Geez I must have fallen asleep, did two weeks transpire in merely an hour?
Better get your depression meds ready because even if he wins Iowa, he won't get the nomination. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Geez I must have fallen asleep, did two weeks transpire in merely an hour?
How's this for starters?
Ron Paul is the real deal among the contenders for the Republican nomination.
When Rick Perry was getting Ds in Economics 101, Ron Paul was writing books on Austrian Economics.
When Michele Bachmann was campaigning for Jimmy Carter, Ron Paul was one of four congressmen to endorse Ronald Reagan on his second run.
When Newt Gingrich joining up with Nancy Pelosi to scare the public with tales of “global warming,” Ron Paul exposed the artificial hysteria as an elaborate hoax.
When they were working for the IRS [Bachmann], managing a presidential campaign for Al Gore [Perry], receiving $1.6 million from Freddie Mac [Gingrich], and signing into law the state version of Obamacare [Romney], Ron Paul was the lone voice and Nay vote in opposition to government expansion.
Ron Paul is the only candidate who predicted and warned against the economic crisis, who understood and explained the reasons for it, and who offers a viable solution.
Ron Paul is the only candidate who really means it when he says he wants to bring our troops home and scale down our unsustainable and unreasonable empire.
Ron Paul is the only candidate who is serious about slashing spending and eliminating taxes.
Brief Overview of Congressman Paul’s Record:
He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
In short he is a political oddity, a man of deep conviction and consistency, two traits that may serve him well in the next life but are heavy baggage when running for the highest office in the land.
Fitch Warns Again That US Could Lose Its AAA Rating In 2013
Fitch Ratings-London/New York-21 December 2011: Fitch Ratings today published a Special Report, 'U.S. Public Finances - An Update', detailing the medium-term fiscal projections that underpinned Fitch's revision of the United States 'AAA' sovereign Rating Outlook to Negative from Stable on Nov. 28, 2011.
The failure of the Congressional Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (the so-called Super Committee) to agree on at least USD1.2 trillion of deficit reduction measures underlines the challenge of securing broad-based consensus on how to reduce the outsize budget deficit and contain the rise in federal debt.
I'd suggest that instead of polluting this thread with your antics you start another Newt thread or otherwise piss off. This thread deals with Iowa and we shall see just how well Mr Newt does. Mean time check this out.
Newt gets in it will just be more of the Political Parasite Class getting rich confiscating our wages
Even tho he helped turn a deficit into a surplus back in the 90's? Along with the republican majority in both houses? Whos the stupid parasite now?
Still waiting for a non talking point and non straw man response to my previous post.
Paul has been in Congress, off and on, for nearly 30 years. In that time, he will rightly tell you, Congress has spent money with reckless abandon, expanded the state’s police powers, launched numerous wars without a declaration of war, and further embraced fiat money (he got into politics when Richard Nixon took us fully off the gold standard). During all of that, he took to the floor and delivered passionate speeches in protest convincing . . . nobody. He authored precious little legislation of any consequence.
Paul’s supporters love to talk about how he was a lone voice of dissent. They never explain why he was alone in his dissent. Why couldn’t he convince even his ideologically sympathetic colleagues? Why is there no Ron Paul caucus?
Now he insists that everyone in Washington will suddenly do what he wants once he’s in the White House. That’s almost painfully naïve. And it’s ironic that the only way the pure-constitutionalist libertarian in the race could do the things he’s promising is by using powers not in the Constitution.
Here's something to gnaw on.
Where Their Money Comes from
Take special note that Ron Paul's biggest individual supporter are in the Military while Mr Newt is larded with banks, insurance carriers and business. Want to get really disgusted? Look at where Romney's money comes from.
Which means nothing. Zip zero nada. Except for you and your nutter conspiracy paultards.
Why dont you just run along and go play with your straw men.
Ooh look another nutter shiney paultard video. Nice how you dodge his pork spending habit. But maybe your straw men didn't admit to that. Guess your woody over nutters really coifed your judgement. Either that or your hookers and blow habit pushed you over the edge.
The Paultard nutter implosion begins;
Rep. Ron Paul Gets Irked By Newsletter Questions, Walks Out Of CNN Interview