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What Do The Pilot's Gain,

Rico said:
Actually, it only suspends fragmentation rights for BK and one year afterwards, along with the Min Fleet count. So if we have to be right back at/above the fleet size mainline is at nowadays due to the same agreement...,

So what is your point...?

Duh...! :blink:

Hey Rico,

Are you sniff'en glue or something????? 🙄

What the hell kind'a statment is that above?

If the co. can get rid of fragmentation rights and scope while in BK (that may take years to emerge or beyond), and one year after....they can literally sell OFF the airline and get rid of many, many planes in that time frame.

Sorry, Charlie Brown, not interested in saving your butt in the seat of MAA on my dime or expense of my job.

In light of the fact that U was furloughing, YOUR UNION ensured that jobs would go to the furloughed pilots FIRST, for these kinds of sacrifices. The co. wanted to HIRE OF THE STREET AND HAVE YOU REAPPLY FOR THE JOB.

Now you must think that we will sit there and subsidize MAA growth at the expense of mainline going under the bus and all our jobs.

To ensure just exactly what?????

Guess what? You're on your own on that one.

As far as that "reset button", guess what...you have NO FUNDING without mainline concessions. And all your jumping up and down and begging for ALPA pilots to take concessions won't "reset" that.
In my business, if I can do A and get an 8% profit margin; or do B and get a 4% profit margin, guess what I am going to do? IF that is fact, then the board of directors is OBLIGATED to pursue the 150 plane option with the higher profit margins. All of the rest of this wailing and knashing of teeth is moot!
autofixer said:
In my business, if I can do A and get an 8% profit margin; or do B and get a 4% profit margin, guess what I am going to do? IF that is fact, then the board of directors is OBLIGATED to pursue the 150 plane option with the higher profit margins. All of the rest of this wailing and knashing of teeth is moot!

Once you pull out of the cities and decrease the routes...other arrlines will fill the capacity.

Very hard to "spread your wings" after that.

You have this annoying habit of popping up and saying something useless in the middle of semi-interesting conversations. (Granted, the best analogy is probably you are like a mushroom popping up in a field of sh:t. But I digress.)

Sorry to be the one who has to break this to you...

But no one here cares about you and your silly analogies.

You come across as sounding very desparate for attention. Those who really have something at stake are sharing their insights, like hunters around a campfire, and you sound like a little misquito needing to be swatted at.

If you REALLY want to be part of the "in crowd," I hear that MDA is hiring ground staff in PHL.

JMHO of course.
Me bad, linky no worky 😱

Hey, if anyone on here thinks that the 150 plan will look, smell, or act any differently than Midatlantic does today, you are really in denial...

Nor kid yourselves that investors would not like to jump in on what they would consider making of a "purse form a sow's ear" (LCC with the best assets of a former legacy - the labor costs). Nor that the ATSB, or remaining creditors would not approve either

Thing is, that they can restructure and make a profit with the original plan, without such a drastic makeover too. But it is getting harder to convince creditors that plan A remains the best idea as our unions drag things out.

Just food for thought.
us10 said:

All your telling me is your "leverage" has been reduced to threatening to commit suicide if the judge abrogates your contract.At this stage of the game there is no wiggle room. Management can't reduce the ask and the judge will protect the creditors.The lenders and creditors operate on a risk/reward ratio.If the actions of any union pushes the risk to an unacceptable level you can count on a liquidation of the airline.

Strike the best deal possible for your members. Send it out and see if the members are willing to continue employment with U working under the revised contract.It really comes down to some very limited choices.

Good luck!


I guess you didn't read carefully the intent of my post.

There is no suicide. The f/as will take a vote, rest assured, just like all the groups. I can tell you that there will be a group or groups that will not ratify...at that point, its not our suicide, but liberation!!!!

Our members are preparing for the worst, and hoping for the best.

They are looking for work NOW, and there are employers that have contacted AFA INternational as well as Pittsburgh to HIRE THE EMPLOYEES OF U FIRST.

