I don't see a Santorum presidency. His fans are the extreme right. He looses in the center and left. Hell, he looses the moderate right.
I don't see a Santorum presidency. His fans are the extreme right. He looses in the center and left. Hell, he looses the moderate right.
Not Everyone Is Basking In Iowa's Afterglow
by Scott Neuman
January 4, 2012
Iowa proved a road to victory for Mitt Romney, but it was a road to nowhere for Michele Bachmann.
The field of Republican challengers narrowed Wednesday after the Minnesota congresswoman held a news conference in Des Moines to announce that she was ending her 2012 presidential bid following after a poor showing in Tuesday night's caucuses.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry addressed supporters in West Des Moines late Tuesday after an unimpressive performance in Iowa's caucuses.
Enlarge Evan Vucci/AP
Texas Gov. Rick Perry addressed supporters in West Des Moines late Tuesday after an unimpressive performance in Iowa's caucuses.
Speaking deliberatively, Bachmann said she had "no regrets" whatsoever and said she ran her race with integrity and will continue to fight for the causes she emphasized on the campaign trail.
It has been a long, deep slide for the candidate who enjoyed a high point in her campaign when she won a Republican straw poll in Ames, Iowa, several months ago.
In her statement, Bachmann referred repeatedly to "Obamacare" and said the Republican Party must not miss a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" to repeal both the sweeping health care law under Obama's watch and the financial regulation law known as Dodd-Frank.
Meanwhile, Texas Gov. Perry said he would return home for "prayer and reflection" to decide whether to continue.
Perry and Gingrich will hang in because their ego won't let them see the light. They will both turn into law darts shortly. It will be between Romney and Paul till Paul drops too far behind in the delegate count and drops. Santorum is a side show at the circus. He will be the first to flame out in my opinion.
Newt's jacked big time......I suspect his campaigning will go neg...LOL
Ron Paul Took Independents and Moderates by 8-to-1: Wanna Talk About Electability Now?
Submitted by Olero1 on Wed, 01/04/2012 - 02:28
This is HUGE. When you drill down into the numbers any political pro will tell you that this is REQUIRED to win a national election. NOBODY ELSE has it!
ONLY Ron Paul has the incredibly magnetic crossover draw needed to become the next President of the United States of America!
Congratulations to all who helped to pound the pavement, give caucus stump speeches, make phone calls, DONATED MONEY, or participated in any way to support the Champion of the Constitution.
Today was a good day.
The first article is from a web page titled "The Daily Paul". Not exactly an unbiased source. However when you put it side by side with the CNN entrance poll some interesting comparisons unfold regarding Ron Paul's electability. I'm looking around to see what other outlets have to say now as well. So first "The Daily Paul" and then CNN.
CNN Entrance Poll Data
More later
As Business Insider noted, Paul’s huge organizational effort focused not just on getting votes, but on making sure Paul supporters stayed afterward to get themselves elected county delegates — the first stage in fortifying a solid wall of support come national convention time in Tampa, Fla. in August.
Where has Southwind gone?
Does he hibernate?