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what are we asking for?

WeAAsles said:
I don't know about Maintenance but I do know that almost all of the guys negotiating for fleet on both the IAM and TWU side are in their late 40's to early 50's. So I don't think that one will be coming home to roost if it takes any value out of the CBA.

Sorry brother but the company or you can fund your own retirement.
Your one naive koolaid guzzler but you talk twu tuff! The contract will play to whatever gets yes votes. The sales pitch by the twu will paint it as if they fought for you all the way but in reality it will be what the company gave them. No negotiations needed. 
WeAAsles said:
And what the F did I say or care about your craft beer? I've never given one iota of a damn about it. Not in the slightest.
It is obvious you are not where you belong if you do not know the definition of craft when it comes to mechanics. 
Buck said:
It is obvious you are not where you belong if you do not know the definition of craft when it comes to mechanics.

I've done plenty of arts and crafts in my day. Model jet fighters, tall ships, plastic sailboats, train setups and even a D Day diorama. Used to love that kind of stuff.
But again in the topic header where does it specify that this conversation is only designated for maintenance?

Or are you the only one asking for something?
Your Craft is your profession
Buck said:
Your Craft is your profession

A craft is an activity such as weaving, carving, or pottery that involves making things skilfully by hand, often in a traditional way. When craft has this meaning, its plural form is crafts.
It's a pity to see the old crafts dying out.

A craft is also a vehicle such as a boat, hovercraft, or submarine that carries people or things on or under water. When craft has this meaning, its plural form is craft.
There were eight destroyers and fifty smaller craft.

I've never tried weaving or pottery, but I have done a little carving. And not just the Turkey on Thanksgiving.  
WeAAsles said:
A craft is an activity such as weaving, carving, or pottery that involves making things skilfully by hand, often in a traditional way. When craft has this meaning, its plural form is crafts.
It's a pity to see the old crafts dying out.

A craft is also a vehicle such as a boat, hovercraft, or submarine that carries people or things on or under water. When craft has this meaning, its plural form is craft.
There were eight destroyers and fifty smaller craft.

I've never tried weaving or pottery, but I have done a little carving. And not just the Turkey on Thanksgiving.  

[kraft, krahft] 
Spell Syllables


nounplural crafts or for 5, 8, craft.
an art, trade, or occupation requiring special skill, especially manualskill:
the craft of a mason.

skill; dexterity:
The silversmith worked with great craft.

skill or ability used for bad purposes; cunning; deceit; guile.

the members of a trade or profession collectively; a guild.

a ship or other vessel.

a number of ships or other vessels taken as a whole:
The craft were warned of possible heavy squalls.

aircraft collectively.

You had us all fooled, we thought you knew everything......
WeAAsles said:
Do you have a DEMAND that if the itch is not scratched you could never be satisfied? I'm wondering what you "as an individual" would deem passes your smell test?
HIRE DATE SENIORITY for all of FLEET SERVICE across the board!
Ramp Rogue said:
HIRE DATE SENIORITY for all of FLEET SERVICE across the board!
Just that? Not interested in getting back ANY other concession?
For Fleet Service, here is my wish list,
2. Keep the LUS insurance plans/premiums as close to what they are now, as any changes towards the LAA plans (sorry guys, your insurance sucks), any raise we get, part goes to cover this cost.
3. Get cargo back at most stations
4. A raise at signing and good annual increases
5. Holidays back to 10
6. Add a vacation week with the option to have the holiday pay or 2 extra weeks of vacation
7. Clean up the language in both CBA's to be less grey
8. Get rid of the Class 1/Class2 station classifications. We all should be the same.
Of course these items are just my opinion on what we should be looking for. What we get remains to be seen. And any tentative CBA with any type of job loss is a no vote from me.
WeAAsles said:
A craft is an activity such as weaving, carving, or pottery that involves making things skilfully by hand, often in a traditional way. When craft has this meaning, its plural form is crafts.
It's a pity to see the old crafts dying out.

A craft is also a vehicle such as a boat, hovercraft, or submarine that carries people or things on or under water. When craft has this meaning, its plural form is craft.
There were eight destroyers and fifty smaller craft.

I've never tried weaving or pottery, but I have done a little carving. And not just the Turkey on Thanksgiving.  


Bellhop definition, a person who is employed, especially by a hotel, to carry guests' luggage, run errands, etc. See more.

Have you ever ran errands?
I can already hear it,"We'll get 'em next time!".

The freshly trained TWU 'negotiators' will be coming back with a dog crap TA and sell it as the greatest thing evah negotiated.
scorpion 2 said:
The contract will play to whatever gets yes votes. The sales pitch by the twu will paint it as if they fought for you all the way but in reality it will be what the company gave them. No negotiations needed. 
scorpion 2 said:


Bellhop definition, a person who is employed, especially by a hotel, to carry guests' luggage, run errands, etc. See more.

Have you ever ran errands?

How to Become an Aircraft and Avionics Equipment Mechanic or Technician About this section
Aircraft mechanics and avionics technicians are able to specialize in a wide range of systems, in maintenance, alterations, or inspections.

Most aircraft and avionics equipment mechanics and technicians learn their trade at an FAA-approved Aviation Maintenance Technician School. Others enter with a high school education or equivalent and are trained on the job.


The median annual wage for aircraft mechanics and service technicians was $55,210 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent of aircraft mechanics earned less than $35,190, and the top 10 percent earned more than $76,660. (Aren't you guys at Top Out AA TWU making about $75,000 currently, thanks TWU)

Employment of aircraft and avionics equipment mechanics and technicians is projected to show little or no change from 2012 to 2022. 
Air traffic is expected to gradually increase over the coming decade. However, new aircraft are generally expected to require less maintenance than older aircraft. Airlines may continue to outsource maintenance work to specialized maintenance and repair shops both domestically and abroad. Increased specialization will allow maintenance facilities to use their resources more efficiently and therefore limit growth in the number of aircraft and avionics equipment mechanics and technicians.


BTW did you ever get that little dilemma solved where they classify you as unskilled or something like that? I did sign your petition to try and get that changed but maybe your head is already swelled enough?
pjirish317 said:
For Fleet Service, here is my wish list,
2. Keep the LUS insurance plans/premiums as close to what they are now, as any changes towards the LAA plans (sorry guys, your insurance sucks), any raise we get, part goes to cover this cost.

Yes yours is better but it's also subsidized by PTer's paying double what FT pays. I'm not sure yet how I feel about that?
3. Get cargo back at most stations

Cargo, Cabin Service, Fueling and employee bus drivers.
4. A raise at signing and good annual increases

I'll take the 7% above DL and a minimum 3% per year.
5. Holidays back to 10

15 (minimum double time. For the big holidays, double time and a half) included for holiday pay people's birthdays.
6. Add a vacation week with the option to have the holiday pay or 2 extra weeks of vacation

Add 2 vacation weeks. We've lost 2 over the years.
7. Clean up the language in both CBA's to be less grey

From your lips to God's ears.
8. Get rid of the Class 1/Class2 station classifications. We all should be the same.

Of course these items are just my opinion on what we should be looking for. What we get remains to be seen. And any tentative CBA with any type of job loss is a no vote from me.
I want to see a pre 65 retirement medical bridge. Sick bank replenished and the ability to convert the bank over to fund medical at the subsidized rate. If the bank runs dry before 65 we have the ability to pay for medical at the active employee subsidized rate out of pocket till 65. 

A 10% 401k match. If need be then tiered that it reaches 10% for those over 50 to maximize our income to be able to leave.

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