well it just turned into a nightmare thanks to the Federal Government. Read and vomit as the jack boots are out crushing the throats of at least one portion of the huddled mass yearning to be free and all in the name of the so called war on terrorism.

Minn. bank must close hawala accounts if no remedy
The Associated Press
The bank that handles most of the wire transfers Minnesota's Somali community send to relatives back home says that without legal relief, it must close its accounts with the money transfer companies next week.Sunrise Community Banks in Minnesota plans to close its accounts with the hawalas Dec. 30 out of fears it is at risk of violating rules designed to clamp down on terror financing.In a statement Friday, the bank says it is working with lawmakers, the Somali community and other groups to come up with a new solution to satisfy complex laws dealing with remittances to Somalia.

In this photo of Sunday, Dec. 18, 2011, Somali prime minister , Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, speaks during a press conference in the Somali capital Abdiweli described the U.S banks decision to end handling the majority of Somali remittances as "a catastrophe and huge problem", to many Somalis who were dependent on the monies sent by their loved ones from the United States. Government officials say they are concerned that Somalis in Minnesota will not be able to send money to family members in Somalia after the bank discontinued the service over terror financing fears.

Drama Indeed!

Here's another thought. If you sanction and bomb them don't be surprised when they fly planes into your buildings or seek a nuclear weapon. Oh and here is an interesting article on the impact of "Crazy Uncle Ron".

Kelly Clarkson sales spike after Ron Paul endorsement

By James O'Toole @CNNMoney December 30, 2011: 6:35 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A word of advice to prospective American Idol contestants: vote libertarian.

One day after she announced her support for Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul on Twitter, sales of pop singer Kelly Clarkson's most recent album were surging Friday on Amazon.com.

Sales of Clarkson's album Stronger shot up 442% between Thursday and Friday afternoon on Amazon (AMZN, Fortune 500), moving the album from #38 to #7 on Amazon's sales list.

While there's no way to tell whether her support for Paul was the only reason for this jump, the endorsement clearly made a difference for some fans.

MORE on Crazy Uncle Ron

God Bless Jon Stewart for the "Crazy Uncle Ron" comment. There is a T-Shirt or Bumper Stucker in that comment somewhere I just haven't figured it out yet.
"Obama, Romney would audit a waitress to make sure she pays taxes on her tip money, but won't audit the Federal Reserve."

Doug Wead on Bloomberg News. My last minute entry for quote of the year. Some Drama eh?

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