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MOTNOT, Good post. For all you pilots chip,a-driver,etc,etc, The IAM and CWA members did not tell you how to vote. Why don't you guys mind your own business.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/10/2002 9:07:19 AM cat 111 wrote:[BR][BR]MOTNOT,  Good post. For all you pilots chip,a-driver,etc,etc, The IAM and CWA members did not tell you how to vote. Why don't you guys mind your own business.----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR][BR][BR]Ummmm....Maybe because what one work group does affects every other work group. There are 35,000 jobs on the hook here. Pride be damned. Pride certainly does wonders when you have to send your wife out to the market with food stamps.[BR][BR]BTW, interesting to see that you're already job hunting given your post over on the WN forum.
I as a CWA member also vote no. Yes I understand the risks of such a vote, but I cannot vote yes to something that might affect 1/3 of my fellow union members and deligate them to MAA making 7 dollars less an hour. A topped out agent would go from just over 20 dollars an hour to just a tad over 13 dollars an hour. I in good faith cannot vote yes to allow that to happen. I honestly have no problem with the rest of the agreement but that one in regards to MAA is a tough one. We in RES might not have to wonder which office will close, we will have to wonder which office is going to be stuck with dot com calls which will be grouped in with the MAA payscale. And also keep in mind if this does happen to RES it is not a system wide displacement, soo no bumping. Yes you might be able to transfer to another office if there are openings and that would be a big if. Even though I vote no...I do believe that this will pass, just not with my blessing.
On 9/10/2002 8:11:07 AM 1ab wrote:

Hmmm if I am going to look for blame I am going to look at the root of this problem which goes back to 98 when management wanted the pilots to release the scope clause for RJ's[/blockquote]

I suppose radical Islam has nothing to do with the current state of affairs?
Hang in there Chip. People are attacking you personally because they cannot attack the validity of your message.
I am wondering why all this discussion about the vote anyway?? For legal reasons, it has to be taken anyway and if U's management doesnt get what it wants it will have the judge impose it anyway and Im sure he's going to be much closer to mgmt. than the unions...so, why all the discussion?
Sept 11 only sped up U situation...metrojet and the lack of adequate amount of RJ's was going to sink U..when sept 11 came about they used it to close smaller station..end metrojet and furloughed employeess
On 9/10/2002 2:59:58 PM JI Guy wrote:

I am wondering why all this discussion about the vote anyway?? For legal reasons, it has to be taken anyway and if U's management doesnt get what it wants it will have the judge impose it anyway and Im sure he's going to be much closer to mgmt. than the unions...so, why all the discussion?

You are right there. They will get what they need. Time to get on with life.

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