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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

Thats why I want a stronger EP that is independent of congress with civilian oversight. I do not want ro be shading horses after that have escaped. I would like to prevent environmental damage not try and fix it after the fact.
Thats why I want a stronger EP that is independent of congress with civilian oversight. I do not want ro be shading horses after that have escaped. I would like to prevent environmental damage not try and fix it after the fact.

OHHH You mean like those preemptive wars with Iraq and Afghanistan?
Not being one who listens to talk radio I'll accept your word. MOST people are so wrapped up in their own lives and survival thanks to the Parasite class they in effect become "Sheep" or a better phrase would be "Dupes of the corrupt Political Parasite Class"

When these people start waking up to the screw job they're getting all I can say is "LOOKOUT" to whomever is in power. We're starting to see it now with the Tea Party, Ron Paul and the Occupy Wall Street folks. Different goals and agendas sometimes but one thing in common. PISSED OFF
Kind of like someone who blindly follows a candidate who will never get elected to the presidency only to be one of the sheeple who can say, "it is not my fault, I didnt vote for ________"
Kind of like someone who blindly follows a candidate who will never get elected to the presidency only to be one of the sheeple who can say, "it is not my fault, I didnt vote for ________"

Have any votes been counted? So right now he is as electable as the Empty Suit. No blind following here, read my remarks on the Fed. Blind obedience is for those who think either flavor of the political Parasite class holds the answer.
OHHH You mean like those preemptive wars with Iraq and Afghanistan?

No, kind of like performing routine maintenance on your car, or getting an alarm for you house before you get robbed, or getting virus protection on you computer before you get a virus or .......

Breaking: Michele Bachmann campaign chairman endorses Ron Paul

Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann’s Iowa campaign chairman Kent Sorenson tonight endorsed Ron Paul, one of her rivals in the Iowa caucus race.

“I believe we’re at a turning point in this campaign,” Sorenson said during his surprise announcement this evening at a Ron Paul rally in Des Moines. “… I thought it was my duty to come to his aid, just like he came to my aid during my Senate race, which was a very nasty race.”

The state senator from Indianola was greeted with a round of applause from the roughly 500 people gathered at the Iowa fairgrounds for the event.

Many rose to their feet and hoisted Paul campaign signs above their heads when Sorenson added: “We’re going to take Ron Paul all the way to the White House.”

Sorenson told The Register he had been thinking about supporting Paul for a couple of days, but that he didn’t make the decision to switch campaigns until this evening.

Sorenson said he drove to Paul’s 7 p.m. event, called a Paul staffer and asked: “Do you guys want me on board?”

“(The staffer) walked out to the parking lot and then I walked in with him,” Sorenson said.

Sorenson declined to talk about the Bachmann campaign, instead saying he was basing his decision on the strength of Paul’s efforts in Iowa.

“The fact of the matter is that I believe we have a clear, top-tier race between Romney and Ron Paul,” said Sorenson, who also noted he believed the “Republican establishment” was unfairly biased against the congressman’s bid for office.

“We have a choice where we can elect more of the same like what we’re having in Romney, or we can elect someone who’s going to transform this country to get it back to what our founding fathers wanted, and I believe that’s Ron Paul,” he said.

The turnabout is a major surprise with just six days remaining before Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses. Sorenson, in fact, appeared at a Bachmann event just this afternoon — a stop at the Pizza Ranch in his hometown of Indianola.

Sorenson said little at the event, but appeared with Bachmann and clearly offered indications of support for her candidacy.

Fellow Bachmann campaign co-chairman Brad Zaun told reporters Sorenson had just returned from the dentist, and Sorenson himself said he was saying little because he was still numb and afraid he would drool on himself.

Sorenson has been with the Bachmann campaign for months, traveling by her side throughout Iowa and acting as a surrogate at campaign events and in the press.

He is serving his first term in the Iowa Senate and previously served one term in the state House. A Paul press release lauds him as a leader in the fight in defense of traditional family values, the sanctity of life, and a restoration of Second Amendment rights.[/quote]

The worm Turns
News Flush.

No one cares but you.

Along with the voters of Iowa. What arrogance to dismiss an entire state out of hand. Typical though of supporters of "Black Bush". BTW how has all this "Hope & Change" positively impacted your Life?

