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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

There are a number of workable monetary systems that have been proposed by some of the world’s leading economists and financial experts that would solve nearly all of our fiscal problems quickly and simply if the Fed were eliminated.

A thorough discussion of the details of these systems is beyond the scope of this forum. Here are some links I found that address the issue.

Thanks for wasting my time with irrelevant videos.
Thanks for wasting my time with irrelevant videos.

I'm sorry, they were in a package of links from the article I posted. I confess I didn't watch every one of them. I think it fair to say that there is a hard money solution to the current system of world wide fiat currencies. The problem is eliminating the Fed is but one step in a long arduous journey toward fiscal sanity. Remember it took us 100 years to get where we are today so it's not a once and done 90 day solution.

For me I think a few steps are doable immediately:

1. - Audit the Fed! It's long past time for the American Public to get a peek behind the curtain. If what the critics suggest we'll find is true then the Fed is done as the people will demand its closure. If not that's OK as we now know what we are dealing with.

2. If you're Austrian School you have to liquidate the current debt bubble. First step there is a smaller Federal foot print on the US economy. We need to roll back the budget to 2000 and balance it. We have to stop the bleeding debt wise.

3. While the end goal is the elimination of the Personal Income Tax, again we'll need an interim step of revising the tax code to spur growth and get out economy moving forward. Further, the various Federal Agencies need to stop over regulating. That can be solved by eliminating them or cutting their budget

4. Our interventionist foreign policy needs to be rethought and our role as Policeman to the world needs to be redefined into a smaller less expensive enterprise. Thomas Jefferson was right, Trade with all, alliances with no one. If you want a symbolic statement to signal the change? Throw the UN off of our land. Frankly there are better uses for the building.

Without these four cornerstones it's all rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Once we have a solid foundation upon which to build, we can tackle MediCare, MediCaid and Social Security in much more meaningful way. Besides, sound currency, good tax laws that spur growth will allow revenue to increase making the challenges presented by the vast Entitlement system much more workable. It's a lot like my old boss used to say, "If everyone wants steak, somebody has got to sell"! A simple yet accurate assessment as a robust growing economy causes many of these issues to take care of themselves.
Next time you should watch the videos you post links to so you don't waste people's time and make yourself look silly. That first video not only had nothing to do with the subject but it was like watching paint dry. The faces in that lecture hall says it all.

Audit the Fed? What happened to ending the Fed? There's a big difference between the two.

Liquidate the current debt, by that you mean default? If so let me point out all the turmoil that occured when the possibility of Greece defaulting became very real. What do you think would happen to the world economy when the US government sticks it to holders of govt debt, domestic and foriegn?
Next time you should watch the videos you post links to so you don't waste people's time and make yourself look silly. That first video not only had nothing to do with the subject but it was like watching paint dry. The faces in that lecture hall says it all.

Audit the Fed? What happened to ending the Fed? There's a big difference between the two.

Liquidate the current debt, by that you mean default? If so let me point out all the turmoil that occured when the possibility of Greece defaulting became very real. What do you think would happen to the world economy when the US government sticks it to holders of govt debt, domestic and foriegn?

Dude WTF you thinks going to happen here?
Next time you should watch the videos you post links to so you don't waste people's time and make yourself look silly. That first video not only had nothing to do with the subject but it was like watching paint dry. The faces in that lecture hall says it all.

I will, I just wanted to give you a quick answer.

Audit the Fed? What happened to ending the Fed? There's a big difference between the two.

Well I'm not a died in the wool believer that the Fed is responsible for all of our woes. So the first step is to find out just WTF is going on. Then, if as I suspect it's a den of thieves you have public support for its abolition. This is the world economy we're talking here. You just don't run out and compound mistakes already made.

Liquidate the current debt, by that you mean default? If so let me point out all the turmoil that occured when the possibility of Greece defaulting became very real. What do you think would happen to the world economy when the US government sticks it to holders of govt debt, domestic and foriegn?

