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What If Ron Paul Wins Iowa? What Then?

Where has Southwind gone?

Does he hibernate?

(seriously)...DOG, hibernate ? Thats a cute one !! 😀

southwind ? Good question DOG. I suspect ol' southwind is with us over 95% of the time, but to be realistic, he's probably DEPRESSED lately and who could blame him ? (Not me) ! I'm guessing that one of these 3 GOP Superstars was "his boy", only to see them virtually DISINTERGRATE before his eyes.
(Cain/Perry/NEWT x3)
I'm sure he'll re-emerge from his DEN.
All bears re-emerge sooner or later ! 😛
Believe it or not, some people do take a break from the forums from time to time...

As already noted, winning early contests is meaningless. The real game is in March.
The first article is from a web page titled "The Daily Paul". Not exactly an unbiased source. However when you put it side by side with the CNN entrance poll some interesting comparisons unfold regarding Ron Paul's electability. I'm looking around to see what other outlets have to say now as well. So first "The Daily Paul" and then CNN.

CNN Entrance Poll Data

More later

I was wondering on how you were going to spin this.
I was wondering on how you were going to spin this.

Not much to spin really. He has the same number of delegates as Romney and Santorum. His po;; numbers nationally are better then double when compared to 2008. Truth is, if you look at the title of the thread it's pretty clear that I didn't think he'd win to begin with. I was hoping for a 2nd or 3rd place finish which I thought was a good place to be

What I want to see is a clear Victory in TX or CA and this is the first step. Now you build upon a strong showing.
Interesting news on a new endorsement for Dr Paul.


Face it Freedom is Popular! Another endorsement from an unlikely source. This is what scares the ever loving sh*t out of Political Parasite Class. Liberty lovers and supporters of Constitutional Government know no political party or class. They know Freedom and Liberty and more importantly they can smell bullsh*t from a 1000 miles away.
All the endorsements in the world will not do him any good if he cannot win a primary. So far he has been hitting air balls. Funny how you say he polls so well yet can't beat a 2 time adulterer who thinks we can have a colony on the moon and a guy who sleeps with his dead fetus. That's pretty sad.
All the endorsements in the world will not do him any good if he cannot win a primary. So far he has been hitting air balls. Funny how you say he polls so well yet can't beat a 2 time adulterer who thinks we can have a colony on the moon and a guy who sleeps with his dead fetus. That's pretty sad.

Just thought it was interesting to hear Russell Means speak. As to the dead fetus comment I'm not sure what you're referring to unless little Bella Santorum passed in the night.

If so, you're one insensitive prick who will soon be joining 7 days on the ignore list. There is no loss greater than the loss of a child and people grieve this in their own way. If Bella left us, Rick Santorum will NEVER be the same. NEVER, now he may become a new, different and perhaps better man but he will not be the same man,

I sincerely hope I've over reacted.
Did not even know who Bella was till you wrote her name. But I had the intellectual curiosity to look up the name to see what you were talking about. Apparently you are too lazy to search for "Santorum sleeps with dead fetus" I guess you would rather go off on some rant about his other sick daughter. I made it a bit easier for you. All you have to do is cut and paste (no typing involved) the quoted part above or cut and paste the name Gabriel Michael Santorum in your search engine of choice and have at it.

His actions were out side the norm for the average person. If he wanted to do it that's his deal and I really do not care you cannot do something like that in American politics and not expect it to come back and kick you in the butt at some point. I find it creepy. All he runs on is abortion and something else (cant remember right now) because he has no international policy, no economic ideas. He is devoid of content which explains why he is polling single digits along with some other folks.

You??? Over react?? Surely you jest.
One thing that has probably helped Ron Paul is the weak candidates that GOP has this time around. Bachman and Perry had the unfortunate problem of having to speak and come up with something coherent. That sunk their chances. Herman Cain's economic plan sounded like something a pizza company CEO would come up with. A crappy pizza company at that.

John Hunstman, who? Santorum, all you had to do is Google his name to see his problem. Newt Gingrich, a serial philanderer who once went after someone for something he was doing himself. Oh, and he was forced to resign from his position by his own party. Rommney has the problem of having the hard life of being a millionaires son. It also does not help he pays less of a percentage of his income in taxes than the people on this board.

Yet in spite of all this Ron Pul has yet to win anything. What about all those links saying how great he was doing?
Give him time. He is just warming up. He will take 3rd when Santorum drops out and then he will take a strong 2nd after Gingrich drops out. Don't worry. It will all work out just fine. I'll be you before this is all said and dione he will probably be getting double didgit results.... woooooooo hoooooooo. Paaaaarrrrrrtttttttttyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
All the endorsements in the world will not do him any good if he cannot win a primary.

Don't worry. It will all work out just fine. I'll be you before this is all said and dione he will probably be getting double didgit results.... woooooooo hoooooooo. Paaaaarrrrrrtttttttttyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

Ron Paul Wins Critical Snoop Dogg Endorsement


“Because I said so,” writes Snoop on his Facebook page. Paul’s drug legalization stances reaching ever more young voters.

Ron Paul Wins Critical Snoop Dogg Endorsement

“Because I said so,” writes Snoop on his Facebook page. Paul’s drug legalization stances reaching ever more young voters.
That's cool as long as they remember when and where to vote.

Romney might pay someone to stand at the polling place with some pizza and twinkles and buy heir vote. 😛
That's cool as long as they remember when and where to vote.

Romney might pay someone to stand at the polling place with some pizza and twinkles and buy heir vote. 😛

Hey man, ya gonna vote 'er what?

Man I got the munchies......leave me alone.......
The problem with relying on the stoner vote is that they a tendancy to forget things like election day. 😉

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