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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

On a more positive note:

Ron Paul Upsets Santorum In Missouri Caucuses Buoyed By Huge Youth Turnout

Ron Paul emerged victorious in the Missouri caucus due to his unmatched grassroots organization and his ability to turn out the youth vote.

The final outcome of Missouri’s lengthy caucus process may not be known for months. Early results, however, indicate that Ron Paul may well walk away from the state with the most delegates. Yesterday, his supporters overwhelmed the largest pooled caucus – Jackson county, responsible for sending 179 delegates to the state and congressional district conventions – winning over two-thirds of the available delegate slots. Mr. Paul also swept St. Louis, winning all of the city’s 36 delegates.

Missouri’s second and third largest caucuses, which convened last Saturday, reported similar results. In Greene county (111 delegates), Paul backers won nearly 60% of the delegate slots. In St. Charles (147 delegates), they so thoroughly dominated that the county GOP chair, allegedly a Santorum supporter, adjourned the meeting and called in the police to prevent the election from taking place.

In each of these counties, Paul supporters were outnumbered by Santorum supporters by at least 4-to-1*. Against these daunting odds, the Ron Paulers emerged victorious due to their unmatched grassroots organization and their ability to turn out the youth vote. In Greene county, party insiders said they had “never seen so many young people at a Republican caucus.”

Missouri’s results – a shot in the arm for the Paul campaign – have led many observers to conclude that Mr. Paul’s caucus strategy is working better than they had anticipated. His strong performance follows several events in recent weeks that suggest that Ron Paul supporters – energized by the message of limited government and fiscal conservatism – are quickly taking over the leadership of the Republican party at the state and local levels across the country.

Earlier this month, in Las Vegas, Paul supporters were elected to two-thirds of the board positions in the Clark County Republican Party after winning more county convention delegates than any other candidate at the caucuses – including Mitt Romney. Meanwhile, in Iowa, the state co-chair of the Paul campaign was elected as the chairman of the Iowa Republican Party in February. Last week, Paul supporters swept all the delegate slots in two of Seattle’s largest legislative district conventions.

Such accomplishments belie the mainstream media’s efforts to marginalize Ron Paul’s candidacy. The Associated Press’s projections, for example, report the Texas congressman as being last in the delegate count. Election analysts, however, insist that those projections are driven by a failure to understand the rules governing delegate allocation in caucus states. Josh Putnam, election expert and professor of political science, agrees. The AP delegate count, he admits, is based on “a fantasy proportional allocation of delegates in the non-binding caucus states.”
Quoted from Policymic

Then there is the Video of the planned election fraud in one MO county. Tampa is going to be one interesting convention. A 4-way fight to the finish line... Romney's money, Santorum's fascism, Newt's narcisism and Paul's grassroots Youth movement.

Even though I'm an avid supporter of Dr Paul I've never understood why the oldest candidate running seems to have the most energy personally. Also he seems to actually have a streak of humility, a trait unknown in political circles. Then there is the undisputed fact that just over 50% of his support is from those under 30 and 97% of his funds come from them. Goldman Sachs doesn't donate to guys like Dr. Paul.

True enough! Except for:

Say what you will about Ron Paul, however he NEVER had a DUI conviction like your hero.

BTW do you think PBR Parker could garner 6% of the vote from his own Company?

Rocks and Glass houses and all of that. You still haven't added on thing to the discussion here regarding the future of the nation. You just show up to throw rocks. Do you have the intellect to explain how the Broken Window fallacy effects public policy and Keynesian Economics. How it contrasts with Paul Krugman's comments and why it is relevant today?

If not the get the flock out and leave me alone. You add nothing because you are nothing and by your own admission stand for nothing. And when you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything. Now BE GONE TROLL.

Wow...Ron won some delegates in a few counties! What is next, is he going to win a seat on a county school board in Arkansas?

Not trolling, its your thread, you had no problem telling EVERYONE how great RP is and how well he was doing....until people actually voted. :lol:

Typical Ron Paul fan, so full of optimism and smug, because he wins internet polls but so angry when actual people vote. Free speech sure is a drag when you don't agree with it eh?
Shows you how few times I've had to use ignore. Never knew it said this if they continued,

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I assume i'm still subjected to his venom. At least I don't have to read it now.

I'm taking it like a 12 step program. One day/post at a time.

I do find it interesting that when Dr. Paul's supporters get involved in the caucus process and follow the published rules to the letter that some of the Political Parasite Class try to rewrite the rules on the fly. I mean if he's such a "fringe" candidate with no support why the effort to squash him?
Shows you how few times I've had to use ignore. Never knew it said this if they continued,

This post is hidden because you have chosen to ignore posts by HPearlyretiree . View it anyway?

I assume i'm still subjected to his venom. At least I don't have to read it now.

I'm taking it like a 12 step program. One day/post at a time.

I do find it interesting that when Dr. Paul's supporters get involved in the caucus process and follow the published rules to the letter that some of the Political Parasite Class try to rewrite the rules on the fly. I mean if he's such a "fringe" candidate with no support why the effort to squash him?

Damn, you have really thin skin.

