US rampers in PHL busted for smuggling

Just about everyone has had some shady stuff going on at one time or another. Back in the day, this was just about a regular occurrence at EA. I believe they even had an AC in limbo over a drug issue.

I think you're correct. The amount of money available to pay couriers/smuggling assistants/whoever is staggering. The profit margin on illicit drugs is astronomical. While paying a ramper $5000 to assist with the smuggling may seem like a lot of money to the ramper, to the drug kings $5000 is chump change. In some cases that would be one addict's weekly buy.

As Robin Williams once said, "Cocaine is God's way of telling you that you make too much money."
Just about everyone has had some shady stuff going on at one time or another. Back in the day, this was just about a regular occurrence at EA. I believe they even had an AC in limbo over a drug issue.

I hope you mean "every carrier," and not everyone.

Ok. You got me. I confess: I don't always come to a complete stop at the stop sign. And I have been known to stretch the speed limit rules now and again (and again.) That's about the extent of my "shady stuff", officer.
Pan Am employees at JFK and LGA had a huge ring busted up in the late 80's.

EA would get planes seized in MIA all the time.

And when DL bought a few L1011s from EA they found coke in the ceiling panels.

This is nothing new.
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While paying a ramper $5000 to assist with the smuggling may seem like a lot of money to the ramper, to the drug kings $5000 is chump change.

I imagine that someone who is tempted by a quick five or ten thousand dollars to do it "just once' quickly learns that you don't get to deal with the smugglers "just once" and that once you are in, you stay in.

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