So, you may just have to give up your desk job. Maybe U will let you take it with you. :up:
Rico, Are you sure it's our unions dragging things out ??? It usually takes 2 sides to negotiate in good faith.. Good Faith ????? What's That ???
Bear96 said:

You have this annoying habit of popping up and saying something useless in the middle of semi-interesting conversations. (Granted, the best analogy is probably you are like a mushroom popping up in a field of sh:t. But I digress.)

Sorry to be the one who has to break this to you...

But no one here cares about you and your silly analogies.

You come across as sounding very desparate for attention. Those who really have something at stake are sharing their insights, like hunters around a campfire, and you sound like a little misquito needing to be swatted at

...And the congregation says AMEN.......................
PITBULL..... You just don't get it. MAA employees are all new hire employees. Everyone started at year #1 pay, everyone recieved training pay and no vacation the first year. The fact that the ERJ-170 can be dispatched with an ENTIRE crew, pilots and flight attendants at a per hour rate something less than a single 737 Captain, is due to the agreements struck by both AFA and ALPA. MAA was created by mainline as a whipsaw. It worked, not only did they eat their young as is usually the case here at USAir, but now the young are growing (22 Aircraft) and are big enough to strike off on their own.

Just remember, JetBlue ($29 flight hr 1st year), has so many applications from people who are willing to take over your routes at that rate that they had to close the application window. Mesa Airlines has more than doubled in size since 2001 and there isn't a single pilot or F/A on their list who would be against flying 737/757/AB routes for fifty cents on the dollar of what we make. Virgin America already has several hundred pilots resumes on file to fly either a 737 or an AB for $88 an hour as Captain....

You need to embrace both need and reality and the fact that they are ever changing. Fact is, reality has changed and you can't base tomorrow's work rules on those you enjoyed in 2000, those days are over. What you need when it comes down to it is fair pay for a fair days work. How much is your profession no matter what it is worth?? The answer to that is easy, if USAir folded tomorrow, could you find a job the next day making the same or more than you are making now? If the answer is no, you are over paid and like it or not, your income will be adjusted accordingly. Also, is there someone out there who would do your job for less? A lot less? Thats the baseline, thats where you are...


Your choice was to have all those jets, so far over 50 of them (MDA and PSA) be owned and operated by USAirways, or they could have gone to CHQ/TSA/Mesa/or someone else not owned by USAirways Group.

You are a dinosaur, you and people like you are the reason USAirways is in this fix. This is the Union mentality that led to the steel industry leaving PIT/PA and the US all together.

The pilots and other work groups at USAir need to adjust to reality and what they really need. Very, very few could replace even 70% of their current income if USAirways goes away. There are people and airlines lined up from heaven to breakfast, some you haven't even heard of who would be happy to pick up the pieces should we go away at a fraction of the price. Remember how the failures of Eastern/Pan Am/Braniff/Frontier crippled the ability of the passenger to find a seat on an airliner? Me either.......
Bear96 said:

Those who really have something at stake are sharing their insights, like hunters around a campfire, and you sound like a little misquito needing to be swatted at.

JMHO of course.

I almost fell off my chair.... :lol: 😉 😉
roadstar said:
Man, USA320PILOT, you love to hear your self preach don't ya ....
When it is 320.....I usually just skim over the nonsense...that is my adivse. I see repeated statements and quotes and nonsense on every thread on here. It really gets boring after awhile. Painful......painful....painful....that is all I ever see. <_< <_< <_< <_<

I keep hearing the 8% return of the 150 fleet count vs. the 4% return of the current fleet. The one thing that is constantly left out is 8% ir 4% of what? Even though 4% is a smaller number, it is a larger return if the total revenue is nearly double. If we get 4% return on 280 aircraft instead of 8% from 150 aircraft and the revenue's generated, the first is more desirable as that 4% is after the assets are paid for, thus gaining equity on something nearly double the alternative?

Ahhh yeah, I think they are dragging it out, the RC4 at least. The Negotiating Committee they picked out came up with a tentative agreement, that they had direct input into, and then after the T/A is reached, the RC4 made multiple motions to delay MEC approval of the document...

Leading all the way to a meeting next week. One last chance to agree to send it out to the pilots before the 1113e motion is placed before the court.

What would you call it, "being in a hurry"...?

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