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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

Way to go Ron! Lost to a complete unknown! Yeah, the Revolution is just rolling along.


We shall see. Let's see how Ron's numbers look once gas hit $5 to $6 per gallon or if we start a war with Iran. It's March and the convention is August so a great deal can happen.

It's also becoming quite apparent he is viewed as a real threat to the Wall Street establishment as every place he came close to winning there was some type of fraud or irregularity.

March 17th 2012, in the city of Saint Charles Missouri, the GOP chair people decided that they wanted to overthrow a caucus, by "appointing" (notice nothing about it is democratic) their own parlementarian, rules commity, and eventually their own chair, all the while threatening us with "trespassing". They specifically made a rule that banned "All recording devices" however, I have 30 minutes of audio. Plain and simple, the establishment GOP wanted this caucus to be thrown out, and didnt want anyone to get the delegates.

It's very tough to win an election when the entire weight of the Republican Establishment aligned against you. This audio is just a snippet of what happened. Several were arrested for insisting that the Republican Party follow it's own rules.

There is no Political Party, Standing Army or Government that can stop an idea whose time has come.
We shall see. Let's see how Ron's numbers look once gas hit $5 to $6 per gallon or if we start a war with Iran. It's March and the convention is August so a great deal can happen.

It's also becoming quite apparent he is viewed as a real threat to the Wall Street establishment as every place he came close to winning there was some type of fraud or irregularity.

Gotta hand it to him, he found a new and even funnier way to lose!

Yeah...Ron's gonna mount a big comeback!

Keep trying to kick that football Charlie Brown!
Gotta hand it to him, he found a new and even funnier way to lose!

Yeah...Ron's gonna mount a big comeback!

Keep trying to kick that football Charlie Brown!

I learned never to say never in sports or politics. You OTOH are not nearly as bright. Let's see what happens if/when gas averages $6/Gal by June 1st? Let's see what happens if Obama starts a war with Iran and it doesn't go to well?

Each day I'm astounded as one by one the Liberty Movement grows. even the Europeans are starting to listen to his message.

Somebody said "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you played the game" If we lose and we likely will we played hard and held our own against overwhelming odds and there is another Paul waiting in the wings to take over where Dad left off. This isn't the end but it is the end of the Beginning.

frankly, in my mind we've already won. The voter fraud in the Primary's proves we have a message that scares the everloving crap out of the Republican & Democratic Establishment. They want all of the young people who work and energize the Paul campaign. However they don't want the message and they're about to find out you don't get one without the other.

So Mr early retiree from a loser airline which of the 4 political parasites do you favor? or you a Fred Karger man?
I learned never to say never in sports or politics. You OTOH are not nearly as bright. Let's see what happens if/when gas averages $6/Gal by June 1st? Let's see what happens if Obama starts a war with Iran and it doesn't go to well?

Each day I'm astounded as one by one the Liberty Movement grows. even the Europeans are starting to listen to his message.

Somebody said "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you played the game" If we lose and we likely will we played hard and held our own against overwhelming odds and there is another Paul waiting in the wings to take over where Dad left off. This isn't the end but it is the end of the Beginning.

frankly, in my mind we've already won. The voter fraud in the Primary's proves we have a message that scares the everloving crap out of the Republican & Democratic Establishment. They want all of the young people who work and energize the Paul campaign. However they don't want the message and they're about to find out you don't get one without the other.

So Mr early retiree from a loser airline which of the 4 political parasites do you favor? or you a Fred Karger man?

Poor Sparrow, lost the argument, had to resort to a personal attack.

Yeah, somehow Paul will rise like Jesus...how...cultlike. 😛
Poor Sparrow, lost the argument, had to resort to a personal attack.

Yeah, somehow Paul will rise like Jesus...how...cultlike. 😛

No argument to lose. we shall see. When I started to work for Dr Paul I was pretty certain we'd lose if a loss is defined as not winning the nomination. I never personally defined victory in those terms. When Dr Paul started in '08 around a third of the people polled even knew what the Federal Reserve was much less what it did. Now over 75% not only know what the Fed is they view an audit favorably. That's a victory for Dr Paul.

