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How Much Do We Take?

I agree with Cav, it is up to each person. As far as "my job" I could take alot. I have confidence in my people skills and working with the public. As far as this company goes....I couln't take anymore.

I could and would go the limit to accomodate the public, always did and always would (within reason and safey). I couldn't give anymore to U as a company.

Just flew my last trip, SFO Red-eye. Great weather out there. I just tried to relax and reflect and give my F/C customers as well as Coach the best I had to offer. Things went very smoothly. 🙂

Best of luck to all.

SKY HIGH said:
One thing that I have noticed is that while there are poorly behaved frequent fliers, I tend to see that most of the beligerent behavior comes from those once a year fliers..

Sky High states: We are to blame, partly. How many years did we, as airline employees REWARD the complainers? The whiners got the upgrades, the coupons, the additional frequent flyer miles. We went out of our way to appease them. We rewarded the behavior!!


Oh yeah, check that manifest. 9 out of 10 times, the ff falls in this order of rude and demanding:

Anytime someone is out of line, I always tell the other f/a, betcha its a US4 or US3. I could win the lottery on that one.

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