27% here in MN is NOT a fringe candidate. 20 plus Percent is NOT a fringe Candidate. 36%(?) In ME is NOT a fringe candidate., so you prepared to state your guy? Obviously not since you've been asked now 3 time. Maybe you're ashamed to admit you're just another one of the Sheeple listening to the "Four Legs Good, Two Legs bad" drivel from the likes of Rush aka Capt. Oxy" Limbaugh and Rachel Maddow.
We may not win but at least I'll know I voted my conscience. Like I said let's see if Dr Paul is right on the next bubble bursting and causing further economic chaos. The BEST part of being associated with the Liberty movement is seeing the next generation embracing his message which means our movement will survive long after Dr Paul is worm food. The notion that the country belongs to those who make it go is being expressed by the Liberty Movement, Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party. We are not fringe, we are your neighbors, your aunts and uncles and mostly your children. The bankers are getting worried and their bought and paid for politicians are starting to sweat, their propaganda machine, aka Main Stream Media and talk radio are ratcheting up their attacks. The Executive Orders permitting suspension of Civil Liberties roll off the President's desk, Act like NDAA, SOPA among others are passed and spirited into law past a still sleeping citizenry. The printing presses run overtime to print worthless currency to prop up our house of cards economy. However some do not sleep. Some have heard the call of Liberty and are speaking up and that number rises minute by minute. I just watched a video from Norway urging us to vote for Ron Paul. Something I've not seen before with any candidate. Buried in the quote from Horst is the following. I found it quite disturbing as even a German Citizen could see what most here can't, "The FED and its background will not allow him coming closer than 5 miles of distance and the entire corporacity may shoot him even before trying. "