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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

RP will be in over his head more so then Obama.

This is the most interesting comment I think I've ever seen from you. Honestly I think being POTUS is one job where the "Holy Shite" factor doesn't hit right away. Carter, Obama came into office rip roaring and ready to go. Yet when faced with a challenge they folded like cheap suits.

OTOH Reagan who appeared to be an intellectual light weight and ill suited for the Presidency went on to do great things. So the question still remains "which group would a President Paul fall into?" The answer is the same for all incoming Presidents and the answer is "It Depends"

In my highly unscientific observation I think the Presidents who have done well had the ability to recognize talent, recruit it, direct it and motivate that talent to do good things. If Ron Paul has that ability then he will accomplish great things. If not, you may well be correct.

I thought we had a real winner with Jimmy Carter when he got elected, Great credentials, Navy man, the whole deal. I don't think I can ever be more disappointed then I was with him as POTUS. Sadly I don't think we know we made the right choice until they actually are in office about a year.
Theres only one candidate that has a mountain of achievements above all the rest. That person brought back a republican majority after 40 years. As a result of having a republican majority was able to castrate a tax and spend democrat (Clinton) and herald in the era of government surplus that the democrats try to pin as an aceient for Clinton. It wasn't is the republicans under Newts leadership.

No one else hase achieved a fraction of what Newt had accomplished. Not even nutters Paul.

Do all this hyperventilating over Newts past with woman, Fannie and Freddie, etc is nothing more then the typical straw man bs arguements that don't match up with his acheivments.

What had nutters done to match such acheivments? Besides being an life time member of Stormfront?
Theres only one candidate that has a mountain of achievements above all the rest. That person brought back a republican majority after 40 years. As a result of having a republican majority was able to castrate a tax and spend democrat (Clinton) and herald in the era of government surplus that the democrats try to pin as an aceient for Clinton. It wasn't is the republicans under Newts leadership.

No one else hase achieved a fraction of what Newt had accomplished. Not even nutters Paul.

Do all this hyperventilating over Newts past with woman, Fannie and Freddie, etc is nothing more then the typical straw man bs arguements that don't match up with his acheivments.

What had nutters done to match such acheivments? Besides being an life time member of Stormfront?

Newt's personal "Issues" don't much concern me frankly. As a Member of the Parasite Political Class he's the most palatable one out there. Which to me says very little good about him.

I just don't think we need yet another member of the Crony Capitalist Crook Brigade occupying 1600 Penna. Avenue. When it comes to anyone not named Ron Paul the only difference I see between the Repugnicans field and Obama is Obama black and all the contenders aren't. I just don't see what we gain with anyone except Ron Paul
Answer the question. Where's the list of nutters acheivments????

Are you refereeing to Philadelphia's Mayor, Michael Nutter? I don't think he's running for President is he? He's a Democrat besides. I don't know any other politician named Nutter?
So you admit that your hero nutter Ron Paul has no acheivments? Except some slick YouTube videos and a fat bank account courtesy of simple idiots blindly following the cult of personality?
So you admit that your hero nutter Ron Paul has no acheivments? Except some slick YouTube videos and a fat bank account courtesy of simple idiots blindly following the cult of personality?

OK, we're done for today. If you can't be respectful to me or Dr Paul then I'm done. Enjoy the rest of the day.

OK, we're done for today. If you can't be respectful to me or Dr Paul then I'm done. Enjoy the rest of the day.

Ok then. So after using words like parasites an repugnucans you recoil into the fetal position over the word nutters?

Hypocrite much?

Still waiting in that long list of acheivments that Dr Nutters has. Where is it?
Ok then. So after using words like parasites an repugnucans you recoil into the fetal position over the word nutters?

Hypocrite much?

Still waiting in that long list of acheivments that Dr Nutters has. Where is it?

Parasite political class refers to an entire group, NOT one specific person. BIG Difference. I know your not much on nuance but I gave it a shot
Parasite political class refers to an entire group, NOT one specific person. BIG Difference. I know your not much on nuance but I gave it a shot

Typical backpedal from the master straw man himself.

So then where's the list of acheivments. Or are you relying on Hope and Change 2.0 nutter style?
Typical backpedal from the master straw man himself.

So then where's the list of acheivments. Or are you relying on Hope and Change 2.0 nutter style?

You're not paying attention. As long as the word Nutter appears when referring to Dr Paul I'll continue to assume you're referring to Michael Nutter, Mayor of Philadelphia.

Michael Anthony Nutter (born June 29, 1957) is the Mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is the third African-American mayor of Philadelphia, the largest city in the United States with an African-American mayor. Elected on November 6, 2007, he was sworn in on January 7, 2008 and re-elected on November 8, 2011. Nutter is a former councilman of the city's 4th Council District, and has served as the 52nd Ward Democratic Leader since 1990.
You're not paying attention. As long as the word Nutter appears when referring to Dr Paul I'll continue to assume you're referring to Michael Nutter, Mayor of Philadelphia.

