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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

Oh and ine last thing.

Remember to Vote Early and Vote Often, OOPS that's IL the next state over from Iowa.

Whenever someone comes along with a wrecking ball he intends to set loose on The Parasite Political Class that richly deserves it, the entire spectrum of so-called mainstream opinion – from the New York Times & Meet the Press to Sean Hannity and Mark Levin – goes into Nuclear Attack mode. Nothing makes these alleged opponents kiss and make up faster than someone who refuses to play the game.

A Ron Paul victory means that more Americans than we could have imagined even five years ago are prepared to tell the establishment to stick it. The more you smear, the more viciously you attack, the more obvious your venom for one particular man, the more people will rally to him. Since this is the only man who truly terrifies the crooks, the flip-floppers, the thought controllers, and the whole range of so-called respectable opinion, he is obviously the one to support.

What a message that would be.

No CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CNBC reporter will be visibly deflated if Mitt Romney wins in Iowa. Or any of the others, for that matter. That’s your tip-off.

The other theme these days is that Ron Paul is "dangerous." They’ve got that right – he’s dangerous to The Parasite Political Class. He threatens the whole establishment, which has given us the same disaster of a foreign policy, the same failed monetary policy, the same inevitable bankruptcy. To borrow a phrase from Bill Buckley, the propagandists fear Ron Paul for the same reason the baloney fears the slicer.

Calling Ron Paul "out of the mainstream" is a double-edged sword, because it also means he can’t possibly be responsible for the condition of the country today. That responsibility rests on the shoulders of the thought controllers on both left and right who solemnly warn us to choose a hand-picked candidate of the establishment instead of the dastardly Ron Paul, who dares think his own thoughts.

Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies
Beautiful posts. Most impressive.

So in your world how do those who need help get it whether it be food, shelter, medical attention?
Beautiful posts. Most impressive.

So in your world how do those who need help get it whether it be food, shelter, medical attention?

Yes they do. Through Private or state run programs. NOT the Feds.
Private programs are hit and miss. Do these private programs get to pick and choose who they help? What about the poorer states who may not have enough revenue to help those that need help?
Private programs are hit and miss. Do these private programs get to pick and choose who they help? What about the poorer states who may not have enough revenue to help those that need help?

If they are private then yes they can chose whomever they like to serve, wherever they like to serve.

The states at their level can choose to fill in the "blanks" or not in coverage and even establish service guidelines. When Libertarians talk about limited government we usually mean the role of the Federal Government which is often a common misconception. If we allow the states to create and run their own programs as they see fit we will have 50 free markets competing for productive citizens and as a result will have to do things faster, better, cheaper like any other enterprise in order to maintain their tax base to fund what the people in that state want.

In a Libertarian world it's ALL about people exercising CONTROL over their lives and their government. I'll leave you with Jefferson's quote as I have got to get some sleep.

"When the people fear their government there is tyranny, When the Government fears the people there is liberty"

Right now we are closer to the front end of the sentence when we should be living and governing closer to the back part of his quote. Good night.
OK, so private institutions are basically useless in terms of reliability. Private institutions may or may not be there when needed. They are usually limited in who and how many they can help.

State institutions are in my experience no more efficient than Federal ones and usually not as well funded. State institutions are also burned by the fact that they must help all regardless of financial considerations. Most glaring example would be county hospitals verses private hospitals. Which would you rather go to? Then there is the issue of the poorer states. What do they do?

Personally I would like to see a hybrid. The fed sets the standards and supplies the funds to make up any local short falls and the states can administer it.
Well Kiddies it looks like the "Fix" is in.
Not a giant fan of this particular venue as Alex Jones and Prison Planet can be a little "Out There" at times.

Republican Insider: GOP Establishment Planning To Subvert Iowa to Prevent Ron Paul Win
“They’re going to keep him from getting the number one spot because they are concerned.”

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Republican strategist Dee Dee Benkie revealed during a radio show appearance last night that the GOP establishment has resolved to prevent Ron Paul from winning tonight’s Iowa primary by offering sweetheart deals to move large voting blocks to vote for Romney or Santorum.

Balance of the Article

“COURAGE Is Being Scared To Death, And Saddling Up ANYWAY.”
- John Wayne; Actor
If Ron Paul wins the Presidency, this is the kind of accomplishment record the nation can look forward to.


Ronald Paul has sponsored 421 bills since Jan 7, 1997 of which 418 haven't made it out of committee and 1 were successfully enacted. Paul has co-sponsored 2,385 bills during the same time period. (The count of enacted bills considers only bills, and not resolutions, actually sponsored by Paul and companion bills identified by CRS that were themselves enacted, but not if they were incorporated into other bills, as that information is not readily available.)


Iowa corrupted by Republicans.

I thought that was the media's job.

Apparently the media and the Political Parasite Class are one and the same. Republicans and Demcrats are just two wings on the same bird of prey.

Latest attempt to do the Hatchet Tango on Dr Paul is the "How Many Bills Proposed versus Pased". Yet another talking head talking point from people with no independent thought. I told you if Paul got any significant traction this would happen. A master of the obvious prediction but accurate none the less.

So what happens if despite all of the machinations and corruption he still wins IA? Suppose the NH Domino Falls to Dr Paul?
He freaks too many out. I like the guy to a point but I think he'll drive away the indie vote.

Obama admin gone will be good for the country but its just as important or more important to take back the Senate.
He freaks too many out. I like the guy to a point but I think he'll drive away the indie vote.

Obama admin gone will be good for the country but its just as important or more important to take back the Senate.

I hear you Dell. There is a part of me that wants him to earn just enough votes to where some of his keey issues get addressed. Frankly if his Presidential run succeeds in nothing more then getting a complete and public audit of the Fed his 30 years of howling in the wilderness will have been worth it. No Fact, but my suspicion is that if the Fed is audited the voters will clean house from top to bottom. There will be no term limits legislation required as everyone will be in their first term LOL.

Third Party or in this case Dr Paul as a Republican don't have to be elected to be effective in enacting significant portions of their agenda.
Or enacting significant portions of an agenda they don't support.

Dog, Wholesale change in politics is a lot like trying to boil the ocean. You can't boil it all at once, but you can boil it a little at a time. It's one of the reasons he's talked about a transition period on a host pf things.
Dog, Wholesale change in politics is a lot like trying to boil the ocean. You can't boil it all at once, but you can boil it a little at a time. It's one of the reasons he's talked about a transition period on a host pf things.

The same way one enjoys a whole cooked Elephant......one bite at a time.

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