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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

Blah blah blah, its all a conspiracy, the new world order and the Bilderbergs are probably involved, and Alex Jones will tell you because its the bankers and the Rothschilds, and the Knights of Templar! Ron knows too much about MJ 11 and Roswell and the Creature from Jekyll Island, etc, etc, etc.

40+ years of bloviating conspiracy nonsense from the kooks, nothing to show from it but a tiny paranoid fringe. Do you think the Queen is a reptile too?


BTW, great showing by Ron tonight in Illinois, are you going to blame this drubbing on voter fraud or some other unsubstantiated baloney?

I've NEVER bought into what you mentioned above and I don't know how you'd come to that conclusion. Don't even know the what/who Knights Templar is/are. WTF is MJ11? I've said it here a few times that Alex Jone is the "Tic" in Lunatic". You must be in love with reading your own words tonight because all of this venom is coming out of left field.

As for voter fraud in IL, You are aware that the last two Governors are in Jail for voter fraud related issues. Also the running joke in Chicago is "Vote Early, Vote Often". An election isn't a horse race and while we're certainly behind and maybe to far behind I'm happy to allow you to prove your obnoxious arrogance at my expense. Which Queen? My Queen? Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands where my ancestors are from? Pretty sure she walks fully erect although she has been invited to the Bilderberg Conference several times and one of the Dutch Prime Ministers, van Zeeland I think, was prominent in its founding memners. Do you even know how the conference got it's name? Do you know it's primary purpose?

Bloviating? Getting your news from Bill O'Reilly and the rest of the mental midget Wall Street Stooges? That speaks volumes in and of itself.

Don't come on here like a man with a paper poop hole and insult me when you have no facts to support your contentions. Why don't you demonstrate some of that scary intellect and explain the "Broken Window Fallacy" and how it applies to Keynesian Economics. Your typical, a B-747 mouth and a Beech-1900D ass.

Grow up and try civil discourse and an actual debate. Most here seem to grasp that concept. BYW, thanks for calling me a "Paulbot" my colleagues in the discussion group got a huge laugh. I thank you for taking time out of your regularly scheduled evening of insulting and name calling of pilots from the old US Airways.

BTW, still waiting to hear who you are supporting for President? Or aren't you informed enough to make a choice?
I've NEVER bought into what you mentioned above and I don't know how you'd come to that conclusion. Don't even know the what/who Knights Templar is/are. WTF is MJ11? I've said it here a few times that Alex Jone is the "Tic" in Lunatic". You must be in love with reading your own words tonight because all of this venom is coming out of left field.

As for voter fraud in IL, You are aware that the last two Governors are in Jail for voter fraud related issues. Also the running joke in Chicago is "Vote Early, Vote Often". An election isn't a horse race and while we're certainly behind and maybe to far behind I'm happy to allow you to prove your obnoxious arrogance at my expense. Which Queen? My Queen? Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands where my ancestors are from? Pretty sure she walks fully erect although she has been invited to the Bilderberg Conference several times and one of the Dutch Prime Ministers, van Zeeland I think, was prominent in its founding memners. Do you even know how the conference got it's name? Do you know it's primary purpose?

Bloviating? Getting your news from Bill O'Reilly and the rest of the mental midget Wall Street Stooges? That speaks volumes in and of itself.

Don't come on here like a man with a paper poop hole and insult me when you have no facts to support your contentions. Why don't you demonstrate some of that scary intellect and explain the "Broken Window Fallacy" and how it applies to Keynesian Economics. Your typical, a B-747 mouth and a Beech-1900D ass.

Grow up and try civil discourse and an actual debate. Most here seem to grasp that concept. BYW, thanks for calling me a "Paulbot" my colleagues in the discussion group got a huge laugh. I thank you for taking time out of your regularly scheduled evening of insulting and name calling of pilots from the old US Airways.

BTW, still waiting to hear who you are supporting for President? Or aren't you informed enough to make a choice?

