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Vote Prediction

On 9/17/2002 5:48:58 PM B707B wrote:

I 've got a bad feeling about this one....62 no...38 yes. I hope that I am wrong.

Nobody wants this to pass more than I do but Im afraid I have to agree with you B707B... 57% no.... 43% yes
On 9/17/2002 7:06:01 PM tug_slug wrote:

On 9/17/2002 6:49:28 PM chipmunn wrote:
US has West Coast mechanics who I believe have their polling completed at 7:00 PM PDT or 10:00 EDT.


Polls on the West coast close @ 17:00 PDT... 22:00 EDT.
I hope the guys counting the ballots are better at math than you are. 1700 PDT is only 2000 EDT. I think Chip is right: 1900 PDT which is 2200 EDT.
On 9/17/2002 6:49:28 PM chipmunn wrote:
US has West Coast mechanics who I believe have their polling completed at 7:00 PM PDT or 10:00 EDT.


Chip, that is almost three more hours. You may be able to get off a few more threatening posts to the guys, if you hurry ! That should win them over.......NOT....
On 9/17/2002 5:48:57 PM UAL777flyer wrote:

A lot of people talk tough on anonymous message board forums and amongst their coworkers, but when it comes down to actually casting a vote, cooler heads prevail. I'm not saying that's always the case, but often times, it is. So while many will come on this board and tell us that they voted "no", many will have probably voted "yes" but don't want to admit it.
Thats so true you know. Say what you want in public, but in the privacy of the voting booth, the YES's should rule- but try and find one who will say so after it passes is the hard part.
My guess on this vote I will not say;
Tomorrow will tell if Dave has his way;
In years far from now we will see;
If things turn out how he says it will be;
The past is upon us once again;
What is now is what was then;
Frank Lorenzo he did pioneer;
He’s back again in a Dave veneer;
When he looks out his window, to his surprise:
Is a clear, blue, ‘empty’ sky;
Being an expert on the microeconomy;
The director of Maintenance he wants to see;
Tell me now, How can this be?
Planes on the ground make no money!
Your guys have got to stop fooling around;
And get my damn airplanes off of the ground;
Fooling around! Not so! the director cries;
Their all working, come see with your eyes;
So out of the office they both stamp;
To see the spectacle out on the ramp;
Fully blossomed engines are all they see;
Look sir, at all the productivity!
Dave scratches his head and starts to frown;
How can I make money when my planes are all down?
This is not right, this can not be!
They can not do this to me!
I pay them less;
But I’ve got a mess;
The savings, he finds, they are elusive;
When mechanics become, inconclusive;
I really thought I had them beat;
But they way they make overtime is quite a feat;
The ink is black or blue, so its said;
But to Dave it means one color,and that’s RED!
Trying out a new line of work there Bob? Poet? Now I've seen everything!

I'd tell Bob not to quit his day job, but his coworkers would be upset if I told him that. Maybe just a NEW day job, without the poetic license.
[P]Congratulations to new member US10 for guessing the closest - 54 yea; 46 nay.[/P]
[P]Semi-congratulations to new member tug_slug for guessing the breakdown - 57 to 43, but boo on tug_slug for having guessed the opposite way. Oh well.[/P]
[P] [/P]

Why are you so concerned about U? Tonights results will hopefully save this airline. Why does this bother you so much? Yes there will still be layoffs, but when my company did the same thing twice last year (5000 total cut) the remaining employees kept working strong and we beat all projected estimates for the last 2 quarters of this year. Those that felt slighted by the loss of their coworkers ended up leaving the company for greener pastures. Those of us that were still employed are reaping the benefits. I infact received a total 10% increase. Was this because of those 5000 employees were cut? Not likely. It was because I busted my ass and did my job and I excelled at it.

Any mechanic with your mentality should look for new work. Obvisiously you and those like you have no business keeping those of flying, safe.
A320 Driver;
I would say that you havent seen anything yet. My prediction is that the mechanics will get their money to pay their bills regardless of the pay cuts. They will just work the OT. The mechanic can make more money with the airplane on the ground than in the air.
Remember over 40% of the mechanics are very unhappy, the other 55% are not exactly thrilled either. Last February one carrier ceased operations for 24hrs out of JFK because they claimed that 10 to 15 mechanics out of 400 were having a job action.(We dispute this claim) The company claimed that they made excessive write ups that caused, according to news reports, hundreds of cancelled trips. How 15 mechanics could do this is beyond me. But if 3% can supposedly cause this much havoc what's it going to be like when 40% are very ticked off? And most of the rest are not exactly going to exhibit a can do attitude either. The YES vote was not a vote of confidence or trust. It was the result of threats and blackmail. All that cheerleading We Can Do It crap doesnt work on mechanics. I'd guess that even most of the YES men feel that they've been cheated.
There is only one Airline CEO thats ever been a mechanic, Gordon Bethune of Continental. He said in his book From Worst to First, that you dont want to get your mechanic mad at you, because if you do , he is not going to fix your airplane and there's nothing you can do about it. He will work on it all night but he wont fix it. Do you think that USAIR mechanics are going to work harder to make less money? The longer that thing sits on the ground the more money he makes. Selfish you say? Well lets face it, Dave basically held a gun to their heads, this isnt exactly a betrayal on the part of the mechanic now is it? Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm a mechanic, I've probably got a better line on how these guys are thinking than a pilot or a CEO.

No where to run no where to hide on this board. We know your true motives and thus your rants don't work here.You are the weakest link...Good Bye!!
Bob, give it up, the majority of 57% of mechanic and related have spoke, go back to AA and worry about them. Is your life that empty that you have to throw barbs at our mechanics?
And..very soon Bob this is going to be your problem too. This train is headed your way man. American said that it needs a 3 BILLION $ yearly reduction in expenses. I wonder if they will approach the employees for concessions or just remove another olive from the salads in first class. At any rate I won't be over on the AA boards telling a group of employees that I am not even connected to how to handle their affairs. Go back home man, you have your own problems to deal with.
Mr. Owens

I have to ask----why do you care? Why have you been absolutely relentless in your quest to tarnish this vote? My guess is your reasons are purely selfish, am I correct? You do work for AA, not US, right? Or, maybe you could tell me so many of your friends are US Mechanics, and you are concerned for their welfare. Please. Find some manners.

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