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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

Ok, Southwind, you are making this up, aren't you? (Although, I know you are not.) How did I manage to miss such (what would have been) entertaining news stories? That ranks right up there with the guys wearing the tinfoil hats to protect against death rays from the Martians.
The phrase, "if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen," comes to mind. In public life just about anything in fair game. I've noticed some of you "Republicans" and "Libertarians" see no problem with an interviewer today asking Pres. Clinton about the Monica incident which is over 15 years old, but no one has the right to ask Dr. Paul about publications that were sent out with his name on the masthead at any time in the past. He should have the political guts to take responsibility for what he allowed to be published with his name on it.

Excuse me if I don't happen to believe that "he didn't and doesn't know anything about the racist statements that were published in his newsletter."

I don't care for the non stop hammering on politicians over things that are 20+ years old. If more would do what Dr Paul did over stupid questions being asked by either ill informed or Gotcha types in the media then perhaps we wouldn't have the crap that passes for news today.

I don't think that any of today's news types could even hold a job as a reporter 50 years agi much less rise to the top of their field.
I agree, but a past fraught with racist attitudes can be explored at any time. If he had a "conversion" on the subject, well good. "I saw the error of my beliefs and have repented." It's a good political move. But, to state that he didn't know anything about the statements published in his own newsletter? Please. I was born, but it wasn't yesterday.

Besides, those statements were published all that many years ago. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is now almost 50 years old. Dr. Paul should have changed his views a long time ago. He wasn't even hiding behind the "New Republican" states' rights argument of the old segregationist Dixiecrats.
I don't care for the non stop hammering on politicians over things that are 20+ years old. If more would do what Dr Paul did over stupid questions being asked by either ill informed or Gotcha types in the media then perhaps we wouldn't have the crap that passes for news today.

I don't think that any of today's news types could even hold a job as a reporter 50 years agi much less rise to the top of their field.

Did you feel the same way when Herman Cain was getting hammered by the press !

Welcome to the big league Ron !
I agree, but a past fraught with racist attitudes can be explored at any time. If he had a "conversion" on the subject, well good. "I saw the error of my beliefs and have repented." It's a good political move. But, to state that he didn't know anything about the statements published in his own newsletter? Please. I was born, but it wasn't yesterday.

Besides, those statements were published all that many years ago. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is now almost 50 years old. Dr. Paul should have changed his views a long time ago. He wasn't even hiding behind the "New Republican" states' rights argument of the old segregationist Dixiecrats.

All I have is one of his speeches recently. Libertarians in general tend to views rights as being conferred upon individuals and not groups. So in that regard there can only be my rights as Sparrowhawk whether I'm gay, black or otherwise. Here's the clip

For me that clip should tell you everything you need to know.
he will likely pull more left leaning Democratic voters away from Obama then any other GOP candidate could ever hope for.
That is an incorrect assessment. Show me any poll where Democratic leaning voters would vote for him over Obama and I will give you that one.
Did you feel the same way when Herman Cain was getting hammered by the press !

Welcome to the big league Ron !

Yes I did, What happened to Mr Cain was inexcusable and despicable. Same with the Clinton scandal. Newt's forays into the Crony Capitalist arena are far more important then his 3 wives and documented philandering will ever be.
That is an incorrect assessment. Show me any poll where Democratic leaning voters would vote for him over Obama and I will give you that one.

Maybe you're right. I can't find a specific poll. However there is an organization out there calling itself "Democrats for Ron Paul" so he does have a measure of support there.

Democrats for Ron Paul

I know little about them so please don't bludgeon me about them. For all I know it's 2 people in their 3rd bedroom with a website.
You may want to sit down for this Sparrow

Paul in 1995: Say, have you read my newsletters?

For a man who now says that he didn’t pay any attention to the newsletters published under his own name for years, he certainly seems to be pretty conversant with its contents in 1995.

:lol: Ouch...........thats gonna leave a mark! :lol:
I love the way republicans eat their own.

You know the Democrats do it too!

It was such a peaceful day of civilized debate until the slot machine reappeared with the name calling and insults. Thankfully it's on ignore and I only see that there was a post not the actual comment.

I'm not certain what if any validity the racist claim has, being that it's very old news against a back drop of Honor, Integrity and Principle that is Ron Paul, It's both sad and IMO desperate when all you can dredge up is a 20 year old allegation. Especially when your guy has more skeletons then Arlington National Cemetery :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .
You know the Democrats do it too!

It was such a peaceful day of civilized debate until the slot machine reappeared with the name calling and insults. Thankfully it's on ignore and I only see that there was a post not the actual comment.

I'm not certain what if any validity the racist claim has, being that it's very old news against a back drop of Honor, Integrity and Principle that is Ron Paul, It's both sad and IMO desperate when all you can dredge up is a 20 year old allegation. Especially when your guy has more skeletons then Arlington National Cemetery :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

Poor drunkard, nothing else to do but wallow in his nutter hero excrement. Couldn't happen to nicer nutter.

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