There are some things more important than dollar per hour....quality of life. He sums up the reason I retired,plus. I truly want AA to succeed and be successful but I also would like to see some honorable decisions being made when it comes to the employees. As a shareholder I value corporate integrity equal to the bottom line. You can have both.
I agree, but AA management did not just go after money, they went after QL too, even going as far as demanding that we return half of our uniforms so they could simply throw them in the garbage. This was nothing more than a symbolic act on the part of the company, taking the clothes off our back for no reason whatsoever than to show their power. Taking back the uniforms didnt save them a dime or add any value to your stock, it only made what they did to us even more bitter.
You can have both.
Not with this mangement team you cant.
Read the attachment from another long time employee who recently quit. I know Mike, good guy, good mechanic, but I can say that he was not a union man, more pro-company than union, even put in for management at one time. Ironically AA is losing the ones who are the most pro-company, the ones who would rather not fight, thats making the remaining pool of workers more militant, not less.