Our crew scheduling usually sets the level at 90 hours per month. RSV's can pick up extra time on days off(we only get 11 days off) and that time goes above our 73 hour min. guarantee. Any DH we do is 1/2 pay. no credit. That 1/2 pay is also above guarantee. The company usaually only flies us about 45 hours per month on average(that's in CLT), so we end up sitting in base alot. It stinks for commuting rsv's, they end up sitting in hotels or crashpads(just what a 10-18 yr f/a wants to do). Our BH's get numerous chances to adjust their schedule, even right up to the night before their trip goes out.I am just curious? On the East can you pick up trips and work as much as you want? Or is there a cutoff? Out West we can work unlimited hours, as long as we don't work over a 7day period. Meaning we can pick up personal trades and work a 90-120+ schedule. As a line, block holder are you limited? That would really suck on the West side. We have many senior people working 130 flight hours a month. Not kidding!! I guess there is one good thing with the West contract, unlimited flying!