WestJet's AMFA/Engineers reach a T/A with the company

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So, wanted to wait for the final decision from CIRB came thru. Now that it has, yes it does appear they did start striking on Fri. The CIRB said it will not stop it, but it will move forward with binding arbitration even while the strike continues. So at least both sides will be nego once they get the dates and arbitrators list.
It was in the back of my mind that the CIRB would have stepped in and prevented this strike, but, they did not. So as I read it all, even with 5 new updates flying all day long after CIRB notified of B.A. in #24 update, they are on strike and nego cmtes will still enjoin into Binding Arbitration.

On a second note:
Being just 7% off with a cost of low millions per year tells me the BA will be fairly quick. I expect a possible meeting in the middle might be in order. Just not sure of all the "open" item left as of yet...

Latest and last update late June 28th:
Several pages, but gets very clear that a strike has started on Fri;

June 28, 2024 -- “…the Board finds that the ministerial referral does not have the effect of suspending the right to strike or lockout.”
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Now it looks like the CIRB might be on the hotseat ...

So now the Minister is taking issue with the CIRB not doing what he wanted how he wanted.

Can Westjet sue the CIRB for damages? AMFA has a ruling in hand green-lighting their ability to strike, so Westjet may have to go after the government.

Next few hours should be VERY interesting ...
Ok so now the question needs to be ask what are the rights of the employer and what will be their next moves? We’re talking Canadian Law here and not US Law.

Will Westjet look to replace those workers? Will they be able to replace them? 600 plus. What happens under binding arbitration? What happens if either side decides to defy that arbitration? Is Westjet under any Legal obligation to not replace all the striking workers permanently? Understanding of course it won’t be easy replacing that many skilled workers.

If those workers truly are so dramatically underpaid and undervalued I wish them well in their fight.
Now it looks like the CIRB might be on the hotseat ...

So now the Minister is taking issue with the CIRB not doing what he wanted how he wanted.

Can Westjet sue the CIRB for damages? AMFA has a ruling in hand green-lighting their ability to strike, so Westjet may have to go after the government.

Next few hours should be VERY interesting ...

It’s likely that neither the Minister or the CIRB thought the “workers” had the balls to pull the trigger and Strike the carrier. So now the Minister is throwing the CIRB under the bus to save his own hide (Typical Politician)

If they were legally allowed to Strike I don’t think WestJet can go after anyone. The CIRB also never said that the Workers couldn’t Strike. Again my guess is they just thought they wouldn’t. It was likely assumed.
Have to understand the cost of living in Canada to know if these are fair wages or proposals. 2 Months ago posting.

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  • #84
WestJet is trying to blame AMFA 100%. What they fail to mention in their press releases is the FACT that they first "refused" to nego in good faith any further, then they through out the "lockout" threat, AMFA took a strike vote, co changed mind (blinked) and said ok we agree to return, and when they did retuen they again refused to nego in good faith, so AMFA sent out 2nd strike notice. Here's where WJ screwed up, they were under the impression (as stated) that the CIRB was stepping in to stop the strike, so they did nothing knowing they would have the advantage of no strike going through. But once the CIRB got the full story on what the co did and "who" was the real hold out on nego in good faith, they did not stop the strike but did in fact order mandatory BA. This is where it stands now.
I am still thinking there must be more to it than just the pay being left open. Maybe a survey of the membership will highlight the rest of the remaining opens.

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  • #85
Now it looks like the CIRB might be on the hotseat ...

So now the Minister is taking issue with the CIRB not doing what he wanted how he wanted.

Can Westjet sue the CIRB for damages? AMFA has a ruling in hand green-lighting their ability to strike, so Westjet may have to go after the government.

Next few hours should be VERY interesting ...
Yes it does appear the Minister is not happy with the CIRB.
Not sure if WJ can sue the gov up in Canada over this issue or not. We now know they can't sue AMFA as AMFA had the green light from the CIRB.
This indeed will get very interesting going into holiday week, no doubt. Get the popcorn out...
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  • #86
3 newly updates are added to the AMFA National web page to update th members and the public in reminding who is to blame for not nego in good faith. Again I reiterate; once the CIRB found out who was at blame for the refusal to nego, not nego in good faith AND who actually threatened first with the "lockout" to shut'er down and is still an active threat to this day.
I am positive now that the Minister was not told all the facts at hand when he did direct the CIRB how HE wanted them to act. When you are not informed of all the details, and only highlights, it can change the outcome dramatically. Happy reading folks:

June 30, 2024 -- You have all been the victim of WestJet’s virulent PR campaign that you are scofflaws with no respect for the law. The calumnies leveled against you occurred despite the CIRB’s ruling that the AMEs had retained their right to strike. Last night, the CIRB ruled – yet again – that the AMEs have a right to withhold their labour.
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June 29, 2024 -- Read carefully WestJet’s publications relating to your collective action. They resonate with cowardice and deception. WestJet’s press releases state that they “consider” the current strike to be unlawful or that they have come to that “conclusion.
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June 29, 2024 -- We are in receipt of your letter dated June 28, 2024, insinuating, but devoid of the conviction to state, that WestJet’s AMEs are engaged in an illegal strike. You have chosen your words cleverly. You tiptoe to the edge of defamation without crossing the line.
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