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What do You Want?

Just shows where the IQ level of the average AWA Flt Attendant is at. Good points beach boy!!
Please tell me you're kidding?

No. I'm not kidding. You would not believe how many employees are either based or work in PHL but do not live there because of a lack of affordable housing. Crash pads are okay, but short in availability. Heck, if Disney and other theme parks can afford to house their employees, then why doesn't US at least look into this?
No. I'm not kidding. You would not believe how many employees are either based or work in PHL but do not live there because of a lack of affordable housing. Crash pads are okay, but short in availability. Heck, if Disney and other theme parks can afford to house their employees, then why doesn't US at least look into this?
Please don't tell me that you are comparing Disney with US. IF and only IF, US would happened to do that, how soon will local government be fining them for Over Occupancy? Also they can't maintain their planes properly, what makes you think that they can take care of its employees. Look at the job they are doing now for their employees. I would think that would be the last thing I would ever want from them.
Here's something that no one has brought up before. Why doesn't the company use some of the millions in supposed profits to purchase several hotels or apartment complexes in the hub cities such as CLT, PHX, or PHL, and rent units to displaced or commuting employees at a subsidized rate? The company would benefit from people being more willing to transfer to hub cities, and would create goodwill which would result in more positive employees.

Let get this straight, you want to live in housing provided by an incompetent low cost airline..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
No. I'm not kidding. You would not believe how many employees are either based or work in PHL but do not live there because of a lack of affordable housing. Crash pads are okay, but short in availability. Heck, if Disney and other theme parks can afford to house their employees, then why doesn't US at least look into this?

Because it will cost them money. And something tells me there are a lot of employees who work for your company
that make alot less than you do and guess where they live?? PHL!!
-I would like any match at all in 401 K. East FAs have never had that.
-Holiday pay that actually makes it worth my time to work on a holiday.
-At least 5 hours a day vacation pay.
-Short call and long call reserve like East pilots have.
-Just turn the open trips into blocks instead of having tons of open time after secondary blocks are made. Reserves don't see those trips anyway. They get taken up by blockholders on all days except for holidays! This would make more blockholders, less reserves.
-Bring back the 5 hour minimum day. Not worth my time to go to the airport for a 2 1/2 hour one day.
-Finally, pay me more for quick calls, it might make me get to the airport quicker if I am making more money.
-Finally, pay me more for quick calls, it might make me get to the airport quicker if I am making more money.

Ahhhhh! There's nothing like being quick called then rushing to the airport only to have the gate agent and flight attendants yelling at you "Where the hell were you? We've been waiting for an hour and a half for you to get here!" Yes, it has happened to me on more than one occasion. The last time I walked off the plane and asked if they would like to wait another hour and a half because I wasn't going to fly with such rude people. They apologized and were "nice" to me so I stayed but if it happens again I will leave whether they apologize or not. I agree, we should get pay for that.

I also agree with lildutchgrl about holiday pay. No wonder everybody calls in sick. Why should we miss a holiday with our family when we are working for pennies. If they would pay us a lot of money for working a holiday, some people might actually work instead of calling in sick.

Just turn the open trips into blocks instead of having tons of open time after secondary blocks are made. Reserves don't see those trips anyway. They get taken up by blockholders on all days except for holidays! This would make more blockholders, less reserves.

I've always wondered why they never did that in the first place. There should not be open trips floating around like that. Why scheduling has to get on the phone and call 100s of reserves to get rid of a few crappy trips is beyond me. It's a waste of everybody's time no matter which way you look at it.

- I would like to see a rotating reserve system.
- More blocks
- Better holiday pay
- Better pay for flight attendants
- Get credit for the time I was involuntarily furloughed so I can make seven-year pay, not four year pay which is lower than what I made in 2001. For those at MDA, they get credit as well.
- 80 hour minimum guarantee for reserves
- Higher per diem
- Uniform allowance
- No more cleaning airplanes
- No more being on reserve for 24 hours. I hate not knowing when I can sleep or eat or go run errands for fear of being called. We should at least have shifts so we can rest.
- Put the transatlantic fence back up.
- 11 hour minimum rest for overnights
- 13 hour maximum for being on duty
- Pay and credit for total hours training. If I spend 8 hours at recurrent, then I should receive 8 hours pay.
- Continue flying with same front end crew. If you think we stay in horrible hotels now, wait and see what happens if we don't fly with the same pilots throughout the trip. Do you honestly think our MEC will be able to negotiate better hotels? It also makes more sense for a CRM stand point.
- At least 12 days off a month instead of 11.
- More vacation.
- More opportunities for people to get holidays off. It isn't fair that only the top people get them off while everybody else has to call in sick or work them year after year.
- Allot so many vacation days for reserves in the Summer and around holidays so we don't have to take vacation in Jan or Feb.
- No more 6 leg days!

To be continued...
1. HIRE DATE SENIORITY for everyone, for all purposes!
Shift bidding - vacation bidding - Nonrev boarding

2. Equal pay across the board. No special pay rates because you work in a city that has a lot of flights.

3. Shift differential pay

4. 401K match

5. More than $1.01 per hour extra for being a Supervisor or a Lead. The better agents would apply for those positions if they were compensated at rates comparable to what other airlines pay their Leads and Supervisors.

6. Holiday and sick pay back

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