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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

When I saw Cain to the top, I knew he would end up being a contender. He is a gift to the Democratic party. If he wins the nomination, the Republican party is in big trouble in November.

The most hated men in America are Conservative Black men.

Hope that white robe and pointy hat still fits. BTW I heard a rumor this was YOUR car.

You are correct Delldude. That was wrong of me to do that.

Its not you are right or I am right. Its the fact that we have been granted the freedom to disagree. Have you or I or others pushed the limits on this? Most likely, and we see it different. Where does the Constitution define where or what the limitations are? Many today wish to change those limits or eliminate those protections.

Look into the attack on freedom of speech ala Limbaugh. Left in their hypocrisy blatantly condemn what has been said but OTOH left media has been given a free pass for quite some time in their attacks on conservatives. Now the conservative outrage has begun.....looks like the Rush gig ain't working. Left is on the retreat.
The most hated men in America are Conservative Black men.

Hope that white robe and pointy hat still fits. BTW I heard a rumor this was YOUR car.
My comment had nothing to do with Cain being a blck man. It was simply that a conservative unknown with no credentials could rise to the top of the current candidates told me that the republicans have no one that they really want.

The comment I apologized for was the Santorum comment.

You are quick to call me racist. If you knew me at all, you would know how absurd that is.
My comment had nothing to do with Cain being a blck man. It was simply that a conservative unknown with no credentials could rise to the top of the current candidates told me that the republicans have no one that they really want.

The comment I apologized for was the Santorum comment.

You are quick to call me racist. If you knew me at all, you would know how absurd that is.

I learned the knee jerk reaction from?? The Progressives.
Bernanke Caught Between Deception and Depression

Amidst many widely followed data points that show that inflation, consumer spending, and employment levels are on the rise, today's FOMC statement conspicuously avoided any hint that monetary tightening is even being considered. Instead, the Fed indirectly patted itself on the back for some perceived economic gains without committing to any of the logical monetary steps that these improvements should have triggered. Their stance appears to remain that although a full recovery is nigh, the economy will remain dependent on near-zero interest rates through 2014. They hope that no one notices the contradiction.

Some might suggest the Fed's failure to explicitly forecast QE3 is evidence that some degree of tightening is in the offing. They are grasping at straws. The Fed is running QE with or without an overt policy behind it, and will likely only show its hand if it feels it is necessary to prop up a faltering stock market, which currently we do not have.

Otherwise, the Fed would prefer to keep quiet about the flood of inflation it is creating. If it were to speak the name of this growing threat, it might be called on to stop it. But Chairman Bernanke knows that any policy designed to restrain inflation will also derail the phony recovery that the Fed has labored so hard to engineer. The higher rates needed to bring inflation under control, and knock down the price of oil for instance, would trigger a greater financial crisis than the one seen in 2008.

The Chairman said that the rising oil price is pushing up inflation in the short-run, but that the threat will subsequently subside. Bernanke is wrong on both counts. First, it is not that higher oil prices are pushing inflation up, but that inflation is pushing oil prices higher. Second, since the Fed has pledged to continue to create inflation, the rise in oil prices will not subside, but accelerate.

If the government's phony economic data continues to show recovery, the Fed's position will become increasingly precarious. More so than private-sector economists and the public at-large, the Fed knows that the economy is completely dependent on near-zero interest rates. As the Administration tries harder and harder to prove a genuine recovery in the lead-up to the November election, Bernanke will find himself caught between deception and depression.

The above comments were made by Peter Schiff in an Op-Ed piece written for Town Hall Finance published this morning.

Not at all surprising that the unaudited Federal Reserve Bank, the US Central Bank that has no real oversight is ruining the purchasing power of its citizens. All of this to enrich their Wall Street cronies who in turn donate gobs of money to??? If you said Ron Paul you'd be wrong. However if you said, Obama, Santorum, Romney or Gingrich you'd be spot on.
The above comments were made by Peter Schiff in an Op-Ed piece written for Town Hall Finance published this morning.

