Thanks for wasting my time with irrelevant videos.
I'm sorry, they were in a package of links from the article I posted. I confess I didn't watch every one of them. I think it fair to say that there is a hard money solution to the current system of world wide fiat currencies. The problem is eliminating the Fed is but one step in a long arduous journey toward fiscal sanity. Remember it took us 100 years to get where we are today so it's not a once and done 90 day solution.
For me I think a few steps are doable immediately:
1. - Audit the Fed! It's long past time for the American Public to get a peek behind the curtain. If what the critics suggest we'll find is true then the Fed is done as the people will demand its closure. If not that's OK as we now know what we are dealing with.
2. If you're Austrian School you have to liquidate the current debt bubble. First step there is a smaller Federal foot print on the US economy. We need to roll back the budget to 2000 and balance it. We have to stop the bleeding debt wise.
3. While the end goal is the elimination of the Personal Income Tax, again we'll need an interim step of revising the tax code to spur growth and get out economy moving forward. Further, the various Federal Agencies need to stop over regulating. That can be solved by eliminating them or cutting their budget
4. Our interventionist foreign policy needs to be rethought and our role as Policeman to the world needs to be redefined into a smaller less expensive enterprise. Thomas Jefferson was right, Trade with all, alliances with no one. If you want a symbolic statement to signal the change? Throw the UN off of our land. Frankly there are better uses for the building.
Without these four cornerstones it's all rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Once we have a solid foundation upon which to build, we can tackle MediCare, MediCaid and Social Security in much more meaningful way. Besides, sound currency, good tax laws that spur growth will allow revenue to increase making the challenges presented by the vast Entitlement system much more workable. It's a lot like my old boss used to say, "If everyone wants steak, somebody has got to sell"! A simple yet accurate assessment as a robust growing economy causes many of these issues to take care of themselves.