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We At Aa Have Been Warned!


Jun 17, 2004
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Go here to read what those with the misfortune of being represented by the amfa have to say. Also be sure to check out the interesting articles relevent to our industry on this site.
Strake said:
Go here to read what those with the misfortune of being represented by the amfa have to say. Also be sure to check out the interesting articles relevent to our industry on this site.
Nobody uses that dead site run by ex-iam cultist Jetf Doerr (knobby). Its pretty much a useless BB except for a few braindead cultists that whine and cry because they're union got ousted and is almost out of the M@R in the industry, all thats left is US Air.

AMFA has been at NWA for several years now. I would think that the NWA M@R would have had a iam card drive that surpassed the 500 card mark by now, but the iam can't get there. Why is that???

Maybe its time the twu stepped in to NWA. As Nitebitch says; hahahahaha!!!!!!

BTW, did you know that NWA has a brand new 747 hanger in DTW??? Hmmmm.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

Hackman said:
Nobody uses that dead site run by ex-iam cultist Jetf Doerr (knobby). Its pretty much a useless BB except for a few braindead cultists that whine and cry because they're union got ousted and is almost out of the M@R in the industry, all thats left is US Air.
Sounds more like Dave's site..........air-mechanic.com. Now there's some real winners for ya'!!!!!!

You and your other amfa buddies just can't stand the fact that there are many amfa members out there who hate amfa. Better face reality. Noone said you have to read what they have to say, but don't go preaching how good amfa is and neglect to recognize those who are not satisfied. You want us to "recognize" you don't you??? If you didn't you wouldn't be posting on this site!!!!

HYPOCRIT HACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:down: :down: :down:
twuer said:
Sounds more like Dave's site..........air-mechanic.com. Now there's some real winners for ya'!!!!!!

You and your other amfa buddies just can't stand the fact that there are many amfa members out there who hate amfa. Better face reality. Noone said you have to read what they have to say, but don't go preaching how good amfa is and neglect to recognize those who are not satisfied. You want us to "recognize" you don't you??? If you didn't you wouldn't be posting on this site!!!!

HYPOCRIT HACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:down: :down: :down:
Air mechanic is doing fine. The 'Nuts page goes for days with no one there. I have visited the doerr 'Nuts page, but its been a long while.

You can't stand the fact the the industrial unions are losing to AMFA for M@R, it now stands at 8 airlines, and more to come. The iam has only the AMT's at US Air left, if they make through another iam concession. The ibt lost M@R at SWA, who booted them in the best of times. Now was that a raid too?? Ohh yes, don't forget your team twu lost Horizon. Maybe Mr. burdsh*t can start a twu card drive with another debate of Dell?? He did so well the first time.

Your not happy with the fight AMFA wages against management, because your so weak you would never stand up to the AA bully. Your twu leadership will never lead the charge. Bought and paid for company union is why. AA owns the twu...and you know it.

There are some you just can't reach... and your one of them twuer.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Funtional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

Anyone who goes to the "amfanuts" website risks getting their computer infected with Viruses and Webworms. If you go to Doerr's IAM "cult" site make sure your Norton Anti-virus is up to date!


  • Demolition_20of_20AMFA.webp
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Strake said:
Go here to read what those with the misfortune of being represented by the amfa have to say. Also be sure to check out the interesting articles relevent to our industry on this site.
Well if you want to hear some of the negative things that TWU members say about the TWU there are plenty of places to go such as right here, The-mechanic.com and the scores of lawsuits that TWU members have initiated against the TWU.
Question for ya Bob, if the TWU has been such a failure for the last 20 years, why did you run for office for such a loser union? And please Bob, tell me how it's due to your caring for your brothers and sisters and how Bob Owens had the power to change the world, until he was caught short of integrity.
Name: In the dark
Email: WWW. no democracy .com
Employer: NWA
Date: Wednesday August 04, 2004
Time: 12:26:16 AM