Not at all surprising that the unaudited Federal Reserve Bank, the US Central Bank that has no real oversight is ruining the purchasing power of its citizens. All of this to enrich their Wall Street cronies who in turn donate gobs of money to??? If you said Ron Paul you'd be wrong. However if you said, Obama, Santorum, Romney or Gingrich you'd be spot on.

This is what paper money used to look like. What's in your wallet? Price of 1oz of Silver = $32 as of 3/15/2012.

At today's market price of silver, that silver dollar would be worth $24.64

View attachment 9394

Original language of the Silver Certificate:
"This certifies that there has been deposited in the treasury of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA one silver dollar payable to the bearer on demand."

Note: Old Federal Reserve notes (until series 1963) used to have "redeemable" language which stated in fine print on the face, similar to the print over the blue seal on the silver certificate, that it was redeemable for lawful money such as gold or silver.

This is merely visual evidence of what Ron Paul and others have been saying for years. For as much as I'd like to lay the blame at Obama's feet 100% it is neither accurate or fair to do so. The root causes began in 1913 with the Creation of the Federal Reserve and subsequent passage of the Federal Income Tax. There is a HUGE body of evidence that points to the actions of the Fed for causing the Great Depression.

Obama's role and blame in all of this is that of a Wall Street puppet who like his predecessor George W Bush never met a debt he couldn't make bigger. Now we're very close to the day where one small hiccup could send us into a hyper inflated economy ala The Wiemar Republic of the late 20's early 1930's and we all know how that turned out.

Maybe Ron Paul can't win. Maybe he'll just have to be satisfied in being right.
Who is Fred Karger?

Not 100% sure. He's on the ballot some places. Likely a single issue candidate. I'll look if I get a minute.

EDIT: I found his web site and this is directly from it.

Fred Karger was the first to announce his candidacy for the Republican nomination for President of the United States on March 23, 2011.

Throughout his career, Karger has worked on nine presidential campaigns and served as a senior consultant on campaigns for Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush and Gerald Ford.

He retired after 27 years and has since become an activist for gay rights causes, including his organization Californians Against Hate (now Rights Equal Rights) to investigate the LDS Church and the National Organization for Marriage in their campaigns against marriage equality in California and Maine.

Karger is the first openly gay presidential candidate from a major political party in American history.
Ron Paul topped by also-ran Fred Karger in Puerto Rico primary
By Rachel Rose Hartman | The Ticket – 3 hrs ago

Karger, who brands himself as the first openly gay Republican presidential candidate and has failed to garner any significant support this season—let alone qualify for any presidential debates—led Paul 1,702 votes to 1,452 with 83 percent of precincts reporting Monday morning.

Those totals offered Karger and Paul each less than 2 percent of the overall vote, but still Karger was celebrating.

"LOOKS [sic] WE BEAT RON PAUL IN TODAY'S PUERTO RICO PRIMARY," read the Karger campaign Twitter feed.

Despite Karger's bragging rights victory, Romney still won all of the 20 delegates up for grabs Sunday, easily carrying the state with over 98,000 votes or 83 percent total.

But Paul's loss to Karger signals a new low for the Texas congressman.

Though Paul has been much more visible on the national stage and has received significantly more support in previous contests than Karger has, the gay rights advocate and former consultant to Ronald Reagan, George Bush and Gerald Ford made a big push in Puerto Rico's primary, campaigning there in person, circulating sound trucks, and even running a Spanish-language television ad in the territory.

Despite a loyal and enthusiastic following, Paul has yet to place first in any presidential primary or caucus, after staking his success on presidential caucuses.

Paul continues to argue that he and his delegates will play a role at the convention. And he'll have time to prepare: His campaign schedule as of late has been light. He held just two in-person events last week—one in Illinois and one in Missouri.

Way to go Ron! Lost to a complete unknown! Yeah, the Revolution is just rolling along.


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