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PHL Rampers Fired and Arrested Soon?

They nickel and dime us for everything from vacation time to sick time to pay rates. Management in Phl should be held accountable. A station this size has an overtime audit every 3 months? I think not ! This new Administration Director is doing a swell job ! As usual she will be rewarded for finding the crimminals and it will be totally ignored that she wasn't doing her job.
Fired ?? Hell, they just revoke their work-release permit and send em back to the slammer
Iam terminations up to 25, management 0.

Something a little funny with these scores?
It's amazing how fast this turned to managements fault. I'm very confident Tempe asked supervisors to sell their passwords or asked a couple of baggage handlers to steal them. I'm sure it's in the strategic plan on how to screw the employees in PHL.

Let's clear a couple things up.

Workbrain is used by many companies. US is not the only company in the USA using it. So let's stop blaming the selection or use of Workbrain. With any application there are things that can always be better. Maybe it would be better to go back to time cards so the expense of paying employees can go up and reduce profit sharing.

Usually during investigations everything does not come out at once. I am certain if there are supervisors who were helping employees they will also be fired. As a matter of fact it's much easier to fire a supervisor than union employee. They are probably dealing with the more difficult cases first (ie union employees).

If the Philly Inq. did a story trashing how poorly US was being run everyone on here would be so happy. If the Philly Inq does a story on firing an employee you immediately think the company called them. I suspect the Inq. has some good reporters looking to write stories on US and got a tip - not from the company rather another employee who remained annoymous. Look at all the leaks that come from the government - the same thing happens at all companies.

The conclusion is US Management continues its strategy of trying to find every possible way to make this board the most active. I think they actually get higher bonuses when the activity increases on this board. They must smile everyday knowing there is no way to may us happy!
Give me a break!!! The guys are thieves and so are many others, these guys got caught, it's rampant at many companies and some get caught and some don't.
Passwords are like locks on your house door, like locks on your car door. All they will do is keep an honest person honest.
Ever see a computer with a pad that records your thumbprint in order to log on?

Now following Sandcastle logic adding that technology to select workstations systemwide would be to "expensive" But having a security system that easily allows the theft of one million dollars is a far "Cheaper" solutions.

Such short term thinking leads to long term failure
Can't say as I have but IMO, it's sad that there is so much theft and dishonesty.

Has there never been theft at the old US Airways? Don't think anyone can say no and I would doubt that anyone could say no to any theft at AWA either.

So to blame the "Sandcastle" for the theft is wrong. The fault and blame lies with each and every individual that stole, whether it was union or management.
Let me get this straight, an operation as big as Philadelphia only requires management to do an audit on payroll and overtime every 3 months? I don't think so !
We can't even get managers to put our overtime in workbrain when we work it! We stand on long lines in front of administration the Sunday of payroll and beg an admin clerk to authorize our mando ot before the last hour. Then we are told that only a manager can authorize overtime! Not only does it have to be manually put in Workbrain but it must be put in GPMS first and then Workbrain. Sure these rampers hacked away all by their little selves without the assistance of a manager, not a supervisor, we don't have supervisors that are managers.

So bottom line, management is at fault, management didn't manage their payroll, management did not audit their expenses for the pay period. Now they will whack the rest of us in the coming months to stand even longer on our own time to straighten out our timesheets. There aren't too many managers that even know how to use Workbrain and most don't. BUT THERE ARE MANAGERS IN WITH THIS MIX OF 25 and THEY KNOW IT!

Hope Mr. Beldon gets a 2 page story out of this by the time it is over. BRAVO!
I'm sure most of us wouldn't if it weren't for all the xld flights, oversales and mando overtime. We don't pick up too much vol ot since shares was given to us. Blood money. But when we are forced to work 16 hours a day due to mando, you bet we want the money.
Philly Rocks
I can't tell you what to do but there is no way I would stand in that kind of line for something that's their fault. If it can't be authorised at least within 24 hours or before the pay period is up just say no. You do not work for free.
Pineybob is always right. It's management's fault there is not a single employee accountable for anything at US.

US should have just been liquidated in bankrupcy court. This way we would not be having these problems and everyone would be very happy on this board.

It is managements fault that they were looking at this and auditing what is going on in PHL. They should have kept letting this continue. Let's see:

Who identified the problem? Management

Who audited what was going on? Management

Who identified the causes of the problem? Management

Who took action to resolve a problem? Management

See a trend here?

Does anyone know how many people take jobs at vendors that supply their companies. In my career I have had many people go and work at vendors which has usually improved my ability to deploy and use the product since they take knowledge of my industry, etc. to the vendor. I'm sure 95% of the people who change jobs are doing it for a kickback vs a legitimate job change.

It might look like 25 to 0 however, does anyone have proof that no one in management has been dealt with?

I can't speak to his private e-mails.

I propose we let the employees run philly for 6 months and see how they do in turning that operation around. I have flown into and out of philly for 20 years and it has never been a good Operation dating back to legacy USAir before Piedmont, PSA, etc.
Let us run Philadelphia solo, you would be shocked! Flights would leave on time, passengers would be treated with dignity and respect and we would make the headlines of the Phl Inq. while doing this.

Now I have a rebuttle for ICW.

Who identified the problem 3 months later: Management
Who decided to audit the problem 3 months later: Management
Who identified the causes of the problem 3 months later: Management
Who took action to resolve the problem 3 months later: Management

Now pat yourself on the back that you messed up but still believe you are right!

Now I have an answer for coachrowsey,

Do you really think we wouldn't love to walk on mando? You see if we did we would be terminated for job abandoment ! Senior managers are the only managers that have authorization to allow you to work a shift extension. This will not be put in Workbrain until the day after. Nine times out of ten it is not authorized so the only solution is admin who ultimately sends you back to the senior manager and only he/she can adjust your Workbrain. These managers have conference calls all day long regarding the usage of overtime, there is no excuse
Agreed. Management does need to tighten control on the compromised system as well as look into whatever other systems may be compromised but the theft still lies at the feet of the theives. Just because there are bicycles in the driveway and no one appears to be home, doesn't mean that they should be taken. Anymore than time and pay should be taken as it has been. Didn't these people have parents to teach them right from wrong? And as supposed adults, they should know better. Enough from me. Nite all.