As i posted earlier I belong to a group called "The Global Macro Economic Roundtable". The members are mostly European and in the banking business. Some at quite high levels. One day the topic of US Election came up. I casually mentioned I was a Ron Paul Supporter fully expecting to get laughed off the thread. Didn't happen. In fact I'll post some quotes here, first name only and you can see for yourself. These are not stupid parochial types, they are international business people.

"I know personally people from both teams. I believe then will join on one ticket. Maybe this is just my wish 🙂 I love your country dearly. I love your people. I have friends and family in the USA. " - Ludmilla M.
Ludmila and Robert, I do not see Romney and Paul a team. In fact I feel sorry Paul got to dress in republicans suit because he is the ONLY senseful polititian around I am agree with 100 per cent. He is not the big mouthed and loud and look-a-like alpha with smashing marketing outfit, he is just the living example of how I wish all leading government executives should be. But anyhow, we are poor minority again, wisdom looses always in front of glitter and thats the pain of event.
Democrats vs Republicans but in reality there might be good and valuable persons on both sides with a poor chance of devolping beyond the parties guidelines and thats the problem with Ron. His spoken and non spoken ideas and knowledge is like 3 numbers bigger than the republicans may permitt and the US public might not protect him in very specific and necessary steps to do. The FED and its background will not allow him coming closer than 5 miles of distance and the entire corporacity may shoot him even before trying.
So is that we are going to observe in the US nothingelse than the usual change of outfits of the same old motor. Doesnt matter if Obama or Romney or Santa Claus.
Or is there anybody believing that those well payed masters are going to destroy what is feeding them for 5 long decades? The holy grail of dollar printers? NO WAY, next rediculess reform please. - Horst L.
The truth hurts. Paul does not have a chance in the forefront. The person that receives smirks and chuckles from all others gets my attention. That is how high school kids treat their peers who are more balanced and sensible. The ones who fail to mature are the same ones who want to make my decisions for me. - D Jorgesen

This is but a sample of the commentary so I am heartened that the Liberty Movement grows even outside our country.

I'm still waiting for whom it is you support or is scoffing at the "Man in the Arena: The only thing you're good at?

Here's a refresher for you.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

If we fail we shall fail while daring greatly and our place will never be among those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Rand Paul will fill his Dad's shoes and fill them well. Liberty is upon is.
How many ways can you say you are not a loser, when every one else knows otherwise?

Maybe cutting and pasting what smarter people say will make you look smart.

It isn't working.

There you go, a four line post.
More unfocused blather. Funny to read this thread from day one. Anyone that noted that Ron had no chance had to take a personal attack from you.

He never had a chance, a bunch of fanboys gumming up internet polls is no way to gauge a race. Voters don't like Ron. Plain and simple, they never have, they never will.

And all the gyrations you pull, all the cognitive dissonance mean nothing, because no one is voting for Ron Paul, he is a fringe candidate, and he is running out of fanboy money.

But, its not the voters, its a conspiracy! Its rigged, it must be! LOL

Conspiracy theorists....LOL
How many ways can you say you are not a loser, when every one else knows otherwise?

Maybe cutting and pasting what smarter people say will make you look smart.

It isn't working.

There you go, a four line post.

And empty of substance and loaded with personal animus. I find myself enjoying the back and forth with the Europeans and I'm beginning to understand why.

When Howard Stern ran for Governor of New York he ran on a platform of THREE things.

1. Restore the death penalty
2. Convert the bridge tolls into NYC
3. Have the construction crews work at night.

He dropped out due to an unwillingness to disclose his finances. Less than 18 months later all three of his issues were enacted into law by George Pataki. Sometimes you don't need to win the achieve your goals. This has been true of almost every major 3ed party run at the White House where the third party guy got 10% or so of the vote.

Funny none of the group here who takes such glee in attacking me for my support of Dr Paul have yet to enlighten us as to whom they favor? WHY? Ashamed of your choice? Or are you handicapping the winner so you can say "I voted for a winner?"

Time to pick a side, there are no neutrals, but there are cowards. Which side are you on?

BTW, whomever called me a "Paulbot" I want to thank you. It got a ton of laughs over on the other discussion board.
More unfocused blather. Funny to read this thread from day one. Anyone that noted that Ron had no chance had to take a personal attack from you.

