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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

Still haven't figured out why he's still smiling.

Pretty simple Dell.

Those who stand for nothing (Obama, Romney, Gingrich & Santorum) will fall for anything as will their supporters. Ron Paul, like pr dislike has stood for something (The Same Something) for over 30 years. When you go to bed at night secure in the fact that YOU know who you are, then you get to face each day with a smile.

The Liberty Movement grows world wide on a daily basis. It shows up as support for Ron Paul, the founding of the Tea Party and also Occupy Wall Street. He smiles because his message is resonating with more and more and as it does those with lots to lose step up the attacks. Oh sure they want his followers to embrace the candidate they hand pick, just so long as it isn't Ron Paul. So he smiles once more because he knows that won't happen. He smiles because he doesn't have to win to have his voice heard as he now has enough delegates to be a Power Broker in Tanpa.

Failing there he can still disrupt the General Election by mounting a 4rd party challenge. He's sitting in a pretty OK place and there's lots of time left. I'd be smiling too.
We now have a Global Awareness of the Fed and active discussion on meaningful changes world wide. That's a pretty hood accomplishment. I'd try to explan for like the 40th time but you and the others who seek to attack that when your ideas are different the goal of an electoral victory will likely not be achieved. What WILL be achieved is refraning the debate and in that regard Ron Paul has already won.

Oh yes, it's the leed story on the news every night. 🙄

Why don't you explain to us what happens if the the Fed is abolished. If under a gold standard other countries start showing up wanting gold in exchange for dollars what do we do. Mind you this has happeend before. If the gold standard is so wonderfull why does not one use it? What would happen to the value of the dollar if Ron Paul got his wish regarding a competing currency?
Oh yes, it's the leed story on the news every night. 🙄

Why don't you explain to us what happens if the the Fed is abolished. If under a gold standard other countries start showing up wanting gold in exchange for dollars what do we do. Mind you this has happeend before. If the gold standard is so wonderfull why does not one use it? What would happen to the value of the dollar if Ron Paul got his wish regarding a competing currency?

Why don't YOU share this information since it is you who seems to desire to publish it? Personally I will only go as far as an audit of the Federal Reserve. I'm also not married to a Gold Standard. As I've said about 20 times before it doesn't have to be Gold, just something of intrinsic value. Like a market basket of commodities.

Save your sound bite questions and mainstream talking points for someone who gives a shite about them. Did you even bother to read the lengthy post regarding economics and the fact that even in Mainstream circles the Keynesian economic model is being shown as a FAILURE.

This is World Wide that people are calling into question the wisdom of cradle to grave socialism combined with the Keynesian Economic model and are beginning to question it or call for it's dismantling.
Great article in the NY Times about the complete disaster that is the Ron Paul campaign.

Whatever happened to Ron Paul?

And some of his supporters may be more motivated to attend rallies than to vote for him: A Feb. 27 event at Michigan State University drew 4,000 people. But at polling places the next day, Mr. Paul finished third — with 3,128 votes — in Ingham County, where the campus is. Mr. Romney got more than three times as many votes.

...In Nevada, the campaign identified 23,000 people motivated to vote for Mr. Paul and flooded them with e-mails, postcards and calls, according to the senior aide. But Mr. Paul received 6,175 votes statewide. Even Nye County — a libertarian stronghold where Mr. Paul won almost half the vote — was a disappointment: The number of votes he got, 454, was perhaps only a hundred or so more than the number of people who attended a rally there a few days earlier at which his state chairman had announced 800 new voters registered in the county...

All that money from dorks, completely wasted....

As President, Ron Paul will lead the fight to:

* Remove restrictions on drilling, so companies can tap into the vast amount of oil we have here at home.

* Repeal the federal tax on gasoline. Eliminating the federal gas tax would result in an 18 cents savings per gallon for American consumers.

* Lift government roadblocks to the use of coal and nuclear power.

* Eliminate the ineffective EPA. Polluters should answer directly to property owners in court for the damages they create – not to Washington.

* Make tax credits available for the purchase and production of alternative fuel technologies.

It’s time for a President that recognizes the free market’s power and innovative spirit by unleashing its full potential to produce affordable, environmentally sound, and reliable energy.

YES, It's time to tell the Empty Suited Nim Nut all of the above and more. Do take note of the last bullet point, This is a candidate with a plan.
And nothing about renewable energy. How surprising.

Perhaps you missed the last bullet? Allow me to assist.

Make tax credits available for the purchase and production of alternative fuel technologies.

Wouldn't the above apply? Unless of course you're a blind follower of the Empty Suit agenda.

Doesn't "Alternative" mean renewable or other forms of energy not currently in favor with the Crony Capitalist/Political Parasite Class you seem to worship?
Ron Paul gathers 5,200 supporters while Joe Biden gathers 150 supporters

While Dr. Ron Paul was getting the "rock star treatment" in Wisconsin, Vice-President Joe Biden was speaking at his own gathering. Dr. Paul had a crowd of over 5,200 supporters stand outside in 40 degree weather to hear him speak. Vice-President Biden had over 150 supporters hear him speak at the Italian Community Center in Wisconsin.

