Dog Wonder
Just more comedy from a presidential campaign that has been a riot so far.
"Employee rights are said to be valid when employers pressure employees into sexual activity," Paul wrote. "Why don't they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem? Seeking protection under civil rights legislation is hardly acceptable."
"The individual suffering from AIDS certainly is a victim - frequently a victim of his own lifestyle - but this same individual victimizes innocent citizens by forcing them to pay for his care," Paul wrote.
I guess discrimination in the work place is A-OK for Paul.“The concept of equal pay for equal work is not only an impossible task, it can only be accomplished with the total rejection of the idea it’s of the voluntary contract,” he opined. “By what right does the government assume low power to tell an airline it must hire unattractive women if it does not want to?”
For virtually every Congressman, there is not even a pause before he plunges
into the trough. It is, after all, why he entered politics. But that was not why Ron
Paul went to Washington. He sought a great rostrum for freedom, and he never
sold out. He even opposed public works projects in his own district, a stand that
still boggles every politician in America.
As Ron Paul patiently explained, he could hardly criticize federal spending in
California while supporting it in Texas. But such consistency was outlandish. No
one could believe his ears.
Any Libertarian would say what he said. The concept or principle being that if YOU harassed ME, my reaction as a free INDIVIDUAL would be to take matters into my own hands short of violence. Those options could be quit, start my own business that would then compete. I little idealistic and perhaps unworkable but truth is that as a nation we survived from 1776 until around 2000 just fine without the laws. I'm pretty certain that his remarks were in the context of self reliance and not reliance upon government. While the particulars don't often sound good the basic concept is the fundamental notion that this nation was founded upon. That the role of the Federal Government is to preserve Individual Liberty for its citizens which means a whole lot of sacred cows end up as burgers at McDonalds.
When you read or listen to individual issues he does seem like "Crazy Uncle Ron" at times but he has been morally and intellectually honest on these topics for over 30 years which is something no current candidate can claim.
His biggest hurdle will be convincing those of us who are between 45 and 65 and have grown up during the era of ever increasing government that somehow the responsibility of living free is worth the risk. Because the fundamental truth is that 100 pure individual Liberty means that each person assumes a hell of a lot of risk, It means you have to work your way through college, get a job, keep it and a whole host of things all of us take for granted.
Yet their is often a moral contradiction in a way. Libertarians that I know are some of the most giving compassionate people I know. Morally, spiritually they are in favor of every good social welfare program there is. For us we just don't think it's appropriate for the government to tax us and run these programs. We favor no taxes, no programs! Instead we want the Bill Gates and Warren Buffets of the world to to donate the billions required to build a PRIVATE social safety net because it will be done faster, better, cheaper. In a Paul or any Libertarian Presidency one of the roles of the POTUS that would expand IMO is the use of the power of the office as a Bully Pulpit for social & economic justice. One thing that would further the cause of social and economic justice would be the elimination of our fiat currency which is a huge part of our problems today. A debt free Federal Government with money in the "bank" is the single greatest engine for economic and social justice.
Want to get ride of Food Stamps? Simple, create the above economic engine that allows for an economy where people can afford to buy food. Most of us who post here grew up in the era of the Government hand out. It's hard to change people's thinking.
Way to doge every single issue you brought up and I addressed.
100% freedom is anarchy. That does not work so in any society there will be restrictions. You say no nanny state. Fine. Let the hungry, feeble, mentally ill, destitute and who ever else can't get by for what ever reason die. I am pretty sure that this country would not be comfortable with that idea. No one wants to pay for it, but they sure as hell are glad there are safety nets when they need one.
Again I will ask. Can you provide an example of a nation that has succeeded with a government (or lack there of) such as you propose? One will suffice.
Some economist say that not enough was spent and that it was not given to the right folks. Some have and do argue that had the economic measures (half ass as they were) not been taken by Bush and Obama that we would be in worse shape now than we are. Impossible to say which theory is correct as we cannot have a do over.
You obviously missed that. They dont get any help. They should have better genes, planned better, not got into an accident, trouble, Been born a different color, not been so pretty, not worn that short dress or make-up, or tempted fate (did I miss any?)' It is there own stupid fault. After all, we all make our own destiny. Survival of the fittest I say. :blink:So in your world how do those who need help get it whether it be food, shelter, medical attention?
That is what I am wondering about. I believe he made some mention elsewhere about charities but what if no one wants to help or is able to help? Does a neo-nazi not deserve the same treatment as mother Theresa? Moral quality aside, the COTUS says we are all equal till we violate the law? If no one wants to help the neo-nazi does that person die for an unpopular belief? What about atheist? Separatists? What about the minors of these groups or the elderly? Seems like a slippery slope.