Lets get the vote started. myself and alot of others will not be voting. 😛 😀 🙄
What Me Worry?
Seems the ibt is scared and begging for cards as they know you are lame ducks.
we were cloned at the last training session deep in the basement of the William Winipisinger Education Center.Is it only me who has noticed that when 700 is "attacked" that delldude comes in several minutes later with a quip and a silly photo attachment? Is this the same guy?
The only thing you have to look at is we are only TEAMSTER MEMBERS.we were cloned at the last training session deep in the basement of the William Winipisinger Education Center.
GET YOUR A/P ON THE LINE. NO LICENSE BOY OR GO GET A BIG CUP OF SHUT UP AND GET ME A BOX OF RAGS TO WIPE UP YOUR TEARS.It works that you can upgrade, their are many mechanics that have stores or utility time and vice versa.
Even if the IBT doesn't have enough cards there is still a decent possibility the transitional agreement to merge our two workforces will dull the pain of a weak IAM contract.
WELL WE WILL NOT WALK.LOLI have a question for both unions: What are you going to do when the company starts hiring replacement mechanics in '09??? The End
PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS AS YELLING IT IS JUST EASY FOR THE OLD TO READ ON SMALL 13 IN SCREENSHey, I'm not really takin sides here but please Please PLEASE awausairtech easy on the caps lock.
As has been stated before, unless you are offering Ginsu knives with your posts there is no real need to “yellâ€.
Thank you.