What a Shame !

Aug 20, 2002
Well,......What a Shame for Amtrak that is.
They were forced to send me MY copy of my re-approval of my Intermitant F M L A for the next 365 days.
I felt like the envelope contained ANTHRAX, or RICIN for christ sakes.
(Come to think of it, AA HATED to have to send me the same letter every year since 1993)
I swear. Some companies are VERY NASTY and HATEFUL   !!!!!!!!!!!
Given your behavior on the day you voted and your willingness to abuse/manipulate the system I cannot say that I blame them.  Karma/payback is a PIA huh?  You get what you give.
Why is it when a citizen of the Republic uses the rules to their full advantage is it "Abusing" the "System"?
But when the likes of AIG, Lehman Brothers, JP Morgan do EXACTLY the same thing, does the Government then say, "Wow times are tough, here's 800 Billion to bail you out as a result of your corrupt and irresponsible business practices"
How does that work exactly?
700UW said:
Trust me there are plenty of people who abuse FMLA.
So you are now an apologist for Wall Street?
As a Citizen I did not make the rules, I merely sat down and read them and made them work to my advantage. As long as I obeyed the rules/law and was not tried & convicted of a crime my using the rules for the best possible outcome for me does not fit my definition of abuse.
It's like when I flew as a CP on US. I'd share a "concern" and US would respond with vouchers. Is it my fault that I flew PHL to BRU for $22.96 net out of pocket?
Ms Tree said:
Given your behavior on the day you voted and your willingness to abuse/manipulate the system I cannot say that I blame them.  Karma/payback is a PIA huh?  You get what you give.
This is one time Tree and I are in complete agreement.
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Ms Tree said:
Given your behavior on the day you voted and your willingness to abuse/manipulate the system I cannot say that I blame them.  Karma/payback is a PIA huh?  You get what you give.
Lets see now. I follow the rules of my union contracts (which were signed by  B O TH signatories AA and AMTRAK), then by you i'm ACCUSED of being a 'layabout'
I apply for a FEDERAL LAW and then LEGALLY am gualified, then I'm accused of being an ABUSER or FRAUD.
(By You).
I don't get it.
700, are there abusers in any sysyem, of course there is.
If any guy, who qualifies for FMLA for say Severe Migrane Headaches over a period of time, yet is seen at his local Casino on a work day, SHOULD be thoroughly Investigated. As you know, the company can make said guy...'jump thru FMLA hoops' by requiring he be certified EVERY 30 days, REPEAT,....every thirty days.
I'm speaking from experience, being an FMLA coordinator for fellow TWU members at AA, when the Law was signed by WJC in 1993.
If the company chooses NOT to thoroughly investigate, then I say SHAME on said Company.
Might you concur  ????
When it comes to Companies, I do honestly try to take them for all I can, LEGALLY.
Ever been in a Workers Compensation case? Non-Union companies will FIRE you within 2 weeks of your return daring you to sue for wrongful termination which is a crap shoot at best in most states. So what you do is get a Law Firm that specializes in Workers Compensation and you beat the company out of (in my case) a mid 5 figure settlement with a resignation and a signed no comment clause where they agree not to trash you.
Prior to filing I was threatened with "If you file we WILL fire you the day you come back". That was it for me, crash, bang boom, game on.
Moral of the story do it to them before they do it to you. Because they WILL do it to you and not think twice.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Lets see now. I follow the rules of my union contracts (which were signed by  B O TH signatories AA and AMTRAK), then by you i'm ACCUSED of being a 'layabout'
I apply for a FEDERAL LAW and then LEGALLY am gualified, then I'm accused of being an ABUSER or FRAUD.
(By You).
I don't get it.
700, are there abusers in any sysyem, of course there is.
If any guy, who qualifies for FMLA for say Severe Migrane Headaches over a period of time, yet is seen at his local Casino on a work day, SHOULD be thoroughly Investigated. As you know, the company can make said guy...'jump thru FMLA hoops' by requiring he be certified EVERY 30 days, REPEAT,....every thirty days.