Vice-President Biden spoke for about 30 minutes to donors and activists at about the same time Dr. Paul was speaking.

Last night 1,800 people packed inside a building in Maryland while 200 people lined up outside. All to see Dr. Ron Paul. Tonight, more than 5,200 people stood outside in 40 degree weather to hear Dr. Paul speak. This beats his previous record and is now the largest Town Hall meeting Dr. Paul has had to date!

Ron Paul supporters are enthusiastic, dedicated, and motivated. Many politicians have attempted to wrestle control of Ron Paul supporters by floating rumors regarding secret deals and back room meetings. These politicians do not seem to realize that this is a movement and is about more than just one man.

According to the Post Bulletin, Vice-President Biden's fund-raiser was an event that cost a minimum of $250 to attend. Maybe that helped to contribute to the lack of attendance:

The fundraiser was for the Obama Victory Fund, the joint fundraising committee for the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Tickets were a minimum of $250. The vice president began his current trip in Iowa and will go on to Illinois before returning to Wilmington, Del.

One wonders whether Vice-President Biden's supporters left as pleased as Dr. Paul's supporters
from the Examiner, author Angel Clark

Bob Dylan & Bill Kirchen, aka "Titan of the Telecaster" saws it best
Why don't YOU share this information since it is you who seems to desire to publish it? Personally I will only go as far as an audit of the Federal Reserve. I'm also not married to a Gold Standard. As I've said about 20 times before it doesn't have to be Gold, just something of intrinsic value. Like a market basket of commodities.

Save your sound bite questions and mainstream talking points for someone who gives a shite about them. Did you even bother to read the lengthy post regarding economics and the fact that even in Mainstream circles the Keynesian economic model is being shown as a FAILURE.

This is World Wide that people are calling into question the wisdom of cradle to grave socialism combined with the Keynesian Economic model and are beginning to question it or call for it's dismantling.

A simple "I don't know" would have sufficed.
And nothing about renewable energy. How surprising.

RE is a viable venture but it sure as hell looks like sommething ain't there yet. All these places going BK with tax payer dollars isn't a wise decision or use of those monies.
Perhaps you missed the last bullet? Allow me to assist.

Make tax credits available for the purchase and production of alternative fuel technologies.

Wouldn't the above apply? Unless of course you're a blind follower of the Empty Suit agenda.

Doesn't "Alternative" mean renewable or other forms of energy not currently in favor with the Crony Capitalist/Political Parasite Class you seem to worship?

Yes I missed that. Sorry. Still not nearly enough in my opinion but a start
RE is a viable venture but it sure as hell looks like sommething ain't there yet. All these places going BK with tax payer dollars isn't a wise decision or use of those monies.
How much taxpayer money was "wasted" getting us to the moon? we're you disappointed when we had rockets blow up in the pad? We're you calling for the end of the space program or NASA when they had high profile failures?

Our space program has turned out to be a pretty good investment. Succesful ventures often come to fruition after multiple failures by people who were not willing to throw in the towel when they knew they were doing the right thing.

As President, Ron Paul will lead the fight to:

* Eliminate the ineffective EPA. Polluters should answer directly to property owners in court for the damages they create – not to Washington.
Great idea. I am sure some little homeowner has the resources to fight a Dow Chemical Corp, or a Cargill when their property is destroyed to the point that they cannot even live on it any longer.

But hey, that is their fault for being stupid enough to not know that some company could pollute them out of existence. They can sue them and it will all work out.

Maybe they should have put away some of their disposable income in a legal fund just in case that happened. You know, with the other fund saving for that cnacer or heart problem they may encounter.
Great idea. I am sure some little homeowner has the resources to fight a Dow Chemical Corp, or a Cargill when their property is destroyed to the point that they cannot even live on it any longer.

But hey, that is their fault for being stupid enough to not know that some company could pollute them out of existence. They can sue them and it will all work out.

Maybe they should have put away some of their disposable income in a legal fund just in case that happened. You know, with the other fund saving for that cnacer or heart problem they may encounter.

You might want to do a search of the name Manfred Derewel. He lived up the road from me back in the 1970's. He is one of the most notorious polluters in US/EPA History. He dumped thousands of gallons of waste down into a stream and then on his property that leached into the stream. The EPA has dogged this man like Public Enemy number 1 and to little avail. Why? Because IMO it was easier and cheaper for him to push the Feds around then it would have been to defend lawsuits from as many as 200 property owners he directly effected.

State Civil tort can be a powerful weapon. Now there might have to be some changes in the law regarding how cause and effect is established but in general the concept is sound. The name Erin Brockovitch comes to mind as that ONE person who took on a public utility and won, not once but several times. It can be done.

People want easy answers to complex issues and main stream politicians give it to them. It's far easier to say "Well I called the EPA" then it is to round up your neighbors and take action. We have a Cable TV operator here whose contract is up for renewal in 2013. I'm in the process of trying to start a movement to have the contract put out to bid. WHY? Everybody hates them and their crap customer service. Let's see if a little pressure gets us lower rates or better service.

In a free society you have to WORK at being a good citizen. That includes getting involved more then one day a year standing in line to vote.

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