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Warning To All Hp Crewmembers

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Boeing 787, your just like my UAL Pilot brother. Who is a JERK when it comes to airline matters. I've never seen such a greedy,blood thirsty, selfish pilot group than UAL. (amr close 2nd).
you deny pilots from the jumpseat, your group does an illegal sickout and affect thousands of families and their travel plans over summer.
Now you guys deny Jetblue pilots the jumpseat opportunity.
I avoid UAL at ALL costs because of all your labor groups arrogant ruthless attitude.
I hope this USAIRWAYS/AWA deal goes thru and kicks you butt!
skyflyr69 said:
your group does an illegal sickout and affect thousands of families and their travel plans over summer.


Kinda like what all "the hardworking, dedicated U employees" did in PHL and CLT over X-mas - U employees are a bunch of prima donnas
To all the AWA's on this board.

I am an 18 yr. PIT based Airbus F/O with US. I have been thru three megers and they are difficult at best. I won't sit here and discuss seniority, there is an ALPA policy and date of hire is not in the policy guide. We receive credit for years of service but other things matter also.

My real fear is that the merger, if it happens, will go like others. I for one am of the mindset that this cannot happen again. I would propose things like a pilot exchange, while working on implementation. Some of our pilots, probably F/O's should attend new hire classes at AWA and fly the line under your certificate to see how things are done in the West. Likewise some of your pilots, probably more senior F/O's or check airman should fly out east and see how we do it.

I know both airlines have had their share of difficulties and bad press. When U was earning high praise in the late 90's, AWA had real service difficulties despite low costs. We can learn from each other.

The current management at U is just marking time and not committed to staying. If the current senior management at AWA has a vison of making a great company then they will find many will hearts and minds at U. We have suffered under caretaker management since Wolf and Ganghwal in 95. They counldn't sell us so they took their marbles and went home.

Some may say U folks are arrogant. I am sorry, I honestly doin't believe that. We were at one time perhaps, long ago. Three messy mergers, a failed merger attempt with United and two chapter 11 filings have taken the wind out of our sails in the bragging department. However we have a group of extremely talented and suprisingly motivated individuals working at U.

As for AWA, you folks must be doing something right. You have stood your ground more than any other carrier against the SWA machine. To co-exist with that company in PHX and LAS and overlap with them to the extent you do means that there is talent and dedication in your organization and we can learn from you on that.

I hope that if this merger does happen that the managment on both sides listens to the employees on how things should be done and doesnt run a top down cram down as US Airways has done in the past. We ruined two perfectly good airlines with cool northern efficiency.

I think that the employes of U are not going to stand by and let this happen again.

I for one will try to lose a "not invented here attitude" and welcome the people and ideas of AWA to whatever they decide to call this new airline and work to make it a success. 😀
exagony said:
Kinda like what all "the hardworking, dedicated U employees" did in PHL and CLT over X-mas - U employees are a bunch of prima donnas

Read what exagony wrote three years ago, pretty rude:


Nice post exagony. Another disgruntled furloughed employee. Yeah, I know it sucks being furloughed but to wishing your former fellow co-workers to be out of work is in poor taste.
EyeInTheSky said:
Read what exagony wrote three years ago, pretty rude:


Nice post exagony. Another disgruntled furloughed employee. Yeah, I know it sucks being furloughed but to wishing your former fellow co-workers to be out of work is in poor taste.

The PHL ramp has long been a hotbed of IAM defiance. The holiday meltdown was front page news but the news about the volunteering by other employees and the dedicated Charlote rampers who came up to help out didn't make the press.

The press finally found out long after the fact that much of the bag fiasco in PHL was due to a management meltdown. It's hard enourgh to get motivated employees do work with incompetent mangaement. Imagine what it is like with a hard core group.

Many of these hard crore indviduals are now gone, outsourced, and we have a large number of new employees.

Management has admitted that the attempted hub operation in PHL was not sustainable, baggage and ram issues were only a part of the problem. PHL has been de-peaked and we actually get in and out of there on time, sometimes. Amazing!

I won't know where your bitterness comes from but I don't see it when I fly the line. We will try to make this thing work.
boeing787 said:

It looks like we have the UA version of.......

