The year of the hated: Clinton and Trump, two intensely disliked candidates, begin their face-off

xUT said:
Didn't the electoral do that in the Bush nomination?
Do we need a 'buffer' to protect ourselves for electing a candidate? I don't. If the MeriKan peeple decide to elect a totalitarian or tyrant, isn't that democracy?
If we need them to circumvent our vote, then why vote at all?
Try to engage people in the voting process then tell us that we 'really' don't count.
Just my 2 cents,
B) xUT
Were not a democracy, were a representative republic. That's the key.
You're not really understanding the purpose of the electoral college and how it serves an important function.
For the most part, the overwhelming majority of presidents elected have won both the electoral and popular. In only a few cases did it not.
700UW said:
Take the money out of it and get rid of the electoral college.
Why? Defined America is a Republic. Somehow the American people believe that the population elects the president. Having lived in the Republic of Italy, I know that the president is elected by house of representatives not the people.  Change from a Republic to a Democracy, then you can talk $#!T that matters!
Every other election is based on the popular vote.

One man one vote, forget about that?
700UW said:
Every other election is based on the popular vote.

One man one vote, forget about that?
Wow. Reality is wasted on you. The way the districts are set up is to know where a majority for a certain 'party' abides. That is just another way to divide and conquer, but yet gives you an illusion to believe that YOU make a difference and matter! ROTFLMAO again and again!
signals said:
Wow. Reality is wasted on you. The way the districts are set up is to know where a majority for a certain 'party' abides. That is just another way to divide and conquer, but yet gives you an illusion to believe that YOU make a difference and matter! ROTFLMAO again and again!
Good call; I forgot to add gerrymandering to my original list...
Kev3188 said:
Only TownPete would "lol" at the idea of pure democracy...
You think this hasn't been argued?
Were you asleep in history class?
I lol at you and your historical ignorance.
Good thing I've seen how I'm wasting my money on unions since 1983. They serve no purpose but to get paid off the burden nof my work. Heard about Wisconsin? Their schools are doing better than my lazy ass unionized good for nothing schools that create dumb children!
So Scott Walker was right and had the balls to prove that unions are a useless tool that serves no purpose other than collecting dues to protect the truly stupid and lazy and privileged
townpete said:
You think this hasn't been argued?
Were you asleep in history class?
I lol at you and your historical ignorance.
A black professor in my college class taught me history and WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY. But the truly dumb think that WE MATTER LOLLOLLOL!
townpete said:
What does the map on the left tell you?
London has a Muslim mayor. If that alone isn't a wake-up call, then the ignorant must continue to sleep!
eolesen said:
Funny, the only time I hear people wanting to get rid of the proportionality that the electoral college offers is when the largely populated states are threatened by "fly-over country".

The changes I'd like to see in our political system would be:

A) real term limits (no more than 10 years in any one public office), including SCOTUS and other bench appointments
B) a plurality requirement added to win an election for a national office (even if it means having two R's or two D's in a run-off for a US Rep or US Senator)
C) a cap on personal funds used to run for office

It wouldn't have done Bernie supporters any good, but without the "35% is good enough to win" situation in some of the early primaries, we might be facing a different slate on the Republican side right now.
Missed this the first time 'round.

All good ideas worth exploring...
xUT said:
Didn't the electoral do that in the Bush nomination?
Do we need a 'buffer' to protect ourselves for electing a candidate? I don't. If the MeriKan peeple decide to elect a totalitarian or tyrant, isn't that democracy?
If we need them to circumvent our vote, then why vote at all?
Try to engage people in the voting process then tell us that we 'really' don't count.
Just my 2 cents,
B) xUT
If you're gonna talk about things like democracy and voter engagement, you could at least make sure TownPete gets a trigger warning...
