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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

I believe Paul is going to have a voice in the next presidency if the republicans win. Gingrich and Perry have already had their 15 min of fame and are burning out already. I thinking is going to come down to Romney and Paul. If the base of the RNC can over look Romney being a Mormon then I think Romney will win. If the religion proves to much for the base then Paul will win the nomination and I think he will loose the election. I think Obama will go dirty and bury him. Paul has a lot of history behind him and that will come back to bite him.
I believe Paul is going to have a voice in the next presidency if the republicans win. Gingrich and Perry have already had their 15 min of fame and are burning out already. I thinking is going to come down to Romney and Paul. If the base of the RNC can over look Romney being a Mormon then I think Romney will win. If the religion proves to much for the base then Paul will win the nomination and I think he will loose the election. I think Obama will go dirty and bury him. Paul has a lot of history behind him and that will come back to bite him.

Well to me it's obvious that Obama WILL go dirty, even if the candidate were the Virgin Mary. To me that's a given.

I think the one candidate going dirty on could backfire on Obama is Ron Paul. His closet is relatively empty skeleton wise. His views are not, but that's what an election should be. A contrast and comparison of style and points of view between candidates and parties.

I think one of the reasons Paul has some relatively negative ads running now is to serve notice to Obama that he has the will to play hardball.
Well to me it's obvious that Obama WILL go dirty, even if the candidate were the Virgin Mary. To me that's a given.

I think the one candidate going dirty on could backfire on Obama is Ron Paul. His closet is relatively empty skeleton wise. His views are not, but that's what an election should be. A contrast and comparison of style and points of view between candidates and parties.

I think one of the reasons Paul has some relatively negative ads running now is to serve notice to Obama that he has the will to play hardball.

Play hardball like in walking off the set of an interview????

Yeah that'll show them. lol
Paul has made a lot of statements in his past that will sink him. His comments on the Civil Rights act will go over like a lead balloon.

Politics has always been fought dirty. Every election cycle is the same. They say they won't and they all do. Obama will throw some dirt and so will who ever turns out to be the republican candidate. This is not rocket science. It's the same crap every time.
Paul has made a lot of statements in his past that will sink him. His comments on the Civil Rights act will go over like a lead balloon.

Politics has always been fought dirty. Every election cycle is the same. They say they won't and they all do. Obama will throw some dirt and so will who ever turns out to be the republican candidate. This is not rocket science. It's the same crap every time.

I haven't heard anything to outrageous yet. However to get back on topic if he wins in Iowa then I think we'll see just how much dirt there is on Ron Paul. The GOP wants nothing to do with Ron Paul. He's a huge thorn in their side and the really interesting thing in all of this is that due to his foreign policy positions he will likely pull more left leaning Democratic voters away from Obama then any other GOP candidate could ever hope for.

A lot of domino's would have to fall just right for it to happen, but I honestly think he can win the whole thing. WHY do I think this? There is something about him that's fresh, yet old at the same time. Here's a guy, love him of hate him that when asked will tell you exactly what he believes and why. Then you go home and try to find a contradiction and you can't do it. When he talks about the COTUS, Freedom & Liberty you know he believes it to the core of his being. In a way he's the Anti-Politician.

Someone asked what he has accomplished and while I'm sure this isn't what was in mind but you have to have a pretty big pair of balls to face the fire for 30 years and remain true to yourself. Ron Paul has and continues to do this every single day of his life. It's also a pretty big deal to stay married to the same woman for 55 years. These are the kind of traits you don't find in many politicians. This is why he resonates with younger people who are waking up to the fact that they are getting screwed by their parents generation. So along comes Ron Paul who looks like Dad or Grandad and tells them "Look here's how you're getting screwed" and they get energized because for the first time in their young lives they're not getting their sneakers pissed on with some politician saying "Oh look it's raining"!! Ron looks at them and asks "Why are you letting them piss on your sneakers?"