I havent seen anything but negative (on any topic) from 787. Take it for what its worth. An HP/US merger would be a little different than a US/UA merger too. I dont think HP has any 777/74s laying around looking for a crew member. :unsure:

At this point I'm open to almost any possibility. I just want to work for someone who actually wants to run an airline and not be p'oed that they're missing tee time. :down:
Let's be for real is not most or all of U's pilot's over 50. If so how long would they really be around to occupy those jobs?
boeing787 said:
Back in the day let's say May 2000 a group known as UAL and USAIR were in merger talks. Being that over half of the UAL seniority list (ie more than the total pilot group by far at USAIR) was less senior than USAIR pilots most of the UAL pilots were very upset at how this debacle would take place.

Now to show you what type of individuals you are going to deal with if you merge
with USAIR. Not only were my usair "friends" calling me and telling me they were going to take all of our 777 and 747 seats due to their "seiniorty rights" but my crew and I almost got into a fight from our 737-200 with a fokker 100 crew in GSO because of this very issue. Some USAIR pilot opened his mouth and all hell broke loose from that point on. They are like vampires and will suck all your money.
Look waht they did to PSA (old PSA) Piedmont (old PIedmont) and Mohawk. These guys will take you for everything.
Lesson to be learned. They eat their young...they look out for number one...and they are a loser airline. Be careful and pray the merger doesn't go thru.

Good luck AWA 'ers!

exusflyer said:
Let's be for real is not most or all of U's pilot's over 50. If so how long would they really be around to occupy those jobs?

Yup, the average age of a US Airways pilot is 54.
would that be the average of all pilots on the seniority list or all currently active, flying pilots?
All the nice words don't mean squat. Just so much wishful drivel. When it comes down to seniority, money, and who's job stays and who's job goes . . . . the daggers will come out, guaranteed.
The largest issue for the pilots seniority integration is going to be the fact that USairways has 1900 pilots on furlough, while AWA has been hiring.

No AWA pilot is going to stand for being put behind 1900 pilots who are possibly waiting to come back, although I believe only about 1000 of those on furlough would actually come back, if that many.

It will get ugly, and it will get nasty. Hopefully it won't happen. It will not be the answer that the airlines are looking for.

On a more personal note, Boeing 787's comments are fuel to any seniority integration fire. I find his comments typical of the UAL pilots who espouse how dreadful the U pilots were during the proposed merger. I had a few run ins with them, but for the most part, they are a small majority, just like I am sure that U had a few morons running their mouths.

I have a few friends who fly for UAL. I count them as good friends. However, we DON'T ever speak of mergers and seniority integrations, becuause generally they are just like 787 when it comes to those things. Noone else is worthy to fly their airplanes, for their payrates, or wear their uniform. All BS for sure, but they believe it.

This pilot bickering is why the pilot salaries will continue to go down. Just go out of business so my pay goes up thinking will never work. United waves their alpa pins around, but when it comes to walking the walk during a possible merger, they prove they are hypocrits.
calibrator said:
I'll tell you what, strictly speaking from a ex mechanic's point of view. When I started at U in early 1990 I met some of the most ruthless men I have ever run into, guys from Mohawk and other old airlines U ended up with. These guys would slit your throat if you didn’t tow the line and walk "their" walk. Things were surely going to be "their" way and that's all there was to it. Before working at U I had been around knowing people and how they behave and thought I had it all figured out until I ran into the old U crowd who acted like grown spoiled children who would kill you and your family if things didn't go 'their" way.
You can dispute boeing787 all day long, I personally believe and agree with him 2000% knowing the mentality that is in the U employee especially the older ones who believe you must kill or be killed. Yes sir, U was one big eye opener for this guy observing the old time U employees who are without pity or compassion.

I have to agree with you.. The vast majority of old timers at US Airways are out for themselves and you can take it to the bank that ALPA will beat down the AmWest Pilot group in a heartbeat to save the US Pilots..

US Airways is filled with some of the most bitterest people in the industry.. Hard core union people who would kill you and your family for 1 hour of overtime..

Every member of the AmWest team should write to their CEO telling them this is a huge mistake.. You would be better off taking a 1 dollar an hour pay cut and adding 10 dollars a week to your medical costs vs merging with US Airways..

Huge mistake and you will all be sorry if it happens..
justaumechanic said:
I have to agree with you.. The vast majority of old timers at US Airways are out for themselves and you can take it to the bank that ALPA will beat down the AmWest Pilot group in a heartbeat to save the US Pilots..

US Airways is filled with some of the most bitterest people in the industry.. Hard core union people who would kill you and your family for 1 hour of overtime..

Every member of the AmWest team should write to their CEO telling them this is a huge mistake.. You would be better off taking a 1 dollar an hour pay cut and adding 10 dollars a week to your medical costs vs merging with US Airways..

Huge mistake and you will all be sorry if it happens..
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