I'm speaking from experience, being an FMLA coordinator for fellow TWU members at AA, when the Law was signed by WJC in 1993.
If the company chooses NOT to thoroughly investigate, then I say SHAME on said Company.
Might you concur  ????
You know exactly why.  You just cant bring your self to admit it.
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SparrowHawk said:
When it comes to Companies, I do honestly try to take them for all I can, LEGALLY.
Ever been in a Workers Compensation case? Non-Union companies will FIRE you within 2 weeks of your return daring you to sue for wrongful termination which is a crap shoot at best in most states. So what you do is get a Law Firm that specializes in Workers Compensation and you beat the company out of (in my case) a mid 5 figure settlement with a resignation and a signed no comment clause where they agree not to trash you.
Prior to filing I was threatened with "If you file we WILL fire you the day you come back". That was it for me, crash, bang boom, game on.
Moral of the story do it to them before they do it to you. Because they WILL do it to you and not think twice.
I've Never agreed with you MORE than I do in this case Sparrow.
FUUK them, B-4 they .. F-U, and there is NO ONE on this board (if they are honest with themselves in the privacy of thier own mind) that can honestly say they won't !!!!!!!!!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I've Never agreed with you MORE than I do in this case Sparrow.
FUUK them, B-4 they .. F-U, and there is NO ONE on this board (if they are honest with themselves in the privacy of thier own mind) that can honestly say they won't !!!!!!!!!
Well the "HR Lady and I REALLY got into a pissing match. She kept asking me, "Why are you bring this way?" A simple reply from me was, "When my Manager & you threaten me with my way or else, not to mention termination, I'm merely acting in the way your actions warrant" I went on, If you give me an ultimatum I will call your bluff EVERY time, going forward you can discuss your concerns with Steve at Pond, Lehocky, Stern & Giordano, we will be having no further contact"
OMG, Bear was she pissed, slammed the phone down. In PA if an employee files and retains counsel as a company you are very exposed to wrongful termination litigation. 
Now here is the best part. It's a soft tissue injury that can easily be re aggravated. Move to another state with a different job, get any **** and it's "My Neck, My Back, My new Cadillac" Screw'em
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SparrowHawk said:
Well the "HR Lady and I REALLY got into a pissing match. She kept asking me, "Why are you bring this way?" A simple reply from me was, "When my Manager & you threaten me with my way or else, not to mention termination, I'm merely acting in the way your actions warrant" I went on, If you give me an ultimatum I will call your bluff EVERY time, going forward you can discuss your concerns with Steve at Pond, Lehocky, Stern & Giordano, we will be having no further contact"
OMG, Bear was she pissed, slammed the phone down. In PA if an employee files and retains counsel as a company you are very exposed to wrongful termination litigation. 
Now here is the best part. It's a soft tissue injury that can easily be re aggravated. Move to another state with a different job, get any #### and it's "My Neck, My Back, My new Cadillac" Screw'em
WOW Sparrow.  Pennsylvania huh ?  I wonder what 'dell feels about this  ??
Seriously though,   While we may go 'round and round about Unions,...Unions ARE a lot like a P I attorney.  
Corperations have whole divisions of Legal Eagles (the large company's), but the theory is the same.
Look, a persons JOB (assuming they have a Job) is a valuable commodity.  And lets face it. The reason we ALL see the TV commercials prompting on-the-job Injured people to call.....' Ira Goldberg '  who speaks into the camera saying......"If you've been Injured at work, or in a car accident, call 800 - DEF-ENCE"...is because there's a BIG market for them.
Supply and demand if you will.
NO supply,...............NO demand.
But guess who's supplying the "Supply" ! 
The cases that give me a nice ERECTION, are the ones that settle...with a non disclosure clause, so the rest of the World can Never find out how much it cost them.
OH, and WHY did it cost 'them' ?
Because THEY were at FAULT  !!
No wonder the G-D Republicans always want TORT Reform.
My attorney is the Husband of a sitting US Senator.

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