It's my understanding GECAS required the fragmentation the clause be eliminated after the RC4 did not send out the September 6 proposal for membership ratification. GECAS is concerned ALPA will burn the place down to the ground, similar to what the IAM did at Eastern. GECAS wants to protect its investment and have greater flexability to pull assests in a S.1110 motion. If GECAS takes aircraft back they do not want to jeopordize a deal with pilot transfers.
Mike Abram's, ALPA's legal counsel from Cowen, Weiss, and Simon, told the MEC and the RC4 that this could occur and the RC4 did not reach a TA and blocked the September 6 proposal from rank-and-file voting.
Abram was a valedictorian, Harvard Law School graduate, has worked for ALPA for 30 years, and is widely considered brilliant.
Againm, the MEC/RC4 was warned fragmentation could be lost by the union's our advisor's. Moreover, the advisor's continue to say it will keep getting worse if the pilot's do not ratify the TA.
Tony, we would ahve been much better off accepting the company's opener with a 16.5% pay cut, a 10% DC Plan, America West LTD and retiree health care, and all of our scope.
As Garland Jones said, "What else besides Fragmentation has disappeared in the company's offers, and remains gone in our present TA, from where we were in the company's Sept. 6 proposal?
1. DC Plan went from 50% to 10%.
2. Equity participation (stock) went from 19.33% to 8.5% of the total shares issued.
3. Minimum Aircraft (279) and minimum block hour guarantees are gone.
4. Contingent Acquisition Rights (protections in the case of a buyout) are gone.
5. Special Training Relief has been granted, allowing training out of seniority.
6. No MDA Displacement Rights while we are in bankruptcy.
7. J4J Displacement Rights are gone
8. Vacation went from maximum of 28 to 21 days.
Not bad enough? Try this. If we don't stop this carnage of what is left in our contract with this TA, every one of our financial and legal advisors are of the unanimous opinion that the company will take more, and significantly more, than this away from us during the 1113 process," Jones said.
ALPA's advisors have been 100% correct and the RC4 have been wrong all along, resulting in a worse and worse agreement for the pilot group.