24% of Iowa voters don't care? OK, stick with that
And how much of the 24% came from a Bachman supporter turning on her.

As far as Hope and Change I'm doing very well.

Thanks for asking.
Ex-Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite
Former member of Congress (R-Fla.) :
Ron Paul's followers are blinded to the fact he has racked up billions in earmarks and it is time he was called on it.

Fiscal conservatives don't spend taxpayer monies like Paul does and then say "I will cut spending.". He should have started by cutting his own earmarks. For those who think we can sit around using drugs legally singing kumbaya, have a weak national defense throwing Israel under the bus and no government to protect its citizens Ron Paul is their candidate. For the majority of normal Americans, his views are scary and if he is the Republican candidate, we will become Iran's lapdog.


I understand his reason for going after earmarks.

He's elected to represent his district and like it or don't earmarks are a way of life if you want to survive. Byrd of WV was the absolute stone cold Pork Master General and proud of it.

I'm sure but I've not heard him say so except iin passing, If you think as he and I do regarding the role of the Federal Government, then until you are able to change the game you resolve to be better at the game then anyone else and get all the pork you can. I'm fine with this.

Ron Paul has been in the public eye for 30 years and the best his detractors can come up with in the way of "Dirt" is a 20 year old newsletter and the fact he is a rainmaker for his district.

The link will take you to a list of earmarks requested over the last three years. LINK This provide a more meaningful look at ear marks then words from a former Congresswoman. Given the fact that Obama Lama Ding Dong borrows more money in one day then 3 years of earmarks for Ron Paul, I'd argue that the earmarks for the 14th district is yet another grasp at straw by his detractors.

Also by way of fairness:
Nancy Pelosi had 4 times the dollar value of earmarks as Ron Paul
Harry Reid had over 10 times the dollar value of earmarks as Ron Paul
Maxine Waters has about the same dollar value of earmarks as Ron Paul
John Mica has about the same dollar value of earmarks as Ron Paul

Further, This table shows that Ron Paul isn't even close to the top ten in either chamber, US News LINK

Thank you for playing, See Vana for some lovely parting gifts. Oh and BTW this brief video would seem to refute the views expressed in the newsletter.

Out of our four friends Nancy, Harry, Maxine and Ron (not that any other republicans would be on that list), who speaks out the most about ear marks? Kind of like speaking out against adultery while banging your secretary or voting against equal rights for gays while tapping on the mens room or banging a Paige.

Very hard to be taken seriously when you are partaking in the very thing you are against.

Until Paul takes responsibility for his actions (letters), apologizes and acknowledges he was wrong and since changed his mind, these issues will continue to follow him.
Out of our four friends Nancy, Harry, Maxine and Ron (not that any other republicans would be on that list), who speaks out the most about ear marks? Kind of like speaking out against adultery while banging your secretary or voting against equal rights for gays while tapping on the mens room or banging a Paige.

Very hard to be taken seriously when you are partaking in the very thing you are against.

Until Paul takes responsibility for his actions (letters), apologizes and acknowledges he was wrong and since changed his mind, these issues will continue to follow him.

The Top Ten in the Senate & House are almost equally divided between parties.

I've heard less than zero regarding Earmarks from Dr Paul in speeches or policy statements. The only exception being when asked a question in one interview with him coming out of an event. He laughed and said (paraphrase) "Well I've got to get back some of the money my district paid in". I'm not certain if it was from the 2008 Election Cycle of this cycle so it could be dated.

Either which way when it comes to earmarks he's nowhere near the worst of the worst Reid made the Top Ten (barely) so that should tell you just how bad the earmark issue can be and relatively speaking Dr. Paul is a rank amateur when compared to others. Most the money he got for his District the last 3 years dealt with Harbor improvement along Galveston Bay. Also of note, Dr Paul returns about half his Congressional Salary, another $100,000 from his office budget and does not participate in the lucrative Congressional Pension Plan.

He also should not apologize for the Newsletter incident. I choose to look at his track record on things racial and anti-Semitic. When Israel bombed the Iranian Nuclear facility years back, who was the ONE Congressman to vote NO on censure of Israel? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't little Chuckie "sound bite" Schumer, it was Dr Paul. Dr Paul, draws more minority support then any Republican running. He also draws more support from the Military as well.

ANY candidate that can whip Karl Rove & Dick Morris into the lather they're in has got to be good for America.

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