WestJet's AMFA/Engineers reach a T/A with the company

"So this is a very destructive thing, basically done by a rogue U.S. union that's trying to make inroads into Canada and taking some practices in here that are very, very unusual," said von Hoensbroech.

Premiers urge feds to do more​

In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Sunday afternoon, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe called on the federal government to "end the work stoppage today."

"With hundreds of flights cancelled and tens of thousands of Canadians in limbo, the federal government must take action to ensure that work continues throughout the binding arbitration process," said Moe.

Those sentiments were echoed by Alberta Premier Danielle Smith. She urged Ottawa on Sunday to "make the expectation clear that work must continue throughout binding arbitration."

“Oestreich said the two sides are separated by a first-year economic difference of approximately seven per cent, or less than $8 million on a roughly four-year contract”

So in other words how I read this is AMFA (The rogue US Union) is willing to tear the whole edifice down to get what they want. They aren’t accepting the “binding arbitration” which they likely know isn’t going to give them what they want.

I’m not saying having binding arbitration forced on them is a preferred negotiation outcome but they definitely do seem to have taken Canada and Westjet hostage using their own Laws against them.

Rogue, radical and anarchist.

Meanwhile Lee Seeham keeps getting paid. Can’t wait to see those LM2’s next year.
Maybe this is why AMFA is doing what it’s doing against WestJet. WestJet is owned by a Private Equity firm named Onex. While I’m not a fan of AMFA it’s questionable 🤨 if I would hate a Private Equity firm even more? Two detestable entities doing battle. Interesting. All the best to everyone caught in the middle.

Good luck seeing a LM2. That's only required in the US.

Gotya say, for being a scam as you've put it so many times, AMFA just managed to do something that the TWU hasn't done in anyone's active career - they shut down an airline over a contract instead of caving to the pressure....
And there you go on your need for TWU vengeance tour again.

First the LM2’s will show how much AMFA paid to SSM&P. Any dues that those WestJet employees might choose to pay since they aren’t under any legal obligations to pay (No closed shops) would flow to AMFA National in Centennial Colorado. You being as intelligent as you are should have known that. Basically SWA Members are footing the major majority of the Legal Bill.

Second, different Laws in Canada. You do know the Laws here in America for the RLA right. I mean you’ve been on this board now long enough that you should.

Let me give you an education using the APFA situation currently. Eventually if they can’t reach a deal they will be “offered” (Not forced like Canada) binding Arbitration. If they refuse the NMB will release them into a 30 day cooling off period. After that if they still don’t reach a deal they are free to strike. Of course the POTUS will likely declare a PEB (Presidential Emergency Board) to settle the dispute.

Basically as you know in America under the RLA everything is ultimately rigged. A deal will be forced just like a deal is always forced in the Railroads. Especially at Airlines the size of AA, Alaska, UAL, SWA, Delta, and probably JetBlue and maybe even Spirit. All just too big and too important to commerce. (Capitalism)

BTW when will you finally stop carrying that grudge you’ve let eat away at you? Did you know or realize since that time the TWU has only grown larger? I sincerely hope that doesn’t bother you?
And there you go on your need for TWU vengeance tour again.


BTW when will you finally stop carrying that grudge you’ve let eat away at you? Did you know or realize since that time the TWU has only grown larger? I sincerely hope that doesn’t bother you?

BTW when will you finally stop carrying that grudge you’ve let eat away at you? Did you know or realize since that time the AMFA has only grown larger? I sincerely hope that doesn’t bother you?
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BTW when will you finally stop carrying that grudge you’ve let eat away at you? Did you know or realize since that time the AMFA has only grown larger? I sincerely hope that doesn’t bother you?

Answer to the one 1️⃣ of 3 who continue to task me.

When they stop trying to raid (scab) the 3 other Unions (Mine especially) and the day I retire and shut down all interest.

Actually it’s not AMFA I hold a grudge against though, it’s “””SEEHAM, SEEHAM, MELTZ and PETERSON”””” The Masters of Puppets.

You know that Lawfirm for some strange reason (Not strange to me) you keep ignoring (deflecting from) You and Swamp that is.