When is the revolution starting?
Dam, you have really thin skin.

When is the revolution starting?

Sir, please back away from the computer.......

On a more positive note:

Quoted from Policymic

Then there is the Video of the planned election fraud in one MO county. Tampa is going to be one interesting convention. A 4-way fight to the finish line... Romney's money, Santorum's fascism, Newt's narcisism and Paul's grassroots Youth movement.

Even though I'm an avid supporter of Dr Paul I've never understood why the oldest candidate running seems to have the most energy personally. Also he seems to actually have a streak of humility, a trait unknown in political circles. Then there is the undisputed fact that just over 50% of his support is from those under 30 and 97% of his funds come from them. Goldman Sachs doesn't donate to guys like Dr. Paul.

Another case of a Paul supporter cherry picking to make it look like their guy is one step away from the White House. Or make it look like the only reason he's not is becasue he is a victim of some vast conspiracy. I'm just waiting for the old you must not like libery and freedom if you don't like Ron Paul charge.
Another case of a Paul supporter cherry picking to make it look like their guy is one step away from the White House. Or make it look like the only reason he's not is becasue he is a victim of some vast conspiracy. I'm just waiting for the old you must not like libery and freedom if you don't like Ron Paul charge.

Well that was one of many similar videos from around the country. so no one can say the depth of the fraud. Election Fraud is not new it goes back at least as far as US history.

There is a lot of back room politicking going on due to a rule change in 2008. It is also interesting to note that the party "regulars" seem to resent the young people who've chosen to get involved. Frankly I think if any of the others had this block of committed followers that are young and energized, I think you'd see the same result. To me it's more about the "Old Boy" network of the Republican Party then Ron Paul.
Ah yes it must be fraud....just keep repeating it. No proof. As usual, just the fringe trying to get some cognitive dissonance.
As I've stated before "Victory" can be defined in many ways. BEFORE Ron Paul got some traction in 2008 and now more in this cycle it was been largely due to the fiscal policies and a willingness to listen to his ideas. This is a direct result of the current economic morass along with the what seem like never ending wars by the current regime.

3 to 6 years ago you'd never see this kind of headline from an International Discussion group as a topic:

Can Keynesian policy ideas be implemented without causing inflation? Years ago Hayek said no and the 1970s indicated he was correct. So what does that imply for the 2010s?

What follows below is snippet of a very long and somewhat schorlarly article titled:

Dead End Economics: The Curse Of Neoclassical Thinking
from Economic Watch.

The so-called “Washington Consensus” ought to have been consigned to the scrapheap of history by now. The consensus – sometimes known as neo-classical economics – underpinned macroeconomic policy, including financial (de)regulation and central bank policy, for most of the past three decades. But the Panglossian assumptions about financial markets that underpinned ultimately gave rise to the global financial crisis from which many economies have yet to recover.

Think Real Estate bubble as one primce example. An example Dr Paul predicted some 4 years prior to it happening. This debate between Keynes and Hayek started in the 1930s and echoes of it can still be heard in the presidential election of 2012. Nicholas Wapshott has detailed the story in his recent book, "Keynes Hayek: The Clash That Defined Modern Economics"

It's depressing. Clearly there's a huge appetite for alternative approaches to economics right now, especially ones that are empirical and rooted in the realities of the world and how it actually works. Unfortunately, however, the prevailing orthodoxy means that proponents of such alternative models invariably struggle to get funding, and some struggle to get a fair hearing. Some are marginalized as "pinkos" and "lefties".
But there again there are signs of hope. People who are prepared to break out of the confines of neo-classical thinking were arguably given real impetus by the global Occupy movement which kicked off in New York's Zuccotti Park last September.

Russell Napier, a consultant for CLSA Asia Pacific Markets and founder of the Practical History of Financial Markets course, believes the real “intellectual disaster” took place in the 1960s. It was then that economists with high ambitions for their profession found a way of transforming what had been at best a social science into a 'hard' science. Napier believes that economists and policymakers’ faith in the market’s superior ability to allocate resources became entrenched because the state had done this so spectacularly badly in the post-World War Two years.

“The woeful misallocation of resources by governments in the post war era didn’t exactly set a high hurdle: it was not difficult to demonstrate that the market could allocate resources more efficiently than politicians and civil servants.”

This is the stuff you won't hear from Obama, Gingrich, Santorum or Romney. Dr Paul speaks often on these types of issues and the rest of the world apparently is now questioning pur economic path and so should every American.

For some, Critical thinking is not in their skill set and instead they rely on conventional wisdom and seek to drown out anything that is beyond the pablum spewed forth from the likes of Limbaugh and Maddow and the rest of their ilk. Ron Paul may never sit in the White House as POTUS but his campaign has kick started a global conversation on how money works, along with what our policies mean long term.
Victory is getting your butt kicked repeatedly and denying it?

We now have a Global Awareness of the Fed and active discussion on meaningful changes world wide. That's a pretty hood accomplishment. I'd try to explan for like the 40th time but you and the others who seek to attack that when your ideas are different the goal of an electoral victory will likely not be achieved. What WILL be achieved is refraning the debate and in that regard Ron Paul has already won.

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