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Vote Prediction

Your mechanics are making $26/hr, giving back a weeks vacation, 2 holidays and A RETRO PAYCUT. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back, I beleive that you guys have set a new precident, the first to ever give a retro concession! Your doing a great job advancing the cause of the working man.
Glad to hear that you are proud that you will be busting your butt for less!
Do they have drug testing at USAIR?
I care because I realize that in this industry what happens at one airline effects what happens at others. Selfish? Thats reletive isnt it? Are you saying that the reason why you voted Yes was driven by benevolence? Hardly. Isnt it selfish to drag down the rest of the industry? Once S-1327 becomes law your contract will be used as the baseline for future contracts. RETRO PAYCUT! Congratulations on your Industry Leading Contract!
On 9/18/2002 7:06:32 PM Bob Owens wrote:


Glad to hear that you are proud that you will be busting your butt for less!

Do they have drug testing at USAIR?


BOB OWENS........Honey....... .Sweetiepie...... I don't work for USAirways. I am a US1 (very, very frequent flyer). I live on the airline and use them to fly all over the country and GLOBE for work. If it wasn't for the professional and friendly people of USAirways I would be having to fly your airline. Thank god I don't have to.

In my industry today our CEO announced the growth that my company has experienced and will be rewarded by come first quarter 2003. We all busted our butts during the last year and a half and now we are excelling. The employees of USAirways are facing this same situation and I know they will be just as successful as my company has been.

(next time read the postings more carefully before you make assinine comments)
You also didn't answer the question.............why do you care what happens at USAirways and how this affects you?
Well now I know why you wanted a YES vote. So you can fly for less cost than it would be to drive. The cheap airfares translate into more bonus money for you, babe.
The working people of the airline industry, work odd hours, holidays, and weekends. They work in all sorts of weather. They keep you safe. In order to keep you safe they work under dangerous conditions. I'm not talking about a paper cut or carpel tunnel, I'm talking about real serious injuries that every mechanic has to think about while performing his duties. Flight controls, doors and other moving parts can easily kill. Just a few weeks ago the meat-wagon took one of our mechanics out who was nearly cut in half, except for the quick reaction of his coworker. We have several workers who are presently out with serious injuries in just this one station. They deserve a fair rate of pay and its unreasonable to expect them to bear the burden of providing you a cheap trip.
Why does it concern me? Well in order to answer that I'd have to explain how things, especially contracts, work in this industry. Quite frankly I don’t have the time but if you really want to know try reading; Hard Landing by Petzinger, Turbulent Skies by Heppenheimer, Airline Labor Law by Thomas, Airline Labor Relations by Cappelli.
Basically what it comes down to is that Airlines usually operate with thin margins. The downward movement on wages at USAIR will have a negative effect on the wages of other workers throughout the industry. With the industry pushing hard for S-1327 wages will be determined by an arbitrator instead of through negotiations. While that might not sound that bad, the guidelines that the arbitrator is to use include the profitability of the company and the ability to provide an ROI. So now the liability for the performance of the company is put on the workers instead of management. Ok toots? Now do you see?
to all those that voted yes...you can pat yourself on the back for saving the status quo...but while your at it check further.. I think Dave and Scotty left a little surprise....but dont worry...as the old Doc says...you will only feel a slight pressure. Oh and BTW, if you notice fresh blood on the paper, it is normal after this procedure.(Lets see if this makes it past the moderator).and yes this is the way WE, that voted NO..feel
I have no problem with your vote, it was your choice..just you remember how you voted..because I am sure that the rest of US will. I sure hope U were correct, but if not, WE will always remind U of it.
Bob you SLAY me......I love your postings more and more each time.

I think you need a change of career. You seem so bitter. I would also suggest some good therapy. I think you're employer can provide you with some qualified doctors in your area.

As for those cheap fares I pay......or should I say my company pays. Well guess what?! THEY AIN'T CHEAP DUDE!! I tallied all the flights I've had this year so far. I have been on a plane every week this year EXCEPT 1 so far. And that week was to stay at home. Want to know how much my company has spent flying my butt around for work? $38,000......and the year ain't over yet!! And I don't think I can drive to London and Rome for work from PIT?! You know how to get there by car??

Again, you make assumptions about things you know nothing about. As for the airline industry facing it's toughest time, I am waiting to hear that your airline will be laying off people just to read your reactions. Are you a true AA employee or did you come over from TWA? Just curious.

On 9/19/2002 9:23:25 PM Bob Owens wrote:

The problem is not that the employees have unreasonable expectations, its that the public expects to be carried incredible distances at extreme velocities in extremely expensive, high maintenence machines for a pittance.

And the government expects to take better than 25% of that pittance to fund other endevours.
I think I'd like to see the actual vote numbers. Did the majority of the mechanics vote for concessions or was it just the majority of those who voted? After seeing the lame performance of Scotty Ford its quite possible that many who were against this deal didnt bother to vote out of disgust.
Does any one know the actual count on a station by station basis?
Boy I went from sweetie to bitter. I should have expected as much. Considering.

Therapy? Nah, thats for all those overpaid chickless old maids and movie stars that have nothing better to do with their money.

Actually I like my job. Otherwise I would have left and not bothered with all this. I just dont like being shortchanged. Just because I like my job doesnt mean that I'll do it for nothing.

So you've flown every week for $38,000. Included in there were trips to Europe. Your flying cost about $1000 per week. I'd say thats pretty cheap. Its probably far less than your earnings. Well how much do you think it would have cost you to fly to Europe 30 years ago? A lot more than a weeks pay, thats for sure. Then, for all those trips stateside figure out how many miles you've flown. Then figure out how much gas, wear and tear, and time you've saved. Honey, you got a bargain! You got that bargain off the backs of those very same professional courteous people that you are so happy to see get a pay cut. The problem is not that the employees have unreasonable expectations, its that the public expects to be carried incredible distances at extreme velocities in extremely expensive, high maintenence machines for a pittance.
Maybe I was wrong to assume that you worked for USAIR. I just wonder why someone who is not in the business would bother to post here.
Nope, never worked for TWA.
Good point. I think that Airline Employees should sue the government. The government extracts huge amounts of Taxes out of this industry. Why dont they lower the tax burden instead of pressuring the employees to give concessions? They could easily raise them again when things get better-(Keynsian). The ATSB has set unreasonable terms for the loans (7%ROI!). What kind of government seeks to lower the living standards of their citizens, while at the same time cutting taxes for its richest citizens? I know we couldnt win, after all, the Judges are in the government also. But it could be a forum to get our side out. It makes a reasonable arguement. The Republicans are always *****ing about taxes. Here they can cut taxes and leave all that money in the hands of workers so it can be spent. Part of our arguement could be that the government has not remained neutral because it derives a considerable income from the industry and stands to benifit from our reduced wages.The President and the VP are both from the petroleum industry and lowered wages will take the pressure off oil companies to lower fuel costs. They wont be expected to lower them for six years anyway. Who knows its worth a shot?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/19/2002 9:23:25 PM Bob Owens wrote:
[P]Maybe I was wrong to assume that you worked for USAIR. I just wonder why someone who is not in the business would bother to post here.[BR]Nope, never worked for TWA. [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Well, why not? Airlines do have ownership interests as well as vested interests - through employment or FF accounts.[/P]

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