I asked a AMFA National Convention delegate what the CRC reported at the convention, I was told that Delle and the NEC did not let them speak because the survey showed what a bad job AMFA was doing. The survey was not doctored or kind to the current leadership and this being an election year the information was silenced. This is how AMFA works, they hide any bad information and the little information that they produce is coated in sugar to make it acceptable to the membership. Go to your Union meetings and demand to see the survey results and ask what AMFA is doing to improve. Delle and his faithful....(Bob Rose and Neil from DTW along with Prisco from Frisco are insuring that we all have a seat on the Titanic, but that where Rose thinks we need to be.....
Name: AMFA Accountability and Integrity
Employer: NWA
Station: MSPB
Date: Tuesday August 03, 2004
Time: 05:43:10 PM

Remember "an informed member is a strong member"! Then why is it that AMFA has so much to hide. Here is a list of information that AMFA has never and will not post on a website for easy access. You can view some information at the locals, but cannot receive a copy. I went to local 33 and asked to see the daily transcripts for the national convention, they're not available. I tried to take notes from the NEC minutes, on the lack of approval or knowledge of the letters of agreement at NWA, I was forbidden. I have waited for over a year for the NEC's interpretation of an "affected member allowed to vote on letters of agreement". I'm currently in building B at MSP, as you can see from the photos at the top of the page; I won't be much for much longer! Jeff Mathews signed a letter of agreement combining work areas in building C, which is were I most likely will end up. I didn't get to vote on the letter, and it may now effect me! Accountability and Integrity!

Minutes of the National Executive Council meetings.

AMFA National Policies, Interpretations, & Procedures Manual.

A complete set of the AMFA National Convention Minutes and copies of the daily transcripts.

The results of the Constitution Review Committee survey.

I agree with you that the National Executive Council meetings are held behind closed doors in secret! I have reviewed the available minutes of the NEC meetings, they don't divulge any depth of information! AMFA National Policies, Interpretations, & Procedures Manual would be easy to post on the web as adobe pdf files, if the can be printed they can be distilled as pdf's. Even if the National Convention Minutes and copies of the daily transcripts were available at the local, do you have the time to sit at the local reviewing 10 days of transcripts. What were the results of the Constitution Review Committee survey and who got to see them?
James T. Kirk said:
Name: AMFA Accountability and Integrity
Employer: NWA
Station: MSPB
Date: Tuesday August 03, 2004
Time: 05:43:10 PM

Remember "an informed member is a strong member"! Then why is it that AMFA has so much to hide. Here is a list of information that AMFA has never and will not post on a website for easy access. You can view some information at the locals, but cannot receive a copy. I went to local 33 and asked to see the daily transcripts for the national convention, they're not available. I tried to take notes from the NEC minutes, on the lack of approval or knowledge of the letters of agreement at NWA, I was forbidden. I have waited for over a year for the NEC's interpretation of an "affected member allowed to vote on letters of agreement". I'm currently in building B at MSP, as you can see from the photos at the top of the page; I won't be much for much longer! Jeff Mathews signed a letter of agreement combining work areas in building C, which is were I most likely will end up. I didn't get to vote on the letter, and it may now effect me! Accountability and Integrity!

Minutes of the National Executive Council meetings.

AMFA National Policies, Interpretations, & Procedures Manual.

A complete set of the AMFA National Convention Minutes and copies of the daily transcripts.

The results of the Constitution Review Committee survey.

I agree with you that the National Executive Council meetings are held behind closed doors in secret! I have reviewed the available minutes of the NEC meetings, they don't divulge any depth of information! AMFA National Policies, Interpretations, & Procedures Manual would be easy to post on the web as adobe pdf files, if the can be printed they can be distilled as pdf's. Even if the National Convention Minutes and copies of the daily transcripts were available at the local, do you have the time to sit at the local reviewing 10 days of transcripts. What were the results of the Constitution Review Committee survey and who got to see them?
It took the TWU 2 years to release the minutes from the 2001 Convention, and that was only upon request from the Local.

It took over a year to get copies of the contract.

But if AMFA does not have their transcript out within weeks then AMFA has something to hide?
Nightwatch said:
Question for ya Bob, if the TWU has been such a failure for the last 20 years, why did you run for office for such a loser union? And please Bob, tell me how it's due to your caring for your brothers and sisters and how Bob Owens had the power to change the world, until he was caught short of integrity.
Well if you have the answers why did you ask?

