Was Trump right?

Insp4 said:
Mr. Montorator,....... Why am I being censored? I posted a link to that post and it is being blocked! I thought this was an open discussion forum. Apparently not! Are we stooping  to political correctness, or intimidation by outside sources?
It opens if you click the YT icon.
That vid is hacked on the voice too, watch when he says he was born in Kenya, you can't see his mouth at that point.
Insp4 said:
Mr. Montorator,....... Why am I being censored? I posted a link to that post and it is being blocked! I thought this was an open discussion forum. Apparently not! Are we stooping  to political correctness, or intimidation by outside sources?
You're kidding, right? Says right on it that the video's owner has disabled playback on sites outside of YouTube.

Victim much?
I get that on a lot of websites too.....I bet they don't get paid unless you watch it on you tube.
The icon click works everytime.
Kev3188 said:
You're kidding, right? Says right on it that the video's owner has disabled playback on sites outside of YouTube.
Victim much?
I got 10 days in the cornfield a while ago for calling out a "montorator" [sic] (moderator?).
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With the time he has left in this campaign, his target is Hillary, not Obama. He doesn't want the distraction of this at this point in time. As much as those in the Liberal camp may want him to. Hey, he may be a lot of things, but a fool, he's not. He's just not taking that bait.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I got 10 days in the cornfield a while ago for calling out a "montorator" [sic] (moderator?).
I got 90 and 180 days since being here.
Count your blessings.
Hackman said:
Trump "Rick Rolled" Clinton News Network CNN
Never gonna give you up...

Libtard news got played....
"To be clear, we have been told this event would be an event where Donald Trump would address his past trafficking in the birther issue, the notion that President Obama was not born in the United States," Berman said. "He opened the event making a plug for his hotel, it is a new hotel, so in a sense, you could say he was leveraging five years of birther conspiracy to promote his hotel."
And you still support Him?
My My... :p
Insp4 said:
If true, every paper Obama ever signed would be null and void! Because legally he was never our president. Every law. Every veto. Every Executive Order.......... My, oh my! But again I will wager Washington and the main stream media will ignor this. Or claim it's a frake.
Back on topic....
Ouch, did that hurt?