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usairways addresses the twu incident on usdaily

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D M G and wings396
You are 100% right now is the time to make a change. Pass the word around.

Apparantly you have not read any of my posts, let me clearly state it again for you to read and comprehend.

I do not condone any acts of violence, the IAM should remove them from any position they hold, the company should fire them and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Can I make that any clearer for you? Since this is like the third or fourth time I have posted the same opinion.
sorry to tell you 700 but if you work for the union in any capacity you represent the union - maybe the IAM should be more careful who they put on thier payroll. this time it bit them in the a@@. kinda hope it cost them big.
The members vote for steward and AGCs, yet Tony was a Vice President then elevated to AGC.

The members voted them in accordingly.

So maybe you need to address the membership and their democratic right to vote.

Membership votes, plain and simple, they elect their reps.
sorry to tell you 700 but if you work for the union in any capacity you represent the union - maybe the IAM should be more careful who they put on thier payroll. this time it bit them in the a@@. kinda hope it cost them big.

Will compassionate Democrats help stop this savagery, or will they wink at the thuggery practiced by too many unionists? After all, labor gave Democrats $89,882,124 for the 2002 elections, vs. $6,441,332 to Republicans (or 93 vs. 7 percent of donations), reports the Center for Responsive Politics' opensecrets.org campaign-finance database. Unions also gave Democrats generous, undeclared in-kind contributions.

‘Incidental’ union violence

Here’s a big surprise. Violence accompanied Nevada’s latest Teamster strike.

Are these guys dogged by bad luck, or what? Seems like every Teamster strike since the dawn of time has been “accompanied by violence.â€￾ What a surprise that, this month, it happened once again.

What’s that? You say such violence may not be a coincidence? Well, you might want to challenge the relentless naiveté at large in TV Land. An example is the account that KLAS-TV Channel 8 aired on September 9.

That was the day a judge ordered the union to stop picketing several Las Vegas locations. Multiple complaints District Judge Stewart Bell had received about Local 631 said members were carrying guns, cutting brake lines on trucks, throwing down sharpened nails in driveways, spitting on people, vandalizing property—and blocking cars entering and leaving convention sites.

On the last charge, however, KLAS-TV reporter Cindy Cesare saw the problem differently. In her eyes, it was that non-union folks were disobeying the taunting union picketers.

“The Teamster’s rule,â€￾ reported Cesare, “is that they have to cross the entrance into these parking lots three times before allowing each car or truck to pull in.â€￾

The Teamsters’ rule?!

Since when do picketers who plant themselves on a sidewalk get to set “the rulesâ€￾ for men and women on legitimate business?

Clearly Ms. Cesare is oblivious to the rank harassment inherent in making a driver sit and idle his or her engine while a line of parading picketers makes its way back and forth in front of the vehicles three different times. Perhaps she’d grasp the nature of the abuse more quickly if, each time she sought to go about her business, a thrice-parading picket line blocked her. Or maybe something else—incidents like those that concerned Judge Bell, above—would be required before the light of understanding begins to twinkle.

The fact is, the long history of labor disputes in this country is a long history of union violence. No scholars question this; only the interpretations vary.

A widespread view, promoted by unions and academic apologists, is that the violence that so often accompanies labor disputes is merely “incidentalâ€￾—and a small price to pay for the “benefitsâ€￾ of unionization.

But, notes Thomas DiLorenzo, economics professor at Maryland’s Loyola College, “a basic understanding of the elementary economics of unionism, and of the history of unionism, explains why violence against competitors has always been an inherent feature of unionism….

