Let me get this straight, an operation as big as Philadelphia only requires management to do an audit on payroll and overtime every 3 months? I don't think so !
We can't even get managers to put our overtime in workbrain when we work it! We stand on long lines in front of administration the Sunday of payroll and beg an admin clerk to authorize our mando ot before the last hour. Then we are told that only a manager can authorize overtime! Not only does it have to be manually put in Workbrain but it must be put in GPMS first and then Workbrain. Sure these rampers hacked away all by their little selves without the assistance of a manager, not a supervisor, we don't have supervisors that are managers.
So bottom line, management is at fault, management didn't manage their payroll, management did not audit their expenses for the pay period. Now they will whack the rest of us in the coming months to stand even longer on our own time to straighten out our timesheets. There aren't too many managers that even know how to use Workbrain and most don't. BUT THERE ARE MANAGERS IN WITH THIS MIX OF 25 and THEY KNOW IT!
Hope Mr. Beldon gets a 2 page story out of this by the time it is over. BRAVO!