Michael Anthony Nutter (born June 29, 1957) is the Mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is the third African-American mayor of Philadelphia, the largest city in the United States with an African-American mayor. Elected on November 6, 2007, he was sworn in on January 7, 2008 and re-elected on November 8, 2011. Nutter is a former councilman of the city's 4th Council District, and has served as the 52nd Ward Democratic Leader since 1990.

So you demand something you yourself are not capable of. Way to go nutter!
An oldie but a goodie, edit for time.

Why ron paul Nutters has ZERO chance to win the republican presidential primary

1. His foreign policy ideas are simply the same recycled bad ideas that Jimmy Carter had. A foreign policy of ”let’s hide our head in the sand like an ostrich and blame big bad America and hope that everyone leaves us alone” is not only ignorant, but also dangerous for our country. And the big winners in last November’s elections were the ones who espoused ”american exceptionalism”, not the ones who espoused ”anti-american apologism”.

2. He has no real political power. And this was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in 2008. Yes, he can win any ONLINE presidential poll. So what. In 2007 the paulbots hijacked the same online polls and Ron Paul won them all. His followers then posed articles all over the internet touting his candidacy. He then suckered his gullible followers telling them that the ”polls showed he could win” and send to him money. Then came the 2008 primaries. Out of the 50 states that were availible for Ron Paul to win, guess how many he won? ZERO. And that is spelled Z-E-R-O.

3. There are plenty of people who are ”one issue voters” in politics. And in the Republican party there are plenty of people that ”opposition to islam” is the one issue they feel strongly about. You can go to any anti islam or conservative jewish site and see that the two politicians that are diliked the most are Obama and Ron Paul. Ron Paul has said ”I don’t believe for one minute the religion of islam is our enemy”. And Paul also attacked the Sunshine Patriots for their oppostion to the ground zero mosque.

4. Let’s look at Ron Paul’s position on crack cocaine and heroin. Now I am totally fine with legalizing pot and prostitution in any state if the voters want it. If somebody wants to get laid or smoke a joint it sure isn’t any of my business. But we are talking about legalizing hard drugs because Ron Paul says that the government is unconstitutionally sticking its nose in peoples business by not allowing it. I say once it becomes legal, who is going to cover the costs of the people that get addicted to it to go to rehab or treatment centers. And please don’t say the addict. Probably the government will have to.

5. If he were alive today, Ronald Reagan would strongly oppose him. Reagan believed in spending generously on our national defense and certainly had an interventionist foreign policy. And according to the Ron Paul playbook, that would make the greatest president of my era ”a neocon”. Their policies and beliefs are totally and completely different. Naturally Ron Paul’s followers will attempt to hide that fact by showing you an old video of Ronald Reagan praising Ron Paul as a candidate and using that as proof that Ronald Reagan would support Ron Paul in 2012.

6. Illegal Immigration. According to the highly respected anti immigation group NUMBERS USA, Ron Paul has the lowest grade of any Republican presidential candidate out there, coming in with an F. Naturally, his paulbots try to put a spin on this by saying ”welfare and benefit programs should be unconsititutional so illegal immigrants wont come here”. If Ron Paul threw puppies off a tall building his hynoptized followers would be applauding and yelling it was ”constitutional”. That argument wont cut it with the voters.

7. Paul’s pork problem. One thing career politicians learn to do is talk conservative while picking the taxpayers pocket for money. And ”Porkulus Paul” has this shady routine down pat. First of all, let’s go back to last November’s elections to get the proper perspective on this issue. The Republicans destroyed the Democrats on November 3 due to the energy and votes of the tea party!!!!! Now the tea party came in and deservedly wanted to flex it muscles. And decided to take a principled stand against the unethical practice of pork(earmarks). The fight against earmarks was led by the Tea Party Patriots(TPP) and other tea party and conservative groups against the pork loving Democrats. In fact, TPP leader Mark Meckler considered this such an important issue that he promised to run a tea party challenger against any Republican that accepted them.

“We’ll do what we always do,” said Meckler. “Our members will put immense pressure on every senator to vote against earmarks. This is a fundamental issue — it’s both substantive and symbolic. Will they vote against the politics of the past or are they still stuck in it? This is a vote that will never go away, like TARP. Tea Partiers have long memories. Politicians have always taken advantage of the fact that voters have short memories, but we’ll know, we’ll remember, and in 2012 when they have aggressive, well-funded primary challengers, they’ll know why.”

Then it came out that a Republican asked for 150 MILLION DOLLARS IN PORK FOR HIS DISTRICT!!! Surely this was a RINO. Maybe Olympia Snowe or Scott Brown? No, it was actually Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is to the far left of the tea party on just about every major issue. Actually he looks just like a liberal Democrat to me.

For Nutters Ron Paul​

2012 Iowa Republican Caucus
Iowa: Romney 25% Paul 20% Gingrich 17%​
For Nutters Ron Paul​

2012 Iowa Republican Caucus
Iowa: Romney 25% Paul 20% Gingrich 17%​

Geez I must have fallen asleep, did two weeks transpire in merely an hour?