“Historically, the main ‘weapon’ that unions have employed to try to push wages above the levels that employees could get by bargaining for themselves on the free market without a union has been the strike. But in order for the strike to work, and for unions to have any significance at all, some form of coercion or violence must be used to keep competing workers out of the labor market.â€￾

DiLorenzo—writing recently on the Mises Institute website, www.mises.org—goes on to quote Morgan Reynolds, former chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor:

“A union’s problem is painfully obvious: organized strikers must shut down the enterprise, close the market to everyone else—uncooperative workers, union members, disenchanted former strikers, and employers—in order to force wages and working conditions above free-market rates. If too many individuals defy the strikers . . . then unionists often resort to force. Unionists ultimately cannot impose noncompetitive wage rates . . . unless they can prevent employers from hiring consenting adults on terms that are mutually satisfactory

“Progressiveâ€￾ lawmakers have long secretly known that the union-organizing victories they desire require intimidation and violence. The Norris-LaGuardia Act, passed into law in 1932, constitutes irrefutable evidence.

Sections 7 through 12 of the law severely limited the federal courts from responding to cases of overt union violence or vandalism—even when no other form of relief was available to employers or non-union employees. Bizarre section 7© prohibited federal judges from enjoining violent mob activity if such injunctions would constitute a “greater injuryâ€￾ to those perpetrating the crimes! Section 8 blocked injunctions against crime and violence if a business or employer “has failed to make every reasonable effort to settle [a] dispute….â€￾

In short, the victim of a mugging must first prove that he made every effort to negotiate with his muggers, and then that the harm he’ll suffer from being mugged is greater than the harm the muggers will suffer from having to cease their crimes!

“Incidental violenceâ€￾ in a strike?

It’s not incidental at all.
Hmmmmm.....interesting. 🙂

What delldude is doing is creating a distraction. "Don't look at this incident! Look at what was written about the Teamsters in a report dated 1999! Blame the Democrats! Oh, that guy who is blind in one eye? Ignore him! Ignore the other blind guy, too! Look at the Teamsters!" Doesn't seem to be working well.
I am unsurprised that the PHL AGC was involved. He physically intimidated a member who was questioning Canale about why the District would not make a recommendation on a contract vote like the District bylaws say. The District has done a semantic hat dance around that topic, but the question is clearly not out of bounds. Nor was the member out of order - he went right by Robert's Rules.

Having said that, the District had a hard-on for the member, and he has been a burr under their saddle.

So what? He was in order and so was his question. But the Big Guy got right in his face and shouted him down, and Canale let it happen. Big Guy is about 6'3" and 250 lbs; the member is maybe 5'7" and maybe 165 lbs.

Despicable, and if he assaulted the TWU guys, I hope they put him in jail for a while.

The district knew this guy was volatile, and they promoted him one time from AGC to VP. It wouldn't break my heart for the IAM to pay for thei lack of judgement, either.
So what? He was in order and so was his question. But the Big Guy got right in his face and shouted him down, and Canale let it happen. Big Guy is about 6'3" and 250 lbs; the member is maybe 5'7" and maybe 165 lbs.

This guy?

I could take him! He's all blubber!

Now this guy looks like a real goon.
Not to say violence is the answer to anything..

Acts of violence against a SCAB is a different story all together. SCABS know the are stealing someones job.. These TWU officials were trying to protect their members which is their job..
Acts of violence against a SCAB is a different story all together. SCABS know the are stealing someones job.. These TWU officials were trying to protect their members which is their job..

Physical violence just doesn't fly
...... 🙂
What delldude is doing is creating a distraction. "Don't look at this incident! Look at what was written about the Teamsters in a report dated 1999! Blame the Democrats! Oh, that guy who is blind in one eye? Ignore him! Ignore the other blind guy, too! Look at the Teamsters!" Doesn't seem to be working well.

truth hurt that your beloved teamsters are the most violent union on record??

your philly thing is already a dead story...only lives on amongst the TWU crowd.
justice may or may not be served.....read some of the links i posted.....
aparently breaking skulls has been recognized as a lawful union activity... :lol:

eye gave at the office
hearing TWU may have went in for this to get an extension to gain more time...... :blink:

also word is they have a kickass contract... :lol:
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