Blah blah blah, Sparrow loves to hear himself and his theories that he copied from some other nutter.

I don't like anyone running this time, only guy I could support was Huntsman. The Republican party and the tea party has gone too far over the fundie theocrat edge for me.
Blah blah blah, Sparrow loves to hear himself and his theories that he copied from some other nutter.

I don't like anyone running this time, only guy I could support was Huntsman. The Republican party and the tea party has gone too far over the fundie theocrat edge for me.

If you say so. I haven't copied very much. Still waiting for you to explain the broken window fallacy, which is not some "Nutter" theory it's taught in most universities. Better still who wrote the piece and when? HINT: Wasn't the last 39 years and neither was the worl of Novel Prize winning Economist Hayek.

Like I said, a B-747 Mouth and a Beech-1900D Ass.
Funny none of the group here who takes such glee in attacking me for my support of Dr Paul have yet to enlighten us as to whom they favor? WHY? Ashamed of your choice?

Out of the current crop I'll do what I did in 2008, hold my nose and vote for Obama again. He is socially liberal so any court nominations he gets will more than likely be of similar mind. Most important would be a SCOTUS nomination should one open up. Fiscally he is just as bad at the rest so I do not see any difference there.
If you say so. I haven't copied very much. Still waiting for you to explain the broken window fallacy, which is not some "Nutter" theory it's taught in most universities. Better still who wrote the piece and when? HINT: Wasn't the last 39 years and neither was the worl of Novel Prize winning Economist Hayek.

Like I said, a B-747 Mouth and a Beech-1900D Ass.

You Ron Paul nuts have A380 dreams and Piper Cub reality.

Call me when Paul gets more than 100 delegates!


A perfect record of getting his ass whipped in every single primary in 2 elections, plus his stellar run as the LP candidate with less than 1% of the vote.

Sounds like "fringe" to me.

You are as effective as the crazy guy walking up and down the subway preaching.

Regarding your broken window analogy...I must have fell asleep of boredom when you tried to explain it, something about reading failed cult like ramblings makes my eyes glaze over....
Regarding your broken window analogy...I must have fell asleep of boredom when you tried to explain it, something about reading failed cult like ramblings makes my eyes glaze over....

Funny the Broken Window Fallacy is taught in almost every University Economics program. John Stossel featured it in his recent program "Illegal Everything"

Hey, how did Ron do in Louisiana today?



Yep, he is just taking this nation by storm. LOL

True enough! Except for:

Ron Paul wins Missouri GOP caucuses in Jackson County, St. Louis

Saturday, March 24, 2012 | 5:47 p.m. CDT; updated 7:34 p.m. CDT, Saturday, March 24, 2012
BY The Associated Press

KANSAS CITY — Ron Paul supporters have won the majority of delegates during caucuses in Jackson County and St. Louis.

Party officials said that during Saturday's caucuses, Ron Paul supporters won all 36 of the St. Louis delegates and about two-thirds of Jackson County's 179 delegates. The remaining Jackson County delegates support Mitt Romney.

Say what you will about Ron Paul, however he NEVER had a DUI conviction like your hero.

BTW do you think PBR Parker could garner 6% of the vote from his own Company?

Rocks and Glass houses and all of that. You still haven't added on thing to the discussion here regarding the future of the nation. You just show up to throw rocks. Do you have the intellect to explain how the Broken Window fallacy effects public policy and Keynesian Economics. How it contrasts with Paul Krugman's comments and why it is relevant today?

If not the get the flock out and leave me alone. You add nothing because you are nothing and by your own admission stand for nothing. And when you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything. Now BE GONE TROLL.
True enough! Except for:

Say what you will about Ron Paul, however he NEVER had a DUI conviction like your hero.

BTW do you think PBR Parker could garner 6% of the vote from his own Company?
What the hell does Doug Parker have to do with anything related to Ron Paul?

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