Pretty much the same thing the bondholders got when Greece got it's haircut as part of their bailout. Capitalism has inherent risk as does dependance on a fiat currency, so you have to get rid of bad debt and other non performing investment. Think of it as a fresh start like you get with personal bankruptcy. Yes the bondholders of the Central Banks would get a whopping haircut, but investments carry risk. A risk they have dumped upon the working class for to long. Now it's their turn. Only known way to promote growth and sell our way out of this quagmire of printing press money, debt & inflation.
We did. I lost my job. Took out a equity loan for my wife to get her nursing licence. That aside, personal economics does not equate to nation economics.

I am curious about the over regulation comments I keep hearing. Can you provide some examples of departments to be eliminated?
We did. I lost my job. Took out a equity loan for my wife to get her nursing licence. That aside, personal economics does not equate to nation economics.

I am curious about the over regulation comments I keep hearing. Can you provide some examples of departments to be eliminated?

Department of Energy and the killing or attempted murder of the Keystone Pipeline.

EPA currently has 4200 pending regulations which is why Ron Paul wants a smaller more focused EPA based upon protecting Private Property rights. This agency is trying to accomplish goals that could not get through the Congress. The Federal Bureaucracy is writing rules/laws that Congress would never pass and it has to stop. Often these rules are written to enrich the Crony Capitalists who put the current bunch of Parasites in office.
EPA is supposed protect the environment not property rights. Id like to see a stronger EPA which is separate from the Fed.

Of course congress won't pass the legislation. Big business is telling them not ro pass it even though a majority of the recommendations would go a long way toward improving our lives in terms of a cleaner environment.
EPA is supposed protect the environment not property rights. Id like to see a stronger EPA which is separate from the Fed.

Of course congress won't pass the legislation. Big business is telling them not ro pass it even though a majority of the recommendations would go a long way toward improving our lives in terms of a cleaner environment.

If you protect the rights of the individual and his/her Private Property then you have the appropriate legal vehicle with which to proceed in a lawful and Constitutional manner against a Polluter.

As an example, suppose you own a nice piece of ground in oh say the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and I own the adjoining property which just so happens to be rich with Nickle that is used in hybrid car batteries. I decide to extract the ore and set up a mine, get the state DER permits and open for business and I'm a mining fool, nickle everyplace. But alas you develop "water problems" and my crop yield drops and your cows start to get sick. You find out that I've contaminated the ground water supply and the nickle has entered the Aquifer for over 10 miles downstream. Simple fact is regardless of any EPA regulations, I've violated your rights as a sovereign citizen and owner of property and as such you are able to seek redress through the courts.

With the EPA in the way you file a complaint, I'm fined, pollution continues unabated if I ignore what is usually a minimal fine. This cat and mouse game can and does go on for decades. If you had direct access to the courts and a jury of your peers they could issue a judgement that would put me out of business in a matter of hours and the pollution would stop.

Why have the EPA then? Simple, The bought and paid for Political Parasite Class has rigged the deck in favor of their Crony Capitalist friends rendering your voice silent. Notice that neither party squawks to much about this arrangement except at Election Time when it's time to pull the wool over the Sheeple's Eyes.
The bought and paid for Political Parasite Class has rigged the deck in favor of their Crony Capitalist friends to pull the wool over the Sheeple's Eyes.

Cliches abound.

I love 'Sheeple' when its used by the talk radio crowd to describe some one else.
Cliches abound.

I love 'Sheeple' when its used by the talk radio crowd to describe some one else.

Not being one who listens to talk radio I'll accept your word. MOST people are so wrapped up in their own lives and survival thanks to the Parasite class they in effect become "Sheep" or a better phrase would be "Dupes of the corrupt Political Parasite Class"

When these people start waking up to the screw job they're getting all I can say is "LOOKOUT" to whomever is in power. We're starting to see it now with the Tea Party, Ron Paul and the Occupy Wall Street folks. Different goals and agendas sometimes but one thing in common. PISSED OFF

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