After 57 years on this earth, Ron Paul is the only Presidential Candidate I've ever wanted to actually meet. MSNBC had an interesting, although ungodly Liberal biased assessment of Ron Paul. It appears below


My thing with Paul is that I do like some of his stances on things, the military specifically. Then you look at his personal freedom positions and he looses me and most other liberals. He claims to stand for personal freedom but does not support a woman's right to control her own body.

The biggest problem I see with Paul is that his military views are in direct opposition to the republicans so they will not vote for him on that basis. Liberals will not vote for him based on his personal freedom views. Even were he to get in the WH, then he has to face both houses of Congress and both parties who do not agree with him on anything. Perhaps gridlock would be a good thing.

The other issue is his public image. Get him wound up on a issue and he sounds like a whiny old man. That is not a good look for a leader.

My thing with Paul is that I do like some of his stances on things, the military specifically. Then you look at his personal freedom positions and he looses me and most other liberals. He claims to stand for personal freedom but does not support a woman's right to control her own body.

The biggest problem I see with Paul is that his military views are in direct opposition to the republicans so they will not vote for him on that basis. Liberals will not vote for him based on his personal freedom views. Even were he to get in the WH, then he has to face both houses of Congress and both parties who do not agree with him on anything. Perhaps gridlock would be a good thing.

The other issue is his public image. Get him wound up on a issue and he sounds like a whiny old man. That is not a good look for a leader.

Something like 80% of the population are not in favor of abortion on some level. I've not heard Dr Paul come right our and say he's supporting an amendment to the COTUS banning abortion. I have heard him say many times that he thinks it's wrong and being an OB-GYN I think that's understandable. All I've ever heard him say was that most of the civil liberty issues like gay marriage, abortion belong in the hands of state governments, not in the Federal arena.

This interview is most interesting as it comes from someone who makes Ron Paul look like an atheist. He really tried to Paul on the defensive. I thought Ron handled himself rather well. With your views on religion I'd suggest you watch the video when you're already in a bad mood because it's disturbing. I'm a Christian and I was disturbed by it. I don't know what Bible this guy was using but I think he needs a different one.

Paul walked out of a CNN interview because he didn't like the questions.

In the future, interviews will only be permitted if Paul approves the questions beforehand.
Paul walked out of a CNN interview because he didn't like the questions.

In the future, interviews will only be permitted if Paul approves the questions beforehand.

I've often wondered why others haven't just got up and left.

Over the years I've listened to some interviews where if I were the Interviewee I'd be over the desk choking the life out the person. Some of it is just plain uncalled for and frankly I wish that more public figures would follow Dr Paul's lead.
They were asking him the wrong questions if they wanted to put him om the spot.
The phrase, "if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen," comes to mind. In public life just about anything in fair game. I've noticed some of you "Republicans" and "Libertarians" see no problem with an interviewer today asking Pres. Clinton about the Monica incident which is over 15 years old, but no one has the right to ask Dr. Paul about publications that were sent out with his name on the masthead at any time in the past. He should have the political guts to take responsibility for what he allowed to be published with his name on it.

Excuse me if I don't happen to believe that "he didn't and doesn't know anything about the racist statements that were published in his newsletter."
Well this sealed the deal as far as Ron Paul getting any love from me and probably others !

Ron Paul Endorses Cynthia McKinney !

"Yes, you read that correctly, Ron Paul endorsed Cynthia McKinney in 2008. For those who do not know, Cynthia McKinney is a certifiably insane anti-American anti-Semitic lunatic. She first came to widespread public attention when she was arrested for punching out a member of the capitol police who tried to stop her when she wasn’t wearing her pin. Cynthia McKinney is so crazy that she got defeated in a primary by a guy who thought Guam might tip over and capsize. McKinney was once arrested by the Israelis while trying to give aid to Hamas and penned a bizarre anti-American and anti-Israeli screed."


I could really care less who who endorsed Mckinney but, I would include them in the same boat of crackpots that McKinney sails in !