I understand his reason for going after earmarks.
He's elected to represent his district and like it or don't earmarks are a way of life if you want to survive. Byrd of WV was the absolute stone cold Pork Master General and proud of it.
I'm sure but I've not heard him say so except iin passing, If you think as he and I do regarding the role of the Federal Government, then until you are able to change the game you resolve to be better at the game then anyone else and get all the pork you can. I'm fine with this.
Ron Paul has been in the public eye for 30 years and the best his detractors can come up with in the way of "Dirt" is a 20 year old newsletter and the fact he is a rainmaker for his district.
The link will take you to a list of earmarks requested over the last three years.
LINK This provide a more meaningful look at ear marks then words from a former Congresswoman. Given the fact that Obama Lama Ding Dong borrows more money in
one day then 3 years of earmarks for Ron Paul, I'd argue that the earmarks for the 14th district is yet another grasp at straw by his detractors.
Also by way of fairness:
Nancy Pelosi had 4 times the dollar value of earmarks as Ron Paul
Harry Reid had over 10 times the dollar value of earmarks as Ron Paul
Maxine Waters has about the same dollar value of earmarks as Ron Paul
John Mica has about the same dollar value of earmarks as Ron Paul
Further, This table shows that Ron Paul isn't even close to the top ten in either chamber,
Thank you for playing, See Vana for some lovely parting gifts. Oh and BTW this brief video would seem to refute the views expressed in the newsletter.