Was Trump right?

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  • #31
Still hung up on the Birther topic? I'm not........ As far as I'm concerned, Like Trump said, they were right. He was born in U.S. End of story. So now you want to talk about the double standard law enforcement has bestowed on Hillary's E- mail scandal? Or Benghazi? Or Bills womanizing? Or the Clinton Foundation? Or her pay to play dealings as Secretary of State?  Or her involvement in Obama's secret dealings with the Iranians in his Nuclear deal? Or Hillary's lies, and coverup, about the true nature of her health? ------- My! My! My! We've got a lot to talk about now don't we?
Insp4 said:
Still hung up on the Birther topic? I'm not........ As far as I'm concerned, Like Trump said, they were right. He was born in U.S. End of story. So now you want to talk about the double standard law enforcement has bestowed on Hillary's E- mail scandal? Or Benghazi? Or Bills womanizing? Or the Clinton Foundation? Or her pay to play dealings as Secretary of State?  Or her involvement in Obama's secret dealings with the Iranians in his Nuclear deal? Or Hillary's lies, and coverup, about the true nature of her health? ------- My! My! My! We've got a lot to talk about now don't we?
They both suck!
The difference between you and I is I know they both suck but you hillbillies think T-Rump will make MeriKa Grate again, I don't.
I think he will use any power he has to promote himself and rape the country.
His lil chillin are are no better.
B) xUT
Insp4 said:
Still hung up on the Birther topic? I'm not........ As far as I'm concerned, Like Trump said, they were right. He was born in U.S. End of story. So now you want to talk about the double standard law enforcement has bestowed on Hillary's E- mail scandal? Or Benghazi? Or Bills womanizing? Or the Clinton Foundation? Or her pay to play dealings as Secretary of State?  Or her involvement in Obama's secret dealings with the Iranians in his Nuclear deal? Or Hillary's lies, and coverup, about the true nature of her health? ------- My! My! My! We've got a lot to talk about now don't we?
Yea, just what I thought.
All mouth and no substance.
You are the OP but now are cool with being a total ID-10T.
I got it.
T-Rump will give (sell?) everyone nukes and that way we are all on an even playing field.
Do you hillbillies pay attention to world events or are you already hunkerd down in your bomb shelter?
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  • #34
xUT said:
Yea, just what I thought.
All mouth and no substance.
You are the OP but now are cool with being a total ID-10T.
I got it.
T-Rump will give (sell?) everyone nukes and that way we are all on an even playing field.
Do you hillbillies pay attention to world events or are you already hunkerd down in your bomb shelter?
Why is it  whenever you can't, or won't, talk specifics, you resort to generalities or name calling?
xUT said:
Back on topic....
Ouch, did that hurt?
Xut as a young boy being punished for looking up girls dresses in school. Several days later he was banned from the playground and spent  his recesses  in the nurses office picking his nose
Insp4 said:
Why is it  whenever you can't, or won't, talk specifics, you resort to generalities or name calling?
You are 'almost' comical.
Accuse me of name calling. :LOL:
Go home little boy, you can't handle the truth.
Get that beam out of your eye.
B) xUT
B) xUT
xUT said:
You are 'almost' comical.
Accuse me of name calling. :lol:
Go home little boy, you can't handle the truth.
Get that beam out of your eye.
B) xUT
B) xUT
Don't talk Bible to the Inspector, it confuses it.
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  • #38
xUT said:
You are 'almost' comical.
Accuse me of name calling. :lol:
Go home little boy, you can't handle the truth.
Get that beam out of your eye.
B) xUT
B) xUT
Listen son, don't talk down to me, I'm more than likely twice your ago. A Vietnam vet. Been taking Aircraft apart, and putting them back together, for 45+ years. Worked for two major Airlines. Can you say the same?
Insp4 said:
The question is, what did you?
Learned a lot from raising four kids, working hard, doing lots of volunteer work, and not living in the past, which I could have if I didn't think the past was all that mattered.
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  • #42
Dog Wonder said:
Learned a lot from raising four kids, working hard, doing lots of volunteer work, and not living in the past, which I could have if I didn't think the past was all that mattered.
That's a good start. But in time, You'll find out there is more to life that harassing people you know nothing about on this forum.
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  • #44
Liston Dog. until you grow a few more gray hairs, I may just listen to you. Tell than, like I said before, you're no more than background noise to me.