He never had a chance, a bunch of fanboys gumming up internet polls is no way to gauge a race. Voters don't like Ron. Plain and simple, they never have, they never will.

And all the gyrations you pull, all the cognitive dissonance mean nothing, because no one is voting for Ron Paul, he is a fringe candidate, and he is running out of fanboy money.

But, its not the voters, its a conspiracy! Its rigged, it must be! LOL

Conspiracy theorists....LOL

27% here in MN is NOT a fringe candidate. 20 plus Percent is NOT a fringe Candidate. 36%(?) In ME is NOT a fringe candidate., so you prepared to state your guy? Obviously not since you've been asked now 3 time. Maybe you're ashamed to admit you're just another one of the Sheeple listening to the "Four Legs Good, Two Legs bad" drivel from the likes of Rush aka Capt. Oxy" Limbaugh and Rachel Maddow.

We may not win but at least I'll know I voted my conscience. Like I said let's see if Dr Paul is right on the next bubble bursting and causing further economic chaos. The BEST part of being associated with the Liberty movement is seeing the next generation embracing his message which means our movement will survive long after Dr Paul is worm food. The notion that the country belongs to those who make it go is being expressed by the Liberty Movement, Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party. We are not fringe, we are your neighbors, your aunts and uncles and mostly your children. The bankers are getting worried and their bought and paid for politicians are starting to sweat, their propaganda machine, aka Main Stream Media and talk radio are ratcheting up their attacks. The Executive Orders permitting suspension of Civil Liberties roll off the President's desk, Act like NDAA, SOPA among others are passed and spirited into law past a still sleeping citizenry. The printing presses run overtime to print worthless currency to prop up our house of cards economy. However some do not sleep. Some have heard the call of Liberty and are speaking up and that number rises minute by minute. I just watched a video from Norway urging us to vote for Ron Paul. Something I've not seen before with any candidate. Buried in the quote from Horst is the following. I found it quite disturbing as even a German Citizen could see what most here can't, "The FED and its background will not allow him coming closer than 5 miles of distance and the entire corporacity may shoot him even before trying. "
27% here in MN is NOT a fringe candidate. 20 plus Percent is NOT a fringe Candidate. 36%(?) In ME is NOT a fringe candidate., so you prepared to state your guy? Obviously not since you've been asked now 3 time. Maybe you're ashamed to admit you're just another one of the Sheeple listening to the "Four Legs Good, Two Legs bad" drivel from the likes of Rush aka Capt. Oxy" Limbaugh and Rachel Maddow.

We may not win but at least I'll know I voted my conscience. Like I said let's see if Dr Paul is right on the next bubble bursting and causing further economic chaos. The BEST part of being associated with the Liberty movement is seeing the next generation embracing his message which means our movement will survive long after Dr Paul is worm food. The notion that the country belongs to those who make it go is being expressed by the Liberty Movement, Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party. We are not fringe, we are your neighbors, your aunts and uncles and mostly your children. The bankers are getting worried and their bought and paid for politicians are starting to sweat, their propaganda machine, aka Main Stream Media and talk radio are ratcheting up their attacks. The Executive Orders permitting suspension of Civil Liberties roll off the President's desk, Act like NDAA, SOPA among others are passed and spirited into law past a still sleeping citizenry. The printing presses run overtime to print worthless currency to prop up our house of cards economy. However some do not sleep. Some have heard the call of Liberty and are speaking up and that number rises minute by minute. I just watched a video from Norway urging us to vote for Ron Paul. Something I've not seen before with any candidate. Buried in the quote from Horst is the following. I found it quite disturbing as even a German Citizen could see what most here can't, "The FED and its background will not allow him coming closer than 5 miles of distance and the entire corporacity may shoot him even before trying. "

Blah blah blah, its all a conspiracy, the new world order and the Bilderbergs are probably involved, and Alex Jones will tell you because its the bankers and the Rothschilds, and the Knights of Templar! Ron knows too much about MJ 11 and Roswell and the Creature from Jekyll Island, etc, etc, etc.

40+ years of bloviating conspiracy nonsense from the kooks, nothing to show from it but a tiny paranoid fringe. Do you think the Queen is a reptile too?


BTW, great showing by Ron tonight in Illinois, are you going to blame this drubbing on voter fraud or some other unsubstantiated baloney?

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