For Fleet Service, here is my wish list,
2. Keep the LUS insurance plans/premiums as close to what they are now, as any changes towards the LAA plans (sorry guys, your insurance sucks), any raise we get, part goes to cover this cost.
Yes yours is better but it's also subsidized by PTer's paying double what FT pays. I'm not sure yet how I feel about that?
3. Get cargo back at most stations
Cargo, Cabin Service, Fueling and employee bus drivers.
4. A raise at signing and good annual increases
I'll take the 7% above DL and a minimum 3% per year.
5. Holidays back to 10
15 (minimum double time. For the big holidays, double time and a half) included for holiday pay people's birthdays.
6. Add a vacation week with the option to have the holiday pay or 2 extra weeks of vacation
Add 2 vacation weeks. We've lost 2 over the years.
7. Clean up the language in both CBA's to be less grey
From your lips to God's ears.
8. Get rid of the Class 1/Class2 station classifications. We all should be the same.
Of course these items are just my opinion on what we should be looking for. What we get remains to be seen. And any tentative CBA with any type of job loss is a no vote from me.