AMFA is nothing but a nameplate on a door that’s never done anything personal to me.
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You really have no interest at all why “AMFA” spends hundreds of thousands of dollars, a few years close to a Million dollars every year dedicated to only that one 1️⃣ Lawfirm in Upstate NY? AMFA only represents around 4000 people or so.

You don’t think hundreds of thousands of dollars every year for only 4000 people isn’t questionable? Really? Seriously? 😒
Actually it’s not AMFA I hold a grudge against though, it’s “””SEEHAM, SEEHAM, MELTZ and PETERSON”””” The Masters of Puppets.

You know that Lawfirm for some strange reason (Not strange to me) you keep ignoring (deflecting from) You and Swamp that is.
You really have no interest at all why “AMFA” spends hundreds of thousands of dollars, a few years close to a Million dollars every year dedicated to only that one 1️⃣ Lawfirm in Upstate NY? AMFA only represents around 4000 people or so.

You don’t think hundreds of thousands of dollars every year for only 4000 people isn’t questionable? Really? Seriously? 😒

Ignoring? No - I read what you post. Deflect? No - I simply find no need to engage in every single stupid delusion you feel the need to spew on a regular basis. We've discussed SSM&P on numerous occasions on numerous threads - your assertions are just as ridiculous as your claims that AMFA isn't a real union.

Last years LM2 showed AMFA paid SSM&P apprx $825,000 for legal representation - break that down by the 4000 members per year, and it comes out to apprx $206 dollars per member for the year.

So in other words how I read this is AMFA (The rogue US Union) is willing to tear the whole edifice down to get what they want. They aren’t accepting the “binding arbitration” which they likely know isn’t going to give them what they want.

I’m not saying having binding arbitration forced on them is a preferred negotiation outcome but they definitely do seem to have taken Canada and Westjet hostage using their own Laws against them.

Rogue, radical and anarchist.

Meanwhile Lee Seeham keeps getting paid. Can’t wait to see those LM2’s next year.

Uh newsflash - Using existing laws to the members advantage is what union legal is supposed to do. True unionist already know this, where apparently you don't. This post is another classic example of the pathetic fake unionist that you are.

AMFA is fighting Westjet legally, for their collective benefit, and the mechanics overall, and yet you are so consumed with your own AMFA "vengeance tour" that you're here quoting company talking points and deriding the true unionists that are striking as ... Rogue, radical and anarchist ...

AMFA is nothing but a nameplate on a door that’s never done anything personal to me.

... except that seems to contradict this statement made in the same post

When they stop trying to raid (scab) the 3 other Unions (Mine especially) and the day I retire and shut down all interest.

The term "mine" is possessive denoting that it is indeed personal to you.

The term "shill" you mentioned is indeed an accurate descriptor for you. I would also add "sycophant" of the TWU variety.
Maybe they were able to strong arm the Private Equity Firm into giving them what they want? Bravo 👏 to the “Mechanics” who put up the fight and risk.

The facts are they held them hostage to get what they wanted. They almost completely shut the Airline down and forced them to cry uncle.

Amazing how the Canadian Laws are what let them get away with it.

First they couldn’t stop the Strike. Which shouldn’t be stopped if it was Legal. Not something that they would get away with in America. In America they would have been forced back to work with a Government order that would financially bankrupt the Union if they didn’t oblige.

Second that recently signed Law I posted that almost completely tied the hands of the Company employing Scabs to do the work. NWA beat the hell out of AMFA because they had both replacements ready and hundreds of their members didn’t agree with the strike or AMFA leadership not letting them have a final vote (Something done at Westjet) and crossed the picket line dooming AMFA to failure.

Thinking from a Conservative point of view the Canadian Government were morons for letting them have the total keys to the kingdom to take whatever they wanted. No Binding Arbitration. We’ll never see that level of idiocy or worker empowerment here in the USA 🇺🇸

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Good luck seeing a LM2. That's only required in the US.

Gotya say, for being a scam as you've put it so many times, AMFA just managed to do something that the TWU hasn't done in anyone's active career - they shut down an airline over a contract instead of caving to the pressure....

Well said E. AMFA doesn't cave like the twu, teamsters and IAM does and has in the past. This why they are the most requested "UNION" to represent airline mechanics in the industry, period. And trust me, after this new contract and strike win they will get even more. AMFA just showed the entire industry how to professionally and legally get'er done.