The fact is I ran for office in order to try and change things from within. Isnt that what the TWU was asking members to do? Insnt that what they are asking members to do now? Isnt that why the TWU hired an outside agency to survey the members as to what they want changed?

You are unaware that while Gless was feathering his bed by sucking up to the International that I was writing letters to other Locals throughout the TWU and meeting with some of them to push for changes such as greater Democratic control and Transparancy.

I never said that I had the power to change the world, however I was, and still am, willing to try.
Here is a post from the BBS at amfanuts. This is a post from a real honest to goodness amfa represented AMT. Why listen to these wannabes when you can have the real thing. Have no fear, you dont have to go the site, myself and others are more than happy to bring it to you! Now if you have a set, (I guess that would leave a "princess" out) go here and read more.

Name: T6
Employer: NWA
Station: To Heard it all and am sick of it
Date: Thursday August 05, 2004
Time: 06:55:14 PM

I'm not attempting to draw you're ire either. But let's remember the facts. Everything was smooth sailing at NWA until AMFA. I firmly reject the idea that what's happened to NWA is the effect of the condition of the Airline Industry. The condition of the Industry didn't effect half our membership ever when we were IAM represented. The facts are clear and undisputable. Simply read a short Article 2 in the IAM NWA Blue Book and read Article 2 in the AMFA agreement. Anyone who's literate can easily compare these two articles in less than 20 minutes and see what AMFA did to us. If you're still sick of it and believe me I am sick of AMFA, then let's look at possible solutions to our situation. We can take the companies advice and quit if we don't like it. That's the Republican option, or we can take the Democrats option and replace this ridiculous Union and start passing legislation to counter AMFA's ridiculous Farm Outs. I guess, I'm always the optimist. I say, throw Delle Femine and his henchmen back out in the streets where they belong and start fixing this messed up contract. That said, it won't be easy, and I don't use those words lightly. We're going to have to really consider making a deal with NWA to give them what they need so we can start bringing back our work and laid off members. If you think I'm a wuss and am endorsing concessions. You're wrong. I don't want concessions. But if you don't make the deal, there won't be any jobs or any pension left for anyone. I offer you this to ponder: What do you think those young laid off Mechanics are going to do to your pension after you retire? Remember, you left them on the street, and they'll never forget it. This isn't your fault, and it isn't mine. This is AMFA's fault, and the fault of every AMFA supporter who brought this Union in. Half of this membership didn't want them in the first place.
I never said that I had the power to change the world, however I was, and still am, willing to try.

So are you willing to assist the TWU? Did it take a run by AMFA to awaken the TWU that a change is needed/desired? Possibly so, but the point to be made is that the TWU is willing to change for the betterment of it's members.

Are you willing Bob, as you stated?
Nightwatch said:
So are you willing to assist the TWU? Did it take a run by AMFA to awaken the TWU that a change is needed/desired? Possibly so, but the point to be made is that the TWU is willing to change for the betterment of it's members.

Are you willing Bob, as you stated?
And why are you willing to believe that the TWU is willing to change?

They have been saying they are willing to change for the last twenty years that I've been a member. How long have you been a TWU member?

They have lied in the past, why should we believe that they are not lying now?

Will the "changes" that they are willing to make be enough to address the problems we have in this industry and reverse the trend of decline?

Are they willing to take on the IAM, IBT and CWA to consolidate all the airline workers into one union so that workers will not be pitted against each other in a race to the bottom? Or will they continue their policy of underbidding all the other unions so the companies where they have "members" can put competitors out of business, like we did to TWA, EAL and Pan Am?

In order for the TWU to make it believeable that change is really possible the first thing to happen is that Little, Yingst and Gless must go, and those positions must be opened for electoral determination to the members. The AA system must be made just as autonomous as the SWA Flight Attendants and Local 100.

Do you really think that any of those useless thugs are going to put the organization or the members ahead of their own self interests?

Otherwise its all simply window dressing.

The fact is that the TWU will not allow for any meaningful change. Its current practices have been very successful for the TWUs bottom line. Its ATD has more than tripled over the last twenty years and real dues revenue continues to increase despite declining real wages.

For the TWU and the company its a win-win, but for the members is lose-lose.

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