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Finally, we will have a union who will know how to properly represent its constituency.

I agree with you the C41 reps have been a complete disaster for your pilot group. Of course, you reap what you sow my friend and in this integration story you guys sure are reaping!
Your mindset is exactly the reason USAPA is a bad idea. And if it does become the new bargaining agent, dragging the combined airline down may well become a reality.

And your sophomoric "worsties" comment is another sign that you would do nothing more than exclude the West pilots from meaningful input to a new bargaining agent. 1800 disenfranchised members, thank you very much.

USAPA still has not shown me it is a better option than ALPA. ANd if you are one of "the other guys" founding father's, your posts here have made a strong case to remain with ALPA.

I am NOT a USAPA founding father, unless you consider my getting my card in during the first week counting as such.

USAPA has my vote, my support, and bit of my money. That's all so far.
1995 Airline pilot average pilot wages
American $112,190
Continental $90,461
Delta $129,313
Northwest $154,586
United $135,728
US Airways $127,053
America West $77,093
Networks $124,334

1995. I guess it is simply a trademark of aging to live in the past.
1995. I guess it is simply a trademark of aging to live in the past.

I suppose the scabbing in Australia and drug running by your pilots are also considered written off your character history report. When do we consider this aging or relative history of your pilot group expired. 3 yrs, 6 or 9?

David C. McCullough:

History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.
I suppose the scabbing in Australia and drug running by your pilots are also considered written off your character history report. When do we consider this aging or relative history of your pilot group expired. 3 yrs, 6 or 9?

Hmm... Alittle reminder of Nosty's past ideas...

Sep 27 2005, 12:06 AM Post #1


Group: Registered Member
Posts: 910
Joined: 7-December 04
Member No.: 6,549

How about a dialogue as a cohesive group, that would it least cause a slight amount of indigestion to all airline management, that would, without greed, set a line in the sand for our hard earned ratings and ultimate responsibility.
Hmm... Alittle reminder of Nosty's past ideas...

Sep 27 2005, 12:06 AM Post #1


Group: Registered Member
Posts: 910
Joined: 7-December 04
Member No.: 6,549

How about a dialogue as a cohesive group, that would it least cause a slight amount of indigestion to all airline management, that would, without greed, set a line in the sand for our hard earned ratings and ultimate responsibility.

You have been with america west for barely four years and you are greedy about your windfall.

Your stature on the new list was inherited and in no way earned by you.

The rules I lived under at that time, tenure was acknowledged, not looked at as a disease.

I consider you now my enemy at this time, not part of my group.
I consider you now my enemy at this time, not part of my group.

More of the same mentality that will keep USAPA from becoming a reality as the bargaining agent for BOTH pilot groups.

How will you live the rest of your career when USAPA fails? You are already bitter and miserable. Can you even to continue to work at USAirways when that happens?

USAPA exists solely to subvert the Nicolau Award. If you guys were so unhappy with ALPA, why didn't you try to remove ALPA after the pension was given away without a vote? Was that not something that affected the entire pilot group more adversely than the Nicolau Award?

The same mentality that you accuse ALPA National and certain MEC members have displaying pervades the USAPA leadership. They too think they have all the answers, but I don't believe they have even scratched the surface at solving or even indentifying the problems that face their effort.

And just as in the past, the rank and file pilots will pay for the miscalculations and hubris of a few individuals that think they are a lot smarter than they really are.
How will you live the rest of your career when USAPA fails? You are already bitter and miserable. Can you even to continue to work at USAirways when that happens?

Yes, but I will have a totally different attitude about it.
I consider you now my enemy at this time, not part of my group.

You should really make some cards up with this quote on it to hand out to the people you'll (meaning all of USAPA, if it even becomes a factor) be forced to provide representation to in front of the company. You know, in the interest of full disclosure and all that. You do know that you're required to provide representation to all pilots, even non-members. I'm sure you do.

Will USAPA provide a separate form for westies to file grievances, maybe with this quote as the header?
If you guys were so unhappy with ALPA, why didn't you try to remove ALPA after the pension was given away without a vote? Was that not something that affected the entire pilot group more adversely than the Nicolau Award?

At the time we were collectively victims of the "boiled frog syndrome." While most of us were livid when ALPA gave our pension away, they had a follow on defined contribution plan that was supposedly going to make us almost whole. That is what kept the pilots from just "burning down the house." Then, after Siegel realized the new plan was actually going to cost more than the old plan, he whittled away at that in the second bankruptcy.

ALPA always has a solution in their back pocket when the troops get rowdy over something that has been taken away. The solutions never seem to make it for the long term. Maybe a year or two, or sometimes even a month or two, before it is taken away.

This time ALPA doesn't have a solution, and the frogs are just jumping out of the boiling water.
I agree with you the C41 reps have been a complete disaster for your pilot group. Of course, you reap what you sow my friend and in this integration story you guys sure are reaping!
The Council 41 Reps. are the best thing that ever happened to this place. Especially compared to Marshall, Lance and Don. You're right, I will reap what I sow and then some.
So you voted for it before you voted against it? The pilots gave it away not ALPA, does anyone remember the vote count? Facts are annoying.

Hmm...I just can't seem to recall any membership voting on the pension theft....Nope = none....none at all. DO refresh my memory.

The one thing I find of paramount importance concerning new representation...IS the right to VOTE on issues.

It may well be that your fondness for Alpo stems from an utter ignorance of true history.
So you voted for it before you voted against it? The pilots gave it away not ALPA, does anyone remember the vote count? Facts are annoying.

Facts are indeed annoying. One fact I could bring up is that you are ignorant. ALPA gave the pension away, not the members. No one remembers the vote count because there was no vote.
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