TSH, great news my friend. And as the post says, they got greater improvements from TA-1 into TA-2.
I tip my hat to the AMFA nego team @ WJ, the AME's @ WJ and even WJ co and leadership who finally came to their senses.

Please see WestJet press release below:


WestJet confirms end to AMFA strike​


By WestJet|June 30, 2024|4 min read
Further damage to guests, employees, and communities prevented as the airline works to rebuild

WestJet confirms that as of June 30, 2024 at 10:30 p.m. MT, the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) are withdrawing their strike action. AMFA members will return to work as scheduled to immediately start work to restore the network. The airline and AMFA resumed talks earlier today, for the first time since Thursday, June 27, despite a stalemate on the intent of the Minister’s order for binding arbitration. They did so to reach a tentative agreement and prevent further damage to the Canadian public.
“The damage to Canadians and our airline is massive, a swift resolution was necessary; we take no victory laps on this outcome but will sleep better tonight knowing further harm has been prevented,” said Diederik Pen, President of WestJet Airlines and Group Chief Operating Officer. “We will see no further labour action coming out of this dispute, as both parties agree to arbitrate the contract in the case of a failed ratification.”
Lack of clarity from the government and the decisions taken by the CIRB allowed for a strike to occur amidst binding arbitration. With no path forward to resolution, both parties made essential movements to find common ground and achieve an agreement.
The company was forced to park 130 aircraft at 13 airports across Canada, in response to the strike. With today’s news, the airline will begin work to restore operations in a safe and timely manner. Given the significant impact to WestJet’s network over the past few days, returning to business-as-usual flying will take time and further disruptions over the coming week are to be anticipated as the airline gets aircraft and crew back into position.
“We want to thank guests for their patience during what was an uncertain and stressful time,” continued Pen. “I want to personally thank our teams of WestJetters who were equally thrust into the uncertainty, and who once again demonstrated their care, dedication and resilience.”
Well said E. AMFA doesn't cave like the twu, teamsters and IAM does and has in the past. This why they are the most requested "UNION" to represent airline mechanics in the industry, period. And trust me, after this new contract and strike win they will get even more. AMFA just showed the entire industry how to professionally and legally get'er done.

TSH, great news my friend. And as the post says, they got greater improvements from TA-1 into TA-2.
I tip my hat to the AMFA nego team @ WJ, the AME's @ WJ and even WJ co and leadership who finally came to their senses.

Please see WestJet press release below:


WestJet confirms end to AMFA strike​


By WestJet|June 30, 2024|4 min read
Further damage to guests, employees, and communities prevented as the airline works to rebuild

WestJet confirms that as of June 30, 2024 at 10:30 p.m. MT, the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) are withdrawing their strike action. AMFA members will return to work as scheduled to immediately start work to restore the network. The airline and AMFA resumed talks earlier today, for the first time since Thursday, June 27, despite a stalemate on the intent of the Minister’s order for binding arbitration. They did so to reach a tentative agreement and prevent further damage to the Canadian public.
“The damage to Canadians and our airline is massive, a swift resolution was necessary; we take no victory laps on this outcome but will sleep better tonight knowing further harm has been prevented,” said Diederik Pen, President of WestJet Airlines and Group Chief Operating Officer. “We will see no further labour action coming out of this dispute, as both parties agree to arbitrate the contract in the case of a failed ratification.”
Lack of clarity from the government and the decisions taken by the CIRB allowed for a strike to occur amidst binding arbitration. With no path forward to resolution, both parties made essential movements to find common ground and achieve an agreement.
The company was forced to park 130 aircraft at 13 airports across Canada, in response to the strike. With today’s news, the airline will begin work to restore operations in a safe and timely manner. Given the significant impact to WestJet’s network over the past few days, returning to business-as-usual flying will take time and further disruptions over the coming week are to be anticipated as the airline gets aircraft and crew back into position.
“We want to thank guests for their patience during what was an uncertain and stressful time,” continued Pen. “I want to personally thank our teams of WestJetters who were equally thrust into the uncertainty, and who once again demonstrated their care, dedication and resilience.”

Canadian Laws are much different than American Laws Bozo. AMFA was able to hold the Airline hostage and the Airline had to pay the